The 60-mile drive seemed to take forever, and I contemplated the things I knew about Silk. During our chat we had played truth or dare (without the dare, lol) and both of us said some revealing things about ourselves. He's also got a blog on MySpace, so I had read about things that had been going on in his life. He accepted an invite to my blog, but I wasn't sure if he had read any of my exploits. I would have been more comfortable if he had though. Since Silk was going to be the designated driver, his friend Bratcher (a local radio DJ) was there too and we were all going to go together. I was kinda glad someone else was there, cause you never know how people really are until you meet them. I didn't have to worry though, Silk was a gentleman.
I'd seen his picture before so I knew he was attractive, but now that I saw him close up, I noticed he had real pretty eyes and a nice smile too. The color of his eyes is hard to describe. To me they seemed to change with his mood. He's a single dad, around 6ft (I think), half Polish and Cherokee, with a nice build and kinda stocky (nice butt too!). He's got a shaved head (like alot of guys who lose their hair, but on him it looks good), and wears 2 silver hoops, and diamond studs. He hugged me when we first met, and my nipples got hard pressing up against his chest. He kissed me a little bit later when I told him it was good to finally meet him, it was sweet.
He went to take a shower while I smoked a little and watched some TV. After I heard the shower quit running, I went into the bedroom to finish blow-drying my hair (Ion hair dryers are great for making straight hair shiny). The bathroom door in his bedroom it was open partway and I kinda peeked at him (I know, I'm a fucking perv, lol) as I dried my hair. He had just finished shaving and his head (and er other parts) was smooth as silk. And since he was shaved, I got a real good look. He had a nice thick cock, and was sporting a semi too, lol.
I asked him if he could put some lotion on my back, and pulled off my top. He had put on some microfiber briefs (love how those make a hardon look!) but I noticed his stiffy got stiffer after rubbing the lotion into my back tattoo. I thanked him and went into the bathroom to rub lotion into the parts I could reach. He followed me in and kissed me properly this time. Mmmm, he kissed nice too! So while he watched I squirted lotion all over my tits and smoothed it on. I figured I'd better quit, or we were never going to get out, lol.
We went to a small college-type club named Tidballs, where we saw a group called Young Billy Walker. They played rock and blues cover songs, and some original music too. The lone female of the group, Andrea, really kicked ass on the blues harp (harmonica). I just loved her attitude! There was this one lady there, Renee, who was dancing solo the whole time. She was fun to watch, just twirling around there on the dance floor, not caring who was watching, just totally into the music. I loved that. I was drinking Smirnoff Ice and shots of Jose' Cuervo, about 4 of each I think, lol. I was having such a good time I kinda lost track. Silk is really heavy into the local music scene, which I thought was helluv cool, I'm into music too. We danced and I drank and got well, pretty fucked up since I knew I didn't have to drive. About the middle of the second set we decided to go. Good thing too, I wanted Silk to fuck me silly out before I passed out, lol.
The sex was hot, that much I remember, though the details are pretty sketchy from all that Tequila. Now mind you 8 drinks might not seem like a lot to you, but all 8 of those drinks were on an empty stomach. I also live in a dry county (no alcohol sales, period) and I don't drink much these days except for my home made wine. So Techy was really shitfaced! I had brought with me a little backpack, and packed a couple toys, a sexy outfit, and a mini tin of peppermint altoids (bseg, remember from my previous post about the mind-blowing head?) I started pulling things out of the backpack as soon as we got there.
I put on the dress, laid out the toys and candy, sat down and got high. After that, the rest gets a little fuzzy. I remember I wanted to suck his hard, thick cock for a long time, but really realy REALLY wanted to feel him deep in my pussy. The dress got thrown off really quick, lol, as I reached for my purple egg and climbed on top. It had been so long since I'd had a dick that, well (this is kinda blunt), stretched me out. It was awesome and as soon as I hit that clit with the egg, I started cumming, which really surprised him I think. He was grinning ear to ear as I rocked on his cock and my juices flowed down to his smooth balls. I think I got really loud too, but I'm not sure. The better the sex, the louder I get, so my guess is yea, lol.
During a brief pause I remember him asking if I had cum that quickly on anyone else before. Now why do you guys out there do shit like that, especially the first time you're having sex with someone? Don''t make us evade the question or tell a white lie. Because I don't care who you are, sex is never the best the first time around. How can it be? You don't even know the other person's body yet. Sure, you'll probably get lucky and hit it on the button a few times. But when you finally learn how to push those buttons on your lover, when and in what order, then throw in a little love . . .mmmmmm, there's nothing like it. (Heavy Sigh)
But I digress, lol.
I've been sick all week with a bad tooth and now a sore throat. I haven't even felt like playing with myself (I know, that is SO not me!), and never got to finish this the way I wanted to, but I'll sum it up. I was so fucking hung over the next day I almost got sick. We had some really good sex that morning though, and I felt pleasurably sore the next day, hehehe. I had a really good time and hopefully he'll give me a booty call sometime, lol. I'd like a chance to get a little freaky with him when I'm not so drunk. One thing though, he's on MySpace and even though I don't care for MySpace (too sloppy looking) we added each other as friends. In his comment to me, he wrote "From a young prince to an old goddess. . ." OLD GODDESS??? I got a little offended, I mean he is 30 and wouldn't exactly call that YOUNG . . . but old? I'm never going to be old, even when I'm 100 (and yes, I will see my 100th birthday at least, it's been prophesized, lol). Old is a state of mind, and that is all. And since I'm constantly changing my mind . . .just kidding. I just refuse to stagnate and follow the norm of society, so I will never be old . . .
Footnote: I hadn't seen JD all week really, except for Monday, when he said he was horny and I asked him "Isn't that what your wife is for?" lol. I told him I had gotten laid over the weekend and I wasn’t needing any at the moment. I had gotten a couple of 1-day contracts servicing routers in banks this week, so I was away. He stopped by this morning (Saturday) while I was cam-chatting on Anywebcam, and I went to my window to talk to him, half naked of course. We talked for a sec, him grabbing his dick while I flashed him, lol. I logged off and went outside to burn one with him. We talked for a few and he was saying how he had been busy this week, but stopped by a couple times and I was gone. "But I'm ready for some more." he laughed and flashed me his hard cock. It looked good enough to eat, if I didn't have this sore throat. He said he was thinking about stopping by later this evening, hint hint. I'm feeling a little better, which means I'm feeling horny again and that cock sure looked good! I found a quote off of Archerly's 360 page "Not everything must be meaningful. It's ok if some are just FUN." and I thought "Hmmmmm, now that is profound . . ." So now I am re-thinking my edict on not fucking married men . . .
Footnote II: After all this happened today, my son mentioned that he tried calling for several hours yesterday afternoon (while I was out on a job) and got a busy signal. He needed something or other signed so he called home from school. No one was here during that time, and I KNOW I logged off the internet because the dialer window was on the screen when I left, and it was still there when I came back. So I decided to do some checking in my logs (I really am a tech you know, lol). Much to my surprise, someone dialed out at 1:38 in the afternoon and disconnected at 3:42, about 30 min before my sons are due home from school. I checked in all the normal places but I couldn't see in my history where anyone had been browsing. Even though it is possible to cover your tracks if you know what you are doing. I started thinking and remembered JD saying he had been by and I was gone, and I realized he had keys to the property, or did at one time anyways. JD ended up coming by at about 10:15, right when I was getting ready to chat. I went outside to burn one and told him I wasn't feeling well, and felt funny with the boys home. I told him to stop by on Monday and he said he would, but I really just want to see his face when I ask him about it. Talk about a fuckin buzz kill!
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