Raising them (mostly) alone, I have tried everything to get their cooperation in household duties. I’ve learned that beating ‘em doesn’t work, threatening them is futile, coercion useless, timeout was always a blatant joke even when they were toddlers. Grounding, restriction, taking TV, video games, telephone, etc. away from them was pointless, they didn’t really care, and somehow would get around it. Actually, due to the fact these boys are pretty intellegent, the only punishment/reward system that ever worked was taking their books away. Their teachers even agreed, they hated to do it, but it did provide results.
Well, since Rod’s been here, they haven’t been able to get away with jack shit. My boys really do walk all over me and I say it in jest but I really mean it, I can not WAIT until my youngest turns 18 and leaves home. I’ve been a Mom since I was 16 years old, and frankly I’m tired of it. Tired of the disrespect, tired of the conflict between them, between us. They make it so I don’t want to spend any time with them because I’m so pissed off all the time. It’s a viscous cycle that I couldn’t seem to break, until now.
Rod has been preaching at them every day, to straighten their shit up. Explaining to them that “Well, I was gonna. . . “ and “I didn’t mean to . . .” isn’t gonna hack it in the real world. Like I haven’t told them a million times before, but they don’t listen to me. Maybe it’s the “fear factor” of him telling them, because Rod doesn’t put up with nobody’s shit, and he ain’t about to let them do it to me. I don’t know, but I sooo appreciate the help.
They made me so stressed out my depression was starting to kick back in. I think Rod could tell (a blind man could tell, lol) because he was so sweet and drew me a hot bubble bath, complete with candles and told the boys to leave me alone. It was heaven, and made me horny too. So after my official “bath” was done, I turned on my hand-held shower massage. Ahhh . . . the shower massage, a single girl’s best friend. Don’t let anyone try to fool you, there’s only one reason why we buy hand-held shower massages and it ain’t to rinse our hair!
I stood up and pointed the steady stream of water directly on my clit and turned the water temperature up. The water pouring over my pussy was getting me really hot and wetter in more ways than one. I flicked the hand holding the showerhead back and forth, imagining that it was Rod’s tongue (he licks pussy really REALLY good!). I started moaning as my clit swelled and was started to throb. Then I reached up with my other hand and started fingering my hot pussy as well. That really got me going, but the angle was all wrong for “optimal” stimulation, hehehe. Being the perfectionist that I am (OK, I’m a perfectionist when it comes to orgasms, practice makes perfect!), I decided to improvise a little.
I grabbed my Venus Vibrance razor and removed the razor blade cartridge. For the uninformed, this Venus razor has a vibrator in the handle. I’m not sure if it helps you shave closer, but it definitely makes you cum harder when inserted! I wonder if the razor companies had this in mind when they invented the vibrating razor, but I’m sure the notion came up during testing. I would call it the poor woman’s vibe, but them suckers cost nearly ten bucks, more $$$ than a cheapie clit tickler! So maybe it’s a girl’s first vibe since they can’t go to porn stores, lol. Come to think of it, when I bought it, it came with a zippered carrying case and shaving cream with the slogan “From Girl to Goddess” on it. I wonder what perv came up with that product promotion? Like I got nerve calling someone else a perv, LMAO!
Now where was I? Oh yea, playing with my pussy . . . can’t stop now, lol. So with the handle in one hand and shower massage in the other, I really start to go at it. I tried several different angles with the vibrating handle and found just the right spot and leaned back against the foggy shower wall. Mmmm, all the stress and tension wash away down the drain as I imagine Rod between my legs, fingering my pussy and sucking on my clit, hitting that g-spot just right. My breath starts to come faster, my legs tighten, ass clenches and I can feel the wave building. I see his fingers in my mind’s eye, flicking in and out of my pussy, faster and faster. See the look on his face, as he knows I’m . . . right . . . THERE!
I thrust the razor handle deeper in my pulsing hole, shoving it in, lightning quick. I felt the water begin to change from hot to warm to cold as I the water heater emptied. The temperature difference shoots me right over the edge as my clit contracts from the cooler water. I start gasping and moaning, and thankfully no one can hear me in the living room over the water. My legs start to shake while my body convulses again and again as orgasms keep building and exploding in my pussy. I leave the vibrating handle inside me and reach for the cold water and turn it off completely, shocking my pussy into yet another orgasm from the hotter water, my body twitching like bacon in a hot skillet.
I put the razor together, and the shower massage back in it’s wall holster. Climbing out of the tub and into a towel, I have to sit down and rest my shaky knees. I see my reflection in the steamy mirror and grin back and my smiling face. Thanks Rod, that was the perfect bath!
Now you got me wondering Why men have vibrating razors too?
lol, to shave their balls, why else?
That is what I called a perfect relaxtion tool. LOL
This blog has me wanting to ask you a lot of parenting questions. I have no kids and I can only guess what kind of parent I would be in your situation.
My dad was born in the deep south in 1917. I learned respect and manners at an early age. "No" was not an option. He had a leather belt as a learning tool. lol
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