So I lay there quite a while waiting for everybody else to wake up when some asshole pounds on the side of the Winnebago and yells “Get your asses up and park this thing right stupid!” That was the exactly WRONG thing to yell out at us after me having a sleepless night, so I yelled back “Fuck you asshole!” to the retreating back of some fat bastard in a shirt and tie.
This dickhead turns back around and goes “That’s it, you made a big mistake, I’m calling the office and taking care of you” or something like that, I was so pissed I wasn’t listening cause by this time everyone had woken up once that fat fuck started yelling.
The fucker walks back to his car and puts his headlight strobe lights on. Uh Oh, we realized then this officious little prick was a cop. But I didn’t care, he had no right to do what he did, there was another RV parked taking up four spaces in the same lot and he didn’t say anything to them.
Stan jumped out and talked to the asshole who was still yelling as he walked a way “You need to take care of your wife” and I was like “Wife? Even if I was mother fucker no one tells me what to do” but instead I yelled “Oh fuck you asshole, you’re so goddamn fat you probably haven’t seen your dick in years!”
So of course now we’re all up and getting dressed and found the nearest Napa parts store to exchange the belt. I drove one of the guys to the parts store and went across the street and bought all 6 of us coffee, out of the kindness of my pocket cause I know I can’t function without it in the morning.
We get back to the parking lot and find out that they got hassled by the parking attendant while we were gone, so we had to fix it in a hurry, this time not over-tightening the belt and causing breakage. Unfortunately the starter decided to act up and we still couldn’t start it until we took a hammer to it and the RV finally started. That all done we were back on the road again.
This time we were in search of a truck stop to pawn some shit for gas money. While they were doing that Travis was driving my car and once again held hands and made goo-goo eyes at each other when our gazes met, lol. There was a little sadness there, knowing we didn’t have much more time together, but I tried not to think about it too much. I didn’t want to get more bummed than I already was.
The trip was taking forever with all the stops, and I kept looking for stores that took Food Stamps so I could feed us all. Finally we found a salvage food store and I spent 35$ worth in groceries. We all pigged out, cause none of us had eaten from the night or day before.
Well fed now we all felt better, and on this part of the trip to Nashville, Patrick, Travis’ buddy, was riding in the car with us. Our traveling “protocol” all the way from Memphis has been that they wait for us at the truck stop exit and we drive behind them, because of some broken taillights.
I also forgot to mention that I had not taken any of my medicines that day at all and on top of the insomnia, I wasn’t feeling my best, I was wiped out actually. But on this leg of the trip Patrick and Travis talked about the change in the band dynamics, and how personalities were changing, and not for the good.
The last truck stop we were at they sold enough in DVD’s to get them over half a tank of gas, so finally there would be no more stopping. We walked away from the gas pump island and over to my car. Travis took off his gloves then leather jacket, and put the gloves back on and backed the car up to pull in behind them, and the Winnebago was gone.
We were all like “What the fuck, they were just there” and we drove around the truck stop looking for them, but they were no where to be found. We didn’t want to think it, but it was like they left us. They weren’t by the highway entrance ramp but we got on anyways.
We tried calling their cell phone but it was turned off. Luckily I had asked Stan earlier where we were ending up, and he said the same place we picked up Sandy. So Travis just drove on and after an hour we caught up with them, and passed em by waving. They knew we weren’t behind them.
So we get to Nashville ahead of them and park at the Stadium Inn, where all this started. We were all pissed off for them leaving us like that and wondered what was going on. About a half an hour later they finally pull up into the truck stop behind the hotel.
Travis and Patrick both jump out and ask them what the fuck is going on, leaving us like that, and Stan gives them this totally bullshit story everyone knows is a lie, but why? They were band mates, why did it seem like they were trying to shake us? And what about my 70$ in gas money that was still owed me?
I kept hearing bullshit “Oh you’ll get it, you’ll get it” but hadn’t seen a dime since that first 10 bucks, and I spent that much just in coffee! I was starting to feel badly used and my non-medicated mood was not helping any. Then they decide to go to another truck stop and lead us on a wild goose chase where we had to tell them to pull over and follow us.
We got in front of them and led them to the Pilot Truck Stop they couldn’t find . . .
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