"Don't Say IT, Write IT, Post IT or Do IT unless you are prepared for IT to bite you in the ass at one point or another. Best to just keep IT to yourself, then you only have to worry about the voices talking to you in your head" - Lilith Eden
"Don't ever let ANYONE push you away from something you want to do. But never be afraid to walk away if you feel you have to." - Lilith Eden
"People don't realize that even though this 360 world is electronic, the thoughts, wishes and feelings are for real . . . and appreciated" - Lilith Eden
“My goal is to be someone's Requirement & not just an Option, in the meantime I'm courting Loneliness” – Lilith Eden
"There is no wisdom, there is only truth" - Lilith Eden
"Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth . . ." - Frank Zappa
". . . like hydrogen, stupidity is one of the building blocks of the universe . . ." – Frank Zappa
"Men have the attention span for a relationship that measures the length of their penis” –Yamiya
"A vagina is gods way of paying off Satan" – Yamiya
(Takes deep breath) I’ve been really upset lately because people have been giving me hell about my blog postings. It seems to be spreading because now I’m losing people I considered and respected as “friends”. It’s kind of funny though, because I’m only reporting the facts in my life as I see them, even using anonymity when requested. (Which still smacks of censorship, but don’t get me started on that!)
I’ve discussed personal responsibility before. Everyone wants to blame everybody else but they never look in the mirror at the hypocrisy staring at them in the face. Freedom of Speech (among the other 1st Amendment Rights) is great! As long as you think it’s in your favor, but then heaven forbid facts should be stated that leave a bad taste in your mouth.
We all love to grab the tabloids while we’re waiting in line at the grocery store, catching up on all the juicy gossip of the celebrities. What makes you think any of us are different from those in the “real” limelight. They’re only famous (or infamous) because of the things or jobs they’ve done.
It’s okay to read about their high-profile lives, but what really makes you think that you are any different from them? Are we all not made of the same flesh and blood? They shit, piss, eat, sleep, fart, cough, sneeze, make love and act stupid just like everyone else. They laugh, cry, and hurt like we do, and because they’re celebrities, everyone wants to know about it.
But what about the everyday person? Their lives are interesting, and people like to read about them too. Maybe they’ve been (or are) in the same situation as you and are looking for some guidance or advice, or just to share your pain and pray that things get better for you.
Maybe just reading about the everyday woman or man’s life gains someone perspective and they stop and think “Damn! And I thought I had it bad!” And maybe they offer their stories and resolutions or advice of their own that really helps, or at least makes you feel better that you know you’re not all alone.
You ever think about that? . . .
Goodbye to the people I considered my friends, I apologize that my honesty pains you, but I refuse to be censored. I have a right to speak my own mind even if it bites me in the ass in the end. That’s the chance I take, and I will face the consequences with open eyes and no anger.
Just do me a favor? Quit reading my bog, because you’re not being honest with yourself if you do. You don’t want to have anything more to do with me, that’s your decision. Then why don’t you stay out of my written life too? I’ve had over a quarter million visits to my blog page, I don’t need you to boost my stats. And for real, why should you care what’s going on with me anyways?
Sometimes the truth can hurt. Anyone who's read your blog before, knows you're not gonna sugar-coat anything. Their own fault for reading things they may not want to hear.
Plus, I don't know about your other readers... but considering I live 5-6 states away, I'm sure not gonna know any of these people. I'm sure a lot of others aren't, either.
here , Here.. very well said. I agree, as long as you don't step on their toes then everything is good.
The best person you can be is you, and if they can't handle thast then you can always make new friends,
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