thesexytech: yes sweety?
group host : ok about that...lol...i forgot til u mentioned it
group host :have to go to serious mode now...yuckk
: ok hun group host: the blogs...auntie emmgroup host: u know ***** was trashed and didnt mean to piss u off right?
thesexytech: this isn't the first time she's done something like that, but there is more than one EM" that goes there
thesexytech: I didn't really trash her
thesexytech: I stated facts
thesexytech: I don't know why she has never liked me
thesexytech: I'm friendly with everyone
thesexytech: I've never done a thing to her
thesexytech: and tell her hi and everything
group host : i know u like to post and is like your diary which is fine....but specific details which pertain to us....hits home cause they all writre me about it
thesexytech: but if it was just me, I would have let it go, but she did it to F, and that just wasn't right
thesexytech: I said I was in Indiana
group host: but if u look..F is laid back and blows shit off easily though
group host: lol doenst matter to those who know better...the ones who go
thesexytech: yes, but he shouldn't have to, it was disrespectful of her to him
group host : u know there are alot of ppl that have no life out there readin your blog
group host: we like to lol
group host: your one sick bitch and have great stories lkmao
thesexytech : I know, and I try to keep it anon
thesexytech: and you are right, of course, about the aunty em thing
thesexytech: does she want an appology?
group host : ok can i ask u one thing....and i know it is slightly degrading but would u plz do it anyway
thesexytech: what's that?
group host : its not her that wants it actually its the ppl that wrote about it to me
group host: saying they think that an apology in the blog would be agood idea....not a groveling one
group host: just a....ok so maybe we all blew it out of proportion one ....
group host: that make sense?
group host: something like ...ok we were all drunk and things got carired away and now that we all look back on it it was nothin
thesexytech: I will leave a note in my comments, it was not meant to really hurt anyone, I'm, not that type of person
group host:i dont know
group host : ty techy i really do appreciate it
group host : i want everyone to come have fun
group host: and not to dread seing each other
thesexytech: and it's not degrading, if I did hurt her feelings, I will apologize
group host: and yeah eevryone gonna have cliques
group host: ty really
We chatted a little more then yahoo booted me again, so I closed it. Not wanting to jeopardize my relationship with the group owners, I immediately went to my blog page comments section and wrote a sincere apology here (http://360.yahoo.com/profile-JG2pN3o9cqoh.Uh6uDYanIKNGw--?cq=1). I received a shock via email Sunday morning from the group host and this was her response to my blog apology that she requested I write:
: ----- Original Message ----
From: group host
To: thesexy.tech
Sent: Sunday, March 4, 2007 7:55:06 AM
Subject: meet and greets
hello techy writing to tell u we have had comments about your blog this morning....complaints of it being sarcastist and not an actual apology since u said u were stating facts....i really thought that there would be an apology in some sort like this....
i would like to aplogize for what i had written about a fellow party goer....we were both drinkin and i think we may have just had a misunderstanding and neither of us meant to piss each other off....its just a party with a bunch of friends and her moving the balls was just something that was done tryin to be silly....and i got upset
this isnt the first time we have had a complaint about the comments in the blogs....in fact we have someone not happy now with the post about the article in the news....our group....and that happens to be me....
we dont need anymore negative attention right now...and should all be pulling together to get through this....there are alot of worried ppl including myslef....that just want a place to hang out and have fun with friends...and this town is trying to take that away from us....u r feeding into this by displaying it for the public....
since u feel u need to tell what u do and what we do in our private life....then we feel it is best that we dont allow u the opportunity to involve any of our members(friends) lives in it....unless they choose to see u on their time and not the meets time....so as of now u will no longer be able to attend the meets or be involved in the group activities....group host
And this was my reply to her email:
Group host,
I was in no way sarcastic in my apology, and was sorry her feelings were hurt and said so very plainly here in my comments section:
I'd like to make a comment critiquing my own blog post. Someone's feelings were hurt from something I wrote, and for that I'm sorry. I have never meant to ever intentionally hurt ANYONE's feelings, and that is the truth. All I do is report facts as I see them (at that moment in time), and of course, there are always 3 sides to every story as I've said before. So sweety, I'm sorry you were upset, and I really mean that.
How can you construe that to be sarcastic? Unless the person we've been discussing has it in for me and just wants me out, I don't understand. By that "moment in time" statement, I was referring to both of us being drunk, but didn't want to her to be further upset by me saying she was drunk. I said there are 3 sides to every story in my postings before.1) yourself 2) the other person and 3) what really happened, and it's true. In simpler words, you may have been wrong, they may have been wrong and both of them could have been wrong as well. That's true for every situation.
Just because someone thinks I'm being sarcastic, doesn't mean that I am. I call people sweety and end posts and messages with the Kisses and tst (the sexy tech) as my "signature" all the time. I AM sorry she got upset and said so, very plainly I thought.
I am in no way self-centered or egotistical enough to have what she did playing with the pool balls even effect me, but she disrespected F and out of all 3 men that have my utmost respect out there, next to Yours and Sin's husbands, he's 3rd in line. If you feel my standing up for him was wrong, then that is my fate.
My apology was very sincere, but I'm not sure even how her feelings were hurt or how she could say I'm just being sarcastic by posting my comment. I am a very loving and caring person, and I hold no grudges against anyone. I'm never jealous or envious of anyone, I'm happy with who I am, with all my faults and failures. I don't think I'm anyone special, I'm not narcissistic, and I don't start any trouble, or so I thought.
The group has been like a second family to me, I've made and want to keep going there. Please don't cut me out. If you want, (Please) just let me come one more time and I'll apologize to her face, so she would know I am truly sorry she was upset. Then if you still want me to go, fine, but at least let me get a chance to say goodbye to the people I've gotten to know and love for the last 6 months.
Thank you for letting me have my say, I await your reply.
That was Sunday afternoon and I’m still waiting to hear from them . . . I guess their silence is all the answer I need . . .
Hey More sex stories please!!
So someone acted rude, you said you don't like them, they got upset and complained that you say too much, and you got kicked out for sticking up for them regarding the article?
Sounds like it's not worth an effort to try to save...
I enjoy reading everything you write...wish i could speak more to the writer too...I Appreciate everything you put into it and also you too i appreciate...and see your picture you post too...Keep up the good work
Ciao 4 Now
bravo my dear ..... im dealing with a ill parent also and it really made me think back to all the things my dad did with us and how much he means to me..........making a lunch snack for him cottage cheese with peaches on top lol
love ya hun
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