OK, now where was I? Oh yea, Bubby called me (for background on Bubby see HERE , HERE and HERE , lol). The last time I had seen Bubby was almost 2 weeks ago, when he called and asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him, his brother and his wife (GF actually) on their boat. I hadn’t caught anything in the Ohio river in a while so I told him “I’m on my way!” and drove out to Owensboro. We had a pretty good time, but Bubby was a little too dunk for my tastes, on the border of dumbass. The way he was acting was a real turn off.
I could still tell my suspicions about Bubby and his Brother’s girlfriend were probably correct, with the way they were almost flirting with each other. It didn’t bother me though, after the last time we were together I really wasn’t interested. I ended up catching the first (and only) fish, which seemed to piss her off, so it was time to go home. We went back to their place, to finish drinking one and I packed my gear back in the car. Bubby had taken a shower and tried to get me to come with him in his room, but I turned him down, and went home by my lonesome, much to his disappointment. I was still pissed about the 2 fingers shoved up my ass thing and as booty calls go, he doesn’t really do it for me anymore (god that makes me sound like such a bitch, lol).
So anyways, Bubby calls me up and asks if I wanted to come over for dinner, wine and a movie maybe, and he had some smoke too. He’s back living at his Mom’s due to a fight with his brother (something about the GF), but friends of his let him house sit while they went to Florida for vacation. Any excuse to get out of the house is a good one, so I waited until the visiting kid’s Mom came and picked him up, and drove out there. The house was really nice, and dinner was great. We ended up getting pretty buzzed and watched a movie, and me made popcorn from scratch.
These people had a new living room suite covered with this dark red ultra-suede like fabric that was nice and soft. The couch was big and comfy, but I loved the arm-chair chaise lounge, and sat in that while we watched TV. He asked me why I was sitting so far, and I told him it was really comfy and I liked it, but eventually ended up laying next to him on the couch. We had kissed lightly a couple times during the evening, but I had let him know that I had to go home. He kept mentioning stuff (trying to play the guilt card), like I was lucky, this was for my birthday, he cooked me dinner, made me popcorn, got high, blah blah blah, while asking me if I was sure I had to go.
I was like “Now I KNOW he doesn’t expect me to pay with pussy cause he made me dinner and got me high”. Sorry, but I think men are just so stupid sometimes. The guilt card may work with some, but not in the real world with me. Well, I told him no, so on my way out we smoked another doobie. We started talking and he started telling me how shitty it was living at his Mom’s, how his divorce was going. Then he said he knew I had to go and it was good having me over, he was glad he called me, etc. He then admitted to being lonely and he just wanted some company, and that how good it would be if I stayed, but he understood if I had to go.
For real, I had had a pretty full day already, sexually speaking (remember my slut comment? It’s biting me now, lol), but I looked in his eyes while we were talking and realized he was pretty sober. He had his emotions written all over his face for a change and that’s when my empathy kicked in. I hate to see (most) people hurt or in pain. I pick up on others vibes like radar and pay attention to body language, more than what someone’s mouth may be saying at the time. To make long story short, I eventually gave in and spent the night. What can I say? I’m a sucker for friends in pain.
We laid back down on the couch (after I had went into the bathroom and secretly removed the panties I had worn under my dress) and started making out. He noticed the missing panties right away and grinned while I unbuttoned the front of my dress. Bubby got up and gabbed a towel to lay down and I thought “smart boy, he knows how much I cum”, lol. We started making love on the new sofa, I had his cock in my face and he had his fingers deep in my pussy. I just love teaching guys how to find my g-spot if they’re receptive, lol.
As I was licking the hell out of his dick, he confessed he really REALLY loved the peppermint Altoids (curiously strong!) I used on his blowjobs. I told him unfortunately I didn’t have any in my purse (I got to remember to fill my travel tin) so a regular blowjob would have to suffice. That’s when he told me no one had ever given him head like I had before, and remember “That’s right, you’ve never cum in someone’s mouth before . . .I’ll have to take care of that” and proceeded to suck his cock like it was air hose and I was drowning, lol. “Well, I don’t really want to do that right now, cause I want to feel that hot, tight wet pussy.” I still kept sucking though, and fingering my pussy and moaning all over his dick.
“Damn girl, you better quit before you make me cum.” he warned me, so I stopped. The couch was nice, but way to comfy for fucking, so I got up and laid down on the new rug. “Wait, here’s the towel.” He said, taking it off the couch and putting it on the floor and laying down. “Hmmm, time for dessert” I thought, as he spread apart my legs and started licking me lightly. I knew he really didn’t care for eating pussy unless he’s drunk (remember the previous post?), so I was kinda surprised he was doing it. It was then that I realized, I don’t think we had ever had sex when he was sober before.
He was attentive, enjoying my body as he caressed me into pleasure. I was really digging the way he was playing with my pussy, light touches on my clit and lips while other fingers probed for just the right spot. He got all excited as he kissed me and I moaned with pleasure in his mouth, and dripped on his fingers. “Stick your cock in my face!” I whispered in his ear. He sat up eagerly and soon I had him balls deep in my mouth, loving every inch of it, really getting into the moment.
While we were making out on the couch he had told me I could do whatever I wanted with him, and I know what that means! Normally I woulda jumped at the chance of “anything I wanted”, but I decided to restrict my passions, it wouldn’t be fair since he was just a friend and FB, and I had no romantic inclinations anymore. Instead once again, I was giving him more oral sex than he had ever had in his marriage, and he was diggin it too (who wouldn’t? lol).
Even though I still wanted to take his “came-in-her-mouth” cherry, he wanted to feel my pussy more, and crawled down and pulled my legs wide apart. Licking his fingers, he played with my clit again, as if asking permission. I could smell our lust radiating through the air, like heat waves from asphalt on a steamy summer afternoon. He parted my lips and slid inside me deep. Ohhh I was hot! I could feel my pussy muscles contract on his cock, trying to pull him deeper inside. Did I ever mention I have very good pussy control? Lol
I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him to me tighter, gyrating my pussy on his cock, rubbing my clit back and forth in the process. Damn I was so fucking wet! I could feel my juices flowing on down to puddle in my asshole. Reaching between my legs with my hand, I started rubbing his cock (and my clit) as it slid back and forth inside of me. I felt myself cumming again and so did he. I stretched my arm and inserted a finger in my pussy to keep company with his cock. It drove him crazy and I felt his throbbing cock swell even more.
His excitement got me even hotter, so reached out and put another finger in, crowding his cock. Both of my fingers were were hooked onto my g-spot and hitting it just SO and my pussy started convulsing in orgasm. I was cumming loudly and gasping “ohhhh, fuck me faster, faster!” and that was all she wrote. Bubby’s eyes rolled back in his head and he made the “O” face, while his body shook and his cum flowed into mine. His body twitched in time with my pussy muscles as I squeezed every drop of cum out of him.
We laid down there on the living room rug (still on top of the towel, lol) and fell down into a snuggly sleep. I woke up around 4:30 and drove home, as the morning sky just beginning to lighten at the edges. When I got home I logged online (of course, internet junkie that I am) and began camming and chatting on ANYwebcam. I saw Rod was on and we switched over to yahoo after I told him in chat I had just gotten home, and he asked “From work?” and I said “Um, no”. He’s been having a real hard time adjusting to the fact that I’m not in love with him. Unfortunatley for our friendship, jealousy has reared it’s ugly head (not me, I don’t get jealous, just possessive, lol).
Here’s how the end of our little chat went:
rodney dangerous: hunnie...i want to thank you for being honest...dont feel like you did anything wrong...this is all about me... you have told me you were not in love with me...and you have been honest...i am so sorry for making you feel bad... i will always love you and hope to remain your friend for life
rodney dangerous: hell when I quit shakin and feelin like puking I will be fine
thesexytech: I hope u feel ok now hunny
thesexytech: are you feeling better now?
rodney dangerous: am i supose to...did i upset you?
thesexytech: well feeling bad isn't good
rodney dangerous: i can take it np
then after some chit chat, this:
rodney dangerous: wish i could make love to you
thesexytech: would that make all my problems go away?
rodney dangerous: i doubt it and it would add to mine....i am so sorry for bein so fucked in the head
thesexytech: hell, even if it didn't make my probs go away, sure would make me forget em for a while
rodney dangerous: i suppose
thesexytech: cheer up sweety, I hate to see you down
rodney dangerous: seems I only chase the impossible dram...and never find the pot of gold
thesexytech: there aint no pot or gold, I found that out looong ago
thesexytech: if we're lucky, we'll just find pot
rodney dangerous: just a big bucket of shi.....
thesexytech: ah now now, life isn't that bad
rodney dangerous: well i never thought i would feel this way again
thesexytech: shes on her meds, isn't it helping? (I’m talking about his GF)
thesexytech: feel what way again?
rodney dangerous: yes and no..she wanted me to fuck her lastnight ...but i was holding out for you.....should have listened to you
thesexytech: you shoulda fucked her
thesexytech: don't hold out for me
thesexytech: you loved her once, yes?
rodney dangerous: if i would have known .....i seem to be stuck on stupid......i just didn’t wanna believe it wouldn’t develop
thesexytech: well, now you know . . . get unstuck . . .and well, what do you want me to say?
(Here is the clincher)
rodney dangerous: its plain to see in your profile and blog that you aren’t the keeping kind
thesexytech: wow, that really hurt
thesexytech: thanks
At this point I started crying and got offline, he really hurt my feelings!
He wrote this after I was offline:
rodney dangerous: like i said its me not you
rodney dangerous: dont worry
And I haven’t chatted with him since. Now don’t start commenting about how wrong he was to say that, I know he’s just hurting and didn’t mean it (I hope not). But still, now I don’t even want to talk to him if he’s gonna be like that (and I know you’re reading this Rod). He was starting to make me feel like I was his personal c2c (cam 2 cam) sex toy, trying to make me feel guilty for leaving him with a set of blue balls the other day. As I’ve said before, guilt trips do not work on me, they just piss me off. I don’t play those silly games. So Rod, please, I want to be your friend hun, but not if you keep making me feel bad.
Now after all that early morning Yahoo Messenger drama, Silk (see post HERE)
IM’d me and said if I wanted to, I could come over and pick up my shoes (I had left a pair of heels at his place back in May), since he had to take the day off. My birthday is on Tuesday the 4th and I wanted to wear those shoes (not to mention needed to get out of the house, lol), so I said I’d come over. He was having a bit of baby’s mama drama (his ex-wife really) going on with her and their son (he got full custody of their 2 boys). We were only gonna be able to visit for a little while, since I would get there at 2 (an hour’s drive) and he had to be somewhere after 3pm.
Well when I knocked on the door, he said come in and met me with a big bear hug in the middle of the living room. It was then that I noticed there was this tall blond chick sitting next to the sofa on the floor. I said hello and he introduced her. I chattered with him for a few minutes, then she got up and said she had to go. After she left I started filling him in on some of what had been going on in the last day, with JD, Bubby and Rod. When I was done, he caught me up on what was happening with him in his life and told me who the chick was. It was his kinda ex-gf, someone he’d been best friends with since high school and they tried the relationship thing but it didn’t work out.
Apparently when she got there, he thought it was me at the door, since I was expected and she was not. He filled me in on some of that drama (it'’s been a helluva week for drama!) and let me know he preferred my company to hers. As I kissed him, I asked "You look stressed out hun, you wanna go relieve some of that stress?” He goes “Sure!” and off we went to the bedroom (here that slut comment bites my ass again!). Luckily I brought my own rubbers with me (better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them!) cause he was all out, lol. We gave each other head, briefly lol, and got down to business right away.
I got up off my back and turned around on my hands and knees, putting my ass up in the air, my intent clear: I wanted to get fucked! I rubbed my pussy, getting myself good and wet while he was covering his cock. As I guided him in, my pussy went into shock mode. Hmmm, I am so not a size queen, but damn, his fat cock felt soooo good! I erupted and started screaming into the pillow even before he was all the way in. I could feel my wetness as he grabbed my ass and pumped faster. I ground my ass into his hips and bit the pillow so I wouldn’t scream. I was gasping now in the throes of orgasm, when he made his final searing thrust and came. Ohhh, I hadn’t been filled up like that, well, since the last time we fucked, lol. Man, there’s a lot to be said for sex relieving stress, lmao.
Ms. TST,
Damn - another hot post. I'm sitting in my office with a rock hard cock. Obviously I'm going to have to find someone to help me get off and SOON!
Thanks in advance for the orgasm!
That is some post, and I agree, your descriptions just gave me a hard on, wish I had someone to help me release my stress......
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