I fell in love with Jackyl from the very first time I heard one of their songs in the early 90's (it might have been Lumberjack or Dirty little mind). Their singer's vocals, Jesse Dupree, reminds me sooo much of Bon Scott, AC/DC's original singer. After Bon Scott died, I didn't care for AC/DC as much as I had before his death. Brian Johnson's a good singer, don't get me wrong, he just doesn't have the charisma that Bon Scott had (don't get offended hardcore AC/DC fans!). In addition to kickin' ass on the airwaves, Jackyl's live shows rock too!
Saturday night's Jackyl Concert at Club Baja in Evansville, IN was no exception. It was almost an hour and a half drive for me to get there, but since Jackyl didn't start playing until 12:30 I didn't leave the house until 10pm. On the way there, my car overheated (again). Stupid me, I forgot to check my fluids. So here I am in that low-cut dress you see in the pic above, wearing heels and sheer black panties and nothing else, as the wind whipped my dress up while I got the water jug out the trunk.
I didn't put my emergency flashers on because I hoped nobody would stop. So I filled my radiator with water and let the engine cool down some and checked over my driving directions. Now as anyone knows that uses Mapquest, Yahoo Maps, or Rand McNally, the directions you get once you are in town aren't always that accurate. I had never been to Club Baja before, so didn't exactly know where it is, and the directions they gave on their website were coming from Indiana, not from Kentucky, like I was. So now I had to stop and ask for directions when I didn't find the street I was looking for right away (it's a woman thing guys, you wouldn't understand, lol).
So I walk into this gas station with my tits half hanging out, and this dumbass clerk was like "Duh. . .Club Baja?" Luckily this young guy in line said he was going down to Marina Pointe and I could just follow him. I thanked him, and gave him a better look down my top, and got in my car. The dude had this really nice Mustang GT too, and here I was in my dusty little Toyota, lol. I followed him there with no problem. As we pulled up into the parking lot and I gave him the wave, I immediately started hunting for a spot cause the lot was FULL.
I found an unmarked spot in front of a pickup right before the parking lot entrance and considered myself lucky. I paid my 10 bucks at the door, went inside and checked the place out. It was pretty cool, located on the Evansville Marina, and it was right next to the water. Half the club was outside under a tent canopy, and that's where the band was setting up. I'm a veteran of many concerts and know what makes for a fun night, so I took care of things. 1) Take a pee right away 2) get a drink (or 2 or 3) and 3) try to squeeze through the crowd and get right up in front of the stage.
As a female, I've discovered several successful tricks on how to get to the front row at a general admission concert. First, wear something very low cut (if ya got it, flaunt it). Second, get right next to a guy that's taller than you (not hard for me, I'm 5ft tall). His eyes will naturally gravitate to your tits and he'll back up to get a better view, and your another step closer to the stage. A variation of this is bumping your boobs against one of his body parts and he'll jump back, and you're one step closer to the stage again. And don't have an attitude, smile, have a good time! People will appreciate the party vibe and let ya scoot in better.
Luckily the crowd was pretty loosely gathered around the stage and it took me all of 5 minutes to get in close. Once I got up against the stage I realized my mistake, I had forgotten to buy another Smirnoff Ice (or two) to drink during the concert. Oh well, I was in too good of a spot to want to leave so resigned myself to having a good time while being hot, sweaty and thirsty. By the time Jackyl took to the stage, I was already starting to drip sweat between my titties, but it was well worth it.
The concert was awesome! Loud as fuck and everyone was partying! They rocked the house and there the whole band was, just feet in front of me, dripping sweat all over. It made my pussy so fucking hot, and Jesse! He was singing right in front of me, his long blond hair starting to darken with sweat as he belted out another song. The drummer, Chris Worley, always wears just his underwear (and is pretty fucking hot too) was the only one on the stage not wet with sweat. Jesse finally took off his white wife beater and there it was, the chest of my dreams, less than a foot away, sweating all over me, lol.
I was dancing and screaming with along with everyone else, while Jesse sang and played guitar right in front of my face. He wore faded jeans with a square hole high up on his thigh; "easy access" pants, I've always called them, lol. About midway through their set, I got up enough nerve to finally reach up and stroke his bare leg through the rip in his pants, but he probably didn't notice. The band was passing around a fifth of Crown Royal between songs by this time. Every now and then when Jesse played his guitar while singing, I would catch him rubbing his crotch. My pussy started getting immediately wet as I imagined my hand rubbing his cock through his jeans.
Every now and then I would catch his eye and smile, as he looked down my half-exposed chest. I hope it made his dick hard. He's so fucking great to watch perform (damn, I sound like a star-struck fucking schoolgirl, lol), and his banter before singing "Dirty Little Mind" got me hotter than ever. He was getting the crowd jumpin' and described what the men should do to "all the ladies in the house, waddaya say!" He described spreading a chick's pussy lips, sticking his face down in her snatch and vibrating his lips. While he was talking, I had my hand pressed through the front of my dress between the buttons, and rubbed my hard little clit till it stuck way out.
The sweat was already running down my hair, between my tits, under my dress, down my legs and now here my pussy was dripping with another kind of wetness. I soooo wanted to rip that belt off Jesse's pants, shove his cock in my mouth and my fingers deep inside of me. But I did get to travel my hand up his leg and briefly rubbed his cock. All too soon the show was over and it was time to go. My ears were ringing and numb from being nearly on the stage, but that was all right, I had a great fucking time. That was I had a great fucking time UNTIL I got a flat tire not 15 minutes down the road.
My tires are only one and a half years old and not bald either, so I wasn't sure what happened. I pulled over and filled it with fix-a-flat (be prepared!) then limped down the road to a gas station. So here I am, at 2am with car trouble, dressed like I was, now bent over in a truck stop parking lot, and NO ONE helps me change the flat. All them damn truckers couldn't have been sleeping! After jacking the car up (it fell down once), I had to have some guy getting gas help me get the tire off (it was stuck, of course) but he didn't stay to help me fix it. So much for my freshly painted fingernails . . .
I got home without any more drama (it was 4:30 in the morning by this time) and jumped on ANYwebcam, rolled one up and started chatting a little. I chatted back and forth in The Pussy Café and perved a few cams while smoking a fat one. All in all, it turned out to be a pretty fucking good night considering all the shit that had gone on I had been a little bummed early in the day because the girlfriend that was supposed to drive and go there with me couldn't get out of work. But now, even with all the drama . . . oh wait, I forgot to mention what happened out in the parking lot.
So the concert's over and I'm walking back to my car and I notice a bunch of drunk/fucked up people parked right next to me, but sitting on their cars. This one drunk asshole goes "Wasn't that concert fucked?" and I looked at him and was like uh, no seen em 6-7 times, blah blah blah, and tried to avoid an argument. So this redneck drunk (hehehe, Jackyl does a song called "Redneck Punk"), Starts talking shit to me, and turns around and moons me while I'm standing with my keys in my hand near the trunk. So what do I do? I stick the plastic key fob (you know the kind radio stations give away?) straight up in his ass crack.
The motherfucker jumped up and goes "Bitch, you just fucked me in the ass!!!" and his drunk buddy's hit the ground rolling, laughing so fucking hard. Then he turns around and goes "Just for that, I'm gonna piss on your car." And acts like he's taking out his dick. I walked back up next to him and said "Don't you fucking lie Dude, you know you liked it. I felt you open them ass cheeks wider when I stuck it in." Everybody fell out this time, even he had to laugh and quit trying to piss on my car.
I started getting into the car then turned around and came back. I turned with my back to em and said "Since you mooned me, it's my turn now!" and I flipped up the back of my dress, showing my ass in a tight pair of very sheer, black hipster panties with aqua blue lace around the edges (my favorite pair). I got into my car listening to the whistles and wolf calls, smiling. Never let the assholes get ya down, lol. That was the parking lot drama, lol.
OK, back to the story . . . so there I am, my cam is still on AWC (but not chatting), and I'm laying on the bed naked, trying to unwind from the days events. But sleep is far away as my thoughts kept turning to Jackyl's singer Jesse Dupree. His sexy body, his handsome face, his fuckin' party attitude, his masculine smell, I had all of it, right in front of me . . . and was unable to consume any of it it in my lust like I craved. I thought of all the things I wanted to do to his body and it made my hands travel down to my pussy. Damn, I was fuckin wet again, lol.
I closed my eyes and remembered all the images from the concert. I could see him on stage, his cock right there for me to touch, the soft feel of worn denim outlining his dick as I stroked it . . . as I stroked my pussy faster and deeper. "So much for trying to fall asleep" I thought, as I got up from the bed and retrieved my purple egg and Ruffles (my dildo) from the toy drawer. I laid back down and closed my eyes, imagining me in the dressing room with Jesse. He's still dripping with sweat, it clings to his golden chest hairs and runs down his "treasure trail" and disappears into his torn faded jeans.
I slid Ruffles inside my soaking wet pussy, stroking it smoothly, with the vibrating egg on my clit. Delicious waves traveled through my body as I imagined tasting the sweat running down his chest, my tongue travelling down. Trying to nibble at his hips while unbuckling his belt, I imagined letting lose his throbbing cock. I could hear how wet my pussy was getting while I thought of taking his hands and wrapping them in my hair, while I lowered my mouth on his dick and started to suck. I fucked my pussy faster, pulling the hood up from my clit up and putting the vibe right on the tip. Fuck it felt soooo gooood!
I flipped Ruffles around and put the large end of the dildo in my pussy and gasped (my pussy is getting tighter from non-use, lol). I was imaging Jesse bending me over, spreading the cheeks of my big round ass and rubbing his cock in my pussy juices, getting it and me wetter. I could feel cum from my pussy dripping on my hand now and thought of that rockl hard cock sliding into me. I imagined how hot the view of him fucking me was from up above; how Jesse could look at my tattoos and use my long hair as reins, while he rode my pussy HARD. That thought was all it took and my clit exploded into orgasm.
I fucked my self faster, thinking of his cock shooting cum all over my ass while I rubbed my clit from underneath, and this time came even harder. I was squirting all over and tried turning my head into the pillow, stifling my moans and cries while I shook in orgasm again and again. By the time I was finally all done cumming I had a wet spot bigger than a dinner plate soaking into my sheets and sticking to my ass, lol. Thanks Jesse, you weren't there baby, but you were awesome anyways! Love ya!
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