I probably shouldn’t be listening to the Blues right now (Susan Tedeschi) while I write this, but her music is just so fitting to my present state of mind. I met this new guy, Mo, that I really like. We’ve been seeing each other off and on for about a week now, and it’s been pure heaven . . . and hell.
I really don’t care for secret romances, but yet again, this guy is taken (sigh). Another story of a happy relationship, but he has a need for something more that’s not being met by his old lady. And I fit the bill. I really like this guy too, and (of course) don’t want to be hurt.
I love it when he comes over, and to his credit, we’ve only had masturbatory and oral sex, due to his personal conviction of being in a relationship with someone. I could understand that, since recently I wouldn’t sleep with married men till asshole down the street sweet-talked me into it.
We see each other and I’m elated, but then when it’s his time to leave, I’m deflated and depressed. I shouldn’t be, I knew what was what before we met. But it seems like I’m attracting men who are already with other people and can't figure out why. Is it a writing pheremone I’m giving out over the Internet or something? I dunno.
No matter how much I like him, I know what I should do, just tell him “Well, it’s been fun, but I only date single men” and let that be the end of it, let him sort his life out. But then again there’s an undeniable attraction I have for him, and it’s not just physical, it’s mental and emotional too.
Can someone give me the answer, please?
I can only see heartbreak ahead with this one, cut your losses, move on.
you deserve a lot more from a relationship, you been down this road b4
isabin xxox
Having somebody is better than nobody, and you get the extra bonus thrill of wanting what you can't have.
As much as any of us tell you (or you tell yourself) how it'll end, though, it won't do any good.
I agree, cut your losses as quick as you can. Plenty of us continue through life alone; it sucks, but it's better than constant heartbreak from wanting what you can't have.
Hmmm Questions and answers hmm i would say the same thing...but i have tried this too But i keep coming back ro get rejected because i am head over heels for this girl as you are for him...Her name is thesexy_tech...See ya around maybe drop me a line
Ciao 4 Now
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