I had to leave by 5:30 am my time to make it there on time, which of course meant waking up at 4:30. Normally this wouldn't have bothered me, but the work documents were screwed up and I couldn’t go to bed until they got them to me, which took until Midnight.
I got three hours work in but had to leave without resolving the problem, they would have to send someone else on Monday with a different config file. So this left me the whole afternoon free to visit with my son living at my ex husbands place there in town.
I saw he was doing fine, and we had a nice visit. Then drove my ex, Ed, to the liquor store hangout so he could bum some money off someone. Once again I was surprised how many guys I knew hanging out front with their brown paper bags and beers.
Flirting outrageously with one friend, he bought me a Smirnoff Ice Triple Black in my own little brown paper bag. It was a trip, watching all these old roosters strut their stuff, each trying to be the biggest cock of the walk. I sipped on my drink and it tasted so good Ed bought me another one.
The only thing I’d had other than those two bottles of Triple Black, was coffee, and I caught a little buzz pretty quick. I drove Ed back to his apartment and was shocked to realize I had spent a couple of hours just sitting out in the Rock’s (the name of the store) parking lot.
I hung out watching a movie at Ed’s for a while (Skeleton Key, trippy movie) and bullshitted with him and Randa before I had to leave. Ed tried getting me to go to bed with him, but I told him I was on my period and no, no blow job either, lol. For real though, I just didn’t feel like it with him, but I was horny as fuck though.
I finally left in the late afternoon for the long 2 hr drive home, and driving to the freeway I was feeling tense and out of sorts so I dissolved a Xanax under my tongue since I didn’t have a drink. I jumped on the interstate and after about 5 miles or so I saw a figure walking down the highway.
From the quick glimpse I got of him from behind, he looked like a stranded biker wearing a bandana and black leather jacket. It was hot outside and I didn’t think twice, I pulled over to offer him a ride. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw him jog trot for a second then slow down, like he was tired and his feet hurt.
I rolled down the passenger window and asked him where he was going. This guy was real young, and real cute with his nose ring and ear piercings. His name was TJ and he kinda reminded me of a young Leonardo Di Capprio, he’s is that cute. He said he was going to Shepardsville, which was a bit of a distance down the road, so I told him to hop in.
I had to scoot the seat back to fit his 6ft 2in tall frame to fit into my tiny car, and I could tell he was tired. Apparently he’d been walking quite a while without a ride, so I told him to take off his shoes. I listened to him spin out this bullshit story of how he got stranded, but didn’t really care, I liked the company and he was real easy on the eyes.
We got to Shepardsville where the rest of his band was supposed to be (TJ plays lead guitar) but he couldn’t quite remember where the apartments were at. I was very attracted to this 21 year old boy, and really wanted him to come home with me, but I was playing good Samaritan and drove all over the place trying to find landmarks that jogged his memory.
I literally drove for over an hour trying to find this place before we finally found the right apartment complex. Then there was the problem of finding the right apartment cause he had been drunk when he had left with his band mates.
He thought he found the right apartment and said no one was there. I told him I wasn’t going to abandon him with no place to go, that he could come home with me, so we wrote a note with my telephone numbers on it so they could get in touch with him.
Walking around searching for his friends, I got out of my car to check the oil and put some in and struck up a conversation with this lady that lived there. We talked for a good ten minutes and we tried to figure out where TJ had disappeared.
She told me these were low-income apartments and they were really nice looking. I asked to use the bathroom and she offered me a Mountain Dew too. Accepting it gratefully, we went to the rental office and I picked up a rental application, I think I might move there.
We spotted him and he had found where his buddies were staying but they weren’t there right now. The people there said he couldn’t stay, but they’d give his friends the note. I was a little suspicious, but I figured WTF, I was gonna take this young man home and have my way with him, even though I didn’t have gas money to get him back there and he was broke too.
On the long trip back to my place, we talked and I sifted though the bullshit he was trying to feed me and found out he was only 20, and that he could have stayed there, but wanted to come home with me. I knew I was a pervert, but I’d always drew the line at drinking age, but not this time, this innocent bad boy was just too fine.
We flirted with each other during that long trip home but finally he started nodding off. I could tell he was exhausted from all the miles of walking he did in on the highway and just watched him sleep. I started feeling really guilty when I watched his pretty face in slumber. Jeez, he looked like my sons’ age then!
I knew my kids would really like this guy too, he sort of like a younger version of my last boyfriend, and into video games like they are too. I wasn’t sure how long he’d be staying, so that compatibility was a plus in his favor. Arriving after dark, my sons were looking at me like “Who is this guy?” as I introduced TJ to them, and told them “Long story, don’t ask” to their questions.
TJ saw they were playing video games and I asked my youngest to make TJ a sandwich while I twisted one up in the bedroom. When my kids found out he was into gaming, they took to him like a dog after a bone. They just had to explain what game they were playing and show him how to play, young guy type stuff, lol.
I called TJ into the bedroom to smoke the long awaited joint and finally relax after a long day. I poured us some of my watermelon wine (powerful stuff), sipped and puffed away. I knew I was smelly and sweaty from the lengthy hot day, and knew he was too, so we decided on taking a bath in my huge tub.
I ran the water, lit a couple of candles and moved the wine glasses next to the tub . . .
1 comment:
well you said and you know what its done....Remember me as Shadow Because i am like you said not your type...and you are a fantasy to me...You wanted it so you got it...Last but not least i really enjoyed you and will always love you...But things have to be done and let go
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