A friend (Thanks BH!) sent me this in an e-mail this afternoon: Tell me sexy....what is your opinion......why is that we all at some point, want something so badly, and we know in our heart it is unattainable?.....I mean we see and we know, but yet there is a part of us that just wants......and it doesn't go away easily...... (BH is a married guy with a crush on someone, whereas I’m an unmarried chick with a crush on someone, lol)
God BH, if I knew, I’d be a rich and happy woman for sure. Is it because our human nature refuses to admit defeat against all odds? Or the old “The grass is always greener . . .” analogy? Usually I find though, if we finally DO attain the unattainable, it was never really worth the final cost. And there is always some cost involved; the cost of our self esteem; loss of self respect; unintentional damage to others (sometimes intentional too);
I too suffer from this malady, I think it deserves a name, something like “Fantasias Maladia” or the Dreamer’s disease. Because really what you’re talking about is a dream, a fiction you’ve created in your mind about your “ideal”, when there really is no such thing. We all have our lists of perfection, and when something comes along and hits on key points we go “Wow, I want it and I want it NOW!” But realistically, if we had it, we probably wouldn’t even appreciate it. It would be just another conquest.
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