The Doc gave me the usual antibiotics and told me to watch for a bullseye type of rash that indicates Lyme Disease, but I lucked out there. What I didn’t luck out on is the tick wound itself is now leaving an unhealthy looking mound of scar tissue on the inside of my knee.
A few days after that I was also lucky enough to get between one of my dogs and his rope while I feeding them and wearing sandals. The end result was that I got a nasty rope burn across the front of both ankles. My left ankle has only a small friction burn a little over an inch and it still hurts, but is starting to heal.
My right leg is another story. The dog sawed the rope back and forth across the front of that ankle leaving a 3-inch wound and now it looks like its getting infected. What’s worse is that it hurts like hell and I can’t wear any kind of shoes that come near it. I figured the meds I’m taking for the tick bite would help, but apparently not.
It’s almost funny cause it looks like I was in a bondage accident, but it sure doesn’t feel funny at all. I can’t wait to see how that scar turns out. Then to top it all off, that very same dog got his rope tangled up and slipped out of his collar and in his agitated state bit my friends’ son on his butt. It was entirely my fault, if I had only checked on him before leaving for a jobsite this morning it would have never happened.
I got both my dogs 3 year shots last year so I’m sure he’s rabies free, but they still have to have him quarantined for 10 days. In any case my dog Strongbad, who I love like one of my kids, has to go. I decided to take him with me when I visit my kids this weekend and leave him with my ex husband. Of course he doesn’t know I’m coming with the dog, but what else can I do?
So all this thinking of scars made me take an inventory of the ones I already have and the lessons I learned from them. Scars from falls, cuts, burns, and the memories attached. Childhood scars, Chicken Pox scars, scars from fighting. Little pieces of life leaving their mark on me. Scars of wisdom and scars of stupidity, we all have them.
Do you have any interesting scars? . . .