It was great spending the week with Rod, even though it started kinda rocky, for him. He seemed to take it kind of hard, the things I said in my blog (and some of the comments) but we worked things through and managed to have a pretty good time. My son was even behaving awesome, for a change (more about that later), and everyone got along fine. The main snag was the simple water pump replacement. It turned into tearing half the engine apart and replacing the timing belt as well. Then the vacuum lines were messed up, and we finally got it all straightened out this morning. The car is now running even better than before.
Relationship wise, there were some strained moments. I love Rod as a friend and lover and let him know, but even though he’s in love with me he was willing to take a step back. I felt we took things way too fast (like I usually do) and that usually spells disaster for me. His main concern was that I just wanted him just for sex and that was so not true. If I just wanted sex, I could’ve had that from JD with no strings, but that’s not me. I love the companionship and camaraderie we share as well the good sex. Which leads me to the debate of FB’s (fuck-buddies) versus BF’s (boyfriends). How does one really distinguish between the two?
I mean they are both relationships (of a sort), both can be satisfying, but are FB’s just sex partners and nothing else? Can you have a quasi-romantic relationship with a FB? What are the rules and where can I look them up, lol. I’ve had strictly sexual relationships before, and BF/GF relationships uncounted. But what about a sexual relationship with a friend, where you spend time out of bed as well as in, that has no commitment or exclusivity attached? What category does that fall into? Like I said, I wish there was a rule book for these “issues”.
And now for the @#$! Teenagers! Damn my problem child! He had been absolutely WONDERFUL all week. He did his chores when asked (most of the time, lol) and was getting along with his brothers. One day he even made lunch for everyone, complete with homemade gingerbread, all without being asked! I even gave him extra money for being good and praised him everyday. That was everyday until yesterday, and then my DEMON CHILD came back. Everything was fine, until I went to the parts store and came back. That’s when I found out he had beat up his twin brother while we were gone.
Apparently he had unplugged the clock radio his twin was listening to, and his brother swung a long shoelace and hit him with the plastic part. That’s when he flipped out and started beating his brother up with his fists. Now my other son is pretty non-violent and bigger than his brother, but was no match for fury unleashed. He ended up with bruises and a bump behind his ear, while my problem child has a scratch on his chest and that’s it. Well, that was the last straw for me. This wasn’t the first, or even the tenth time he has inflicted damage on his brothers, but I wanted it to be his last.
So with his medical history (Tourette’s, ADHD, not wanting to take his meds) and propensity for anger and growing violence, I took him to a children’s psychiatric hospital to be admitted and evaluated. This is the same hospital that has an outpatient clinic in my town that he has been a patient in, and provides the therapist he sees at school, so they have some knowledge of my son. The admitting clerk (who had to fill out a dozen pages of paperwork) even saw my son nearly flip out after he learned I burned all his manga graphic novels (Japanese comic books) as punishment for beating up his brother.
Well the clerk comes back in with the Hindu psychiatrist in charge of saying who’s admitted and who is not, and what does he say? Since my son isn’t psychotic, and isn’t suicidal or hearing “voices” (who would admit to that?), they’re not going to admit him! After less than 5 minutes of talking to my son, he decides this! The Doctor was already pissed cause my son was just sitting there, reading his book and ignoring him. Apparently in India (I know, this sounds racist, but I don’t care) it’s OK to beat the crap out of someone, as long as it’s your sibling. He reminded me of the same motherfucking doctor my son went to several years ago that said he didn’t have ADHD or Tourette’s. That time I told his therapist what the so-called doctor said and she immediately got my son a new psychiatrist.
I couldn’t fucking believe it! As hard a decision it was to make in the first place, then to be turned down for help? The poor clerk didn’t know what to say. The dipshit doctor told me he could be handled in an outpatient basis, or if it happened again to bring him back and that he thought it was just a behavioral issue. I asked him what was it going to take, my son putting one of his brothers in the hospital, before they admit him? But I bet that if I had had private insurance they would have taken him. At that point I told the so-called doctor he was clueless and to leave the room, I wanted to talk to the clerk. She didn’t know what to say, she thought for sure he would be admitted, but it (unfortunately) wasn’t up to her. I asked for other options and she gave me a list of hospitals. So we went home and I drugged my son with meds he had been prescribed to help him sleep.
So that was my week, how was yours?
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