I hadn’t worn or seen any of them in 6-7 years, it was like catching up with old friends who haven’t changed, but you had. If anything, it gave me motivation to go and stick to the 3-day crappy Cardiac diet that I know works. I LOVE my curves, but I’ve noticed they’ve been curving a lot more, and I’m starting to feel unhealthy with the weight. So now, I’m gonna stick to it and try to drop about 20 lbs.
I tried that new Yahoo messenger Beta this week, and it has some nice features, but it got real buggy on me. I could no longer get offline messages, or messages from people not on my list. Then chat window kept opening up really big, and wouldn’t stop, but the clincher was when it started crashing when I tried opeing my cam. Needless to say, I switched back to the current version.
I’ve been chatting and talking to someone I met on 360 this past week who has totally captivated my attention, in more ways than one. His name is Anonymous and he lives in New Orleans. I first saw his smiling face in his 360 friend invite, and went hopping over to his 360 page. He’s Pueblo Indian and has this head of GORGEOUS waist-long hair (I’m such a sucker for long hair!) that makes me want to rub it all over my body. Since then, we’ve spent hours on the phone and on yahoo chatting, along with the obligatory phone sex, lol. All in all, it’s been fucking helluv fun! But since last night after sending me a phone pic, I’m now completely mesmerized, and I wrote this poem for him:
A vision in my eyes
I lay here, my naked skin sticky with summer evening humidity
Trying to fall asleep, but not really
Your face wallpapered to my screen
The look in your eyes, it’s unfathomable and oh so deep
What is it, making you look that way?
What causes the visible hunger?
You gaze out of my monitor, with a basilisk’s vision
Or a beauteous Medusa, I can’t look away
There’s something in your eyes, I want to know what it is
I want to know if it’s reflected in mine
Now he’s had me in a constant state of arrousal for several days, which made me be a bad girl. JD stopped by to get something from the shed, and I asked him if he wanted to smoke one with me. The answer was yes, of course, and we proceeded to get stoned. We started talking and as usual, the conversation turned to sexual topics. I flashed him my boobs, jokingly and he remarked how he would like to cum on them. At that point I popped em out of my top and said “Well if you want to jack off, go for it dude!”
He took his hard cock out and started stroking it, then rubbed it on my naked tits. My nipples got hard, thinking about the cock I really wish was in front of my face, and it wasn’t JD’s. After a few minutes of stroking his cock between my tits, I decided, WTF, might as well suck it a bit. I put the head of his cock in my mouth and pressed my tits together and let him titty fuck me. Pretty soon he was gasping “I’m cumming!” and I took his dick out of my mouth and jacked him off onto the cement shed floor, the cum dripping in mini puddles.
He was very thankful, but I felt kinda empty. It wasn’t him I wanted to be with, and for real I wasn’t getting anything out of it. He might’ve gotten something a little more than he expected though, I found a small patch of poison ivy rash underneath my right boob and chest. I had thought they were mosquito bites at first, till I started scratching em more. Lmao, I’d like to see him try to explain poison ivy on his dick to his wife (God that sounded so bitchy!)!
That night I took the kids over some friends’ house to watch them shoot off fireworks. Her husband was like a little kid and had a whole shitload of the good kind, BIG ones that shoot way up in the sky. One of the displays alone cost 78$, but she said since they had bought so much they got it for 28$. After the last bottle rocket was shot, and most of the people went home, the kids went inside to play video games and the adults started getting drunk and stoned on the porch. I had a really good time getting to finally know these people as my friends, and not just my son’s friend’s parents. We finally stopped drinking around 4 am and there was no way I was driving home so I crashed on the couch until morning.
July 4th . . . My birthday started off with a bang, in my head that is. I woke up at about 8:30 and was sooo hung over! I guess that was to be expected since we drank some strawberry wine, tequila, then mead (honey wine). I drove home bleary eyed with a throbbing head, my only thoughts about how good my pillow was gonna feel. Not long after we got home, a girlfriend of mine called. She asked me if I had tried looking for this one pill on the internet (which I couldn’t find) then started bitching about her old man.
I asked her if she remembered how bad she felt when she was hungover the other day, I told her that was how I felt right now. “I’ll call you back later on” she said then hung up. I settled back down to sleep, then my Mom called (along with my daughter and grand daughter) to wish me happy birthday. After trying to make the call brief as possible I tried going to sleep again. My stomach was roiling at this point, and I didn’t even have enough energy to smoke a bowl, which I knew would make me feel better.
Then my grandmother called, she’s 88 and I love her to death, she’s a tough old bird. During the growing season we would call each other almost weekly and talk gardening. This is the first year she hasn’t planted a garden. Several years ago some stupid little bitch went back down a one way alley in reverse when my Nana tried crossing the street. She had to jump out of the way to avoid getting run over and hurt her hip. I wished I was there to plant her garden for her, but she lives in San Diego. I still call her, I try about once a month, because I decided that I want to be like her when I grow up. She don’t take no shit off no one either, lol.
Anyways Nana calls to wish me a happy birthday and I tried not sounding as sick as I really felt over the phone. She told me she sent me a check in a birthday card and to be looking out for it. I so wanted to ask her some gardening questions, but I really felt like I was gonna hurl, so got off the phone quickly. I felt bad, because I never know if that’s the last time I’m gonna talk to her. At that point I gathered up my resolve and smoked a roach (Ahhh, much better) and then fell asleep until 2pm.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, I decided to stay at home. It had rained off and on most the day, so the night sky was cloudy and we decided not to go see fireworks, but I let off all the ones I had leftover from last year. No major drama from the kids really, and that was refreshing. All in all, a pretty peaceful birthday, and actually I spent the best part of it on the phone getting to know my Muse a little better.
This guy has all the qualities of my fantasy man, and a whole lot more. He’s single (that’s a plus), very attractive (not necessary but a plus), intelligent (a MUST), has long hair (Mmmm, baby), sexy voice, awesome smile, is funny as hell, creative, hornier than an old tom cat, introspective, thinks I’m hot, poetic, the list just goes on and on. He’s not flawless, by any means. He’s got that little green-eyed monster Jealousy for a pet, lol.
The best thing about him though, is his openness, honesty and compassion. I feel like I can tell him anything, he makes me feel extremely comfortable (and extremely hot!). I’m hoping to meet him in a month or so, if I’m lucky. In the meantime I’m going to go the celibate route (well, gonna try to anyways) and turned off my yahoo personal ad. I’m tired of getting nothing but fleeting pleasure (and sometimes not even that) with all the men I’ve been with lately (no offense guys, it was fun). I want something more, something deeper. Someone to tap into all those unused passions inside of me and unlock them for good. Maybe even something lasting, who knows . . . when fate and chance collide, Universes are created.
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