I jumped off the interstate at the first exit or so into Nashville and headed right to the nearest gas station for directions, which happened to be right on the corner. A wino bumming change in the parking lot told me to go straight on the road I got off on and I’d run right into it. I gave him a dollar for his trouble, and took off. Sure enough, it was right were he said it was.
We got to the Stadium Inn and found Sandy in the bar, drinking with some guys. Apparently her rent was paid up only until that morning, so she was hanging out on borrowed time. She told us to wait while she got her stuff from her room, and as she walked off with one of the guys she was drinking with, me and Travis just looked at each other thinking “how much stuff does she got?”
My car is pretty small, a little Toyota Paseo, and doesn’t have a lot of trunk space, so if there was too much in the way of luggage, it was going to have to stay there. Luckily for her, it all just fit, but barely. I was a little surprised that when the guy Sandy was drinking with in the bar helped her load up the car, then she gave him what looked like a deep throat kiss goodbye.
Both Travis and me looked at each other with raised eyebrows, thinking together again “This is Stan’s girlfriend?” But I figured it was none of my business, so I ignored it. The trip was going to be a long one, a little over 3 hrs, but with Travis there holding my hand all the way, I knew time would fly faster.
It was dusk when we left, and by the time it was full dark, it had started raining some off and on. When the rain was really coming down about an hour later, Sandy in the back started having a panic attack and sobbing. Apparently she “said” she was in Katrina and now being in bad weather upset her, but personally I thought she just liked being a Drama Queen.
It was hard enough to see where I was going, without having someone in the back seat telling me what a bad job I was doing driving and to slow down. I was thinking “Bitch, you need to shut the fuck up and just let me drive!” cause her attitude was really pissing me off and I could hardly see where I was going as it was.
The rain finally slacked off the closer we got to West Memphis, but she was still in the backseat curled up in the corner sniffling. We tried cheering her up, but I think she just liked the attention, so I said fuck it and just kept on driving. Travis and me were singing songs in the front seat cause the radio wasn’t working and just passed her a couple napkins for her runny nose and teary eyes and ignored her.
As we got closer there was some debate as to where the band was located. As it was, my cell phone (a Tracfone) was extremely low on minutes, so I didn’t want to call them again. I remembered him saying the Flying J Truck Stop 10 miles over the Tennessee state line, but Sandy was an ex truck driver and she was saying something different, but I drove there my way anyways.
Finally we got there and I met the rest of the band, who seemed like a bunch of pretty cool guys for the most part. Their RV battery was dead so they needed a jump-start. Lucky for them, I carry jumper cables with me all the time and I got them started.
At that point I was given only ten dollars by Stan, but he said he’d get it to me once we got there, that they were going to sell stuff at the truck stops we went through to get up some of the money. That first stab of doubt now entered my mind that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, but Travis got in the car with me and off we were back to Nashville.
As soon as we drove back over the Arkansas/Tennessee Bridge (a beautiful site) they pulled into the welcome center there on the riverfront. Puzzled, I pulled over with them and we wondered what was going on. They stopped and popped open their hood and we got the bad news: the fan belt they had put on not 2 days ago had broken.
So as it turns out we were going to be stuck until morning when we could take the fan belt back to Napa auto parts for a new one. It was a good thing they kept the receipt, cause they didn’t have money at the moment for a new one.
So we sat there in a parking lot underneath some overhead railroad tracks, and watched a few of the homeless wander across the asphalt and bed down in the area for the night. Then a police car rolled into the welcome center and parked which made everyone nervous.
To forestall any legal entanglements, Stan went over there and told the cop that we were broke down, and the cop said it was no problem, we were in a public lot. There also was another RV parked nearby, so with our minds eased, we made sleeping arrangements for the night and sat around bullshitting, singing and telling jokes for a while.
Me and Travis were bedding down in the back of the trailer on the floor with a sheet across the aisle for our privacy. A similar curtain was erected, lol, across the bed where Stan and Sandy were sleeping, to a lot of jokes and ribbing for all of us from Patrick and Allen, the single guys in the group.
Finally there was quiet, and I took off my sleeping shirt and was naked underneath. Travis took his pants and boxers off, and we covered ourselves with the sheet. I heard muttering from the front, so we rocked the Winnebago from side to side and I started moaning and making orgasm noises to the laughter of everyone.
Settling down for real this time, I start making love to Travis, kissing him all over his neck and chest. It was then that I sniffed it: the carpet smelled offensively like old dog. I forgot to mention they were travelling with an old miniature Wiener Dog (I don’t know how to spell that Dachshund word, lol)
It really bothered me, cause one of the eroticism’s of sex is the smells, well for me anyways. I tried ignoring it the best I could while I sucked away on his throbbing cock. Now stiffer than the railroad rails above us, I mounted his cock and tried not to rock the RV too much, but with my weight, that’s kind of hard.
So after a little too much rocking and a giggle from the peanut gallery up front, I decided to get on the bottom instead. Travis climbed on top but slowed his strokes down from his normal fast, hard pace. It wasn’t as good for either of us, since we weren’t able to let loose like we usually do.
I felt him starting to get a little soft after a while (we’re used to fucking a long time, lol) so I offered to do it “doggy style” with my ass up in the air. I reached behind me and spread my cheeks apart so he could get a better view of my pussy as he slid his cock inside me.
I tightened up my inner muscles, matching him stroke for stroke, and felt him begin to tense up as I reached in front of me and rubbed my clit and his cock at the same time. I heard him softly gasp and grab my hips tight to his as his dick spasmed in orgasm inside me.
I ground my ass into him, making my pussy swallow every drop. He bent down and kissed me on my back and on my cheek and whispered into my ear “But you didn’t cum, did you?” I whispered back that I had cum a little, just not like I usually do because I had to be so quiet.
I told him it was no problem though, I was happy and we snuggled down in the sheets and tried to go to sleep. Now that I wasn’t having sex I really could smell the dog odor back there and it was keeping me awake as Travis wrapped me in his arms in a spoon position, and I tried falling asleep.
I was having a hard time ignoring the smell, when I felt Travis seem to start crying behind me. I thought maybe he was upset at my pending departure, and that’s why he was crying. I tried to silently comfort him at first, then I asked what was wrong, but he didn't reply.
I figured it was a private thing, but turned over and held him to my breasts and felt tears dampen my nipples as I hugged him and told him it was going to be ok, whatever it was that was bothering him. I held him like that for a little while, and when he still wouldn’t answer me, I turned over and spooned with him again.
As I laid there and held the arms holding me close, I immediately noticed something odd. His hands were starting to cramp up, kind of like a praying mantis’. It was then that I remembered Travis mentioning that he used to have seizures and realized he was having one now.
It was a grand mal type seizure, cause it had been going on for some minutes before I realized it. I yelled to the front “Hey, I think Travis is having a seizure! Look, I’m naked back here but somebody throw me something to put in his mouth!” and Sandy tossed back one of Travis’ black leather fingerless half gloves and I put it between his teeth as Stan called 911 on the cell phone.
I threw on my shirt and covered his nakedness with a sheet and pulled down our makeshift curtain to let some light in and I could see what was happening to him. I lit one of the votive candles we had used earlier and got a good look at him while his whole body was seized up like one giant cramp.
Luckily I’d been around 2 other people who had seizures and knew what to do. His hands started relaxing and then I noticed he’d stopped breathing, so I took the glove out of his mouth, abstractly noticing the teeth marks in it, and started mouth to mouth resuscitation.
After that first lungfull of air I breathed into him, he gulped in a lungfull of air, his breathing reflex kicking in again. Stan was still trying to tell the 911 operator where we were when Travis started becoming coherent, mumbling “No hospital, I don’t want to go to the hospital . . .”
All of us in the RV told him he needed medical attention, and we waited, listening for the sounds of the paramedics and ambulance that would be coming soon. We opened the backdoor and moved Sandy’s huge suitcase out of the way so the paramedics could get to Travis.
I stood outside the door in the parking lot in a light rain wearing only my nightshirt and barefoot, when the fire truck first arrived. I stepped aside and let them do their work, breathing a sigh of relief. I bummed a cigarette from one of the guys and smoked it, trying to calm down from the adrenaline rush.
Next the ambulance arrived and out came these two guys who were really beefy and hot looking. One of em had these cool flames tattooed up from his wrist. I know, not an appropriate time to be checking out the men, but I needed distraction from the stress I just went through.
Finally, against the paramedics medical advice, Travis didn’t go to the hospital and I had to sign as a witness that this was his choice. I wanted him to go to the hospital, but he absolutely refused. I think he was worried cause he’s got a warrant in the state and didn’t want to take the risk of going to jail.
So we all lay back down for the night, and by this time it’s 3am. I’m emotionally exhausted by now and when we lay back down, I started crying on Travis’ shoulder. He held me and kissed my hair and told me he was fine and there was nothing to worry about, and how much he loved me.
But I worried anyway and only got about an hour’s worth of sleep . . .
1 comment:
LOL @ Sandy being a drama queen.
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