> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Chuck
> > To: thesexy.tech@yahoo.com
> > Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 7:50:03 PM
> > Subject: Re:
> > Hadnt heard back from you. Kinda hard to keep
> > your attention. Hope youre doing well. Don't
> > think you ever sent me any pix either. Good
> > luck
> > and take care. XO
> --- thesexy.tech@yahoo.com wrote:
> > sorry, that was rude of me. Sometimes things
> > get lost in my inbox (not to mention my head,
> > lol). What pic was I going to send?
> > tst
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Chuck
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:09:03 PM
> Subject: Re:
> who knows ????
--- thesexy.tech@yahoo.com wrote:
> hows that?
> tst
I sent him the picture above, I do NOT send naked pics to ANYONE I haven't seen on cam LIVE, due to the fact that I could be talking to a teenager for all I know. I mean for real, a pic can be of ANYBODY, and I'd hate to be called to the carpet for sending nude pics to a child. This is what he e-mailed back to me:
----- Original Message ----
From: Chuck
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:33:12 AM
Subject: Re:
how would I know or care what photo you weresupposed to or going to send me when I have neverseen one of your pics before in my life? Whywould I care what you send? Not too impressedwith your attitude, your lack of conversation orcommunication. You took weeks to send one louseyphotos from the rear and Im supposed to beexcited? LOL get a clue. I am looking for a womanto meet in person who will send anything anytimewithout all the bullshit.
Now this idiot WAS on my 360 page so had seen me before, but until I wrote this I didn't remember who he was. He even sent me a pic, which I believe isn't even him. So this was my reply:
----- Original Message ----
From: thesexy.tech@yahoo.com
To: Chuck
Subject: Re:
EXCUUUUUSE ME, but what makes you think you are WORTHY of someone who will do that? YOU wrote ME about the pic, I am a very busy person sometimes and I don't even know who you are! So why don't you just go bother someone else? You get a clue, I don't need anyone . . .
And this was his final reply back
----- Original Message ----
From: Chuck
To: thesexy.tech@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:11:12 AM
Subject: Re:
youre gross. yuk , too poor to buy a thong and too dumb to keep up.. lol fuck off lol
What an idiot! Of course at this point I could have flamed him about his microscopic cock and inability to get someone to go out with him, etc., but that would've been too easy. I thought this was much better. He wasn't worth the effort and I thought you could all use a laugh. Like I give a flying fuck what some useless nobody thinks of me? Hell, I don't really care what ANYONE thinks of me honestly, because it's what I think about MYSELF that matters.
I think too many people care what others think about them, that's what's wrong with people these days. You need to LOVE yourself (and not be in love with yourself, god I hate that!) for who and what you are, with all your assets and your liabilities, strengths and weaknesses. Don't try to fit into someone else's idea of who/what you should be. Nobody's perfect and that's what makes life interesting. I like you just the way you are!
Love and kisses!
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