When Sunday comes, I try calling Ed’s cell phone and can’t get an answer or leave a message, so that’s the first thing that’s pissing me off. Then I get a call from my kids about 1pm and found out that they hadn’t really seen their Dad since Friday, and had no idea where he was, but there were a couple of his friends watching them.
I knew them both and talked to the chick, Randa and she said she hadn’t seen Ed but for a few minutes on Saturday morning and couldn’t get him on the phone either. I was really pissed and so was she, for him doing his kids like that on Easter Sunday.
Randa said when I got there she would buy groceries for Easter Dinner with her food stamps if I gave her a ride, which was great. She also said she’d buy stuff for Easter baskets too, cause she had to make some for her own kids too, wasn’t that nice?
I decide to leave for the 120 mile drive around 2:30 making a pit stop 45 minutes away to visit a friend in jail, but they’d moved him to a different facility. I finally got there a couple hours later and Ed still hadn’t shown up. But he did end up calling his buddy Matt that was also at the apartment.
When Randa talked to him and told him I was on my way down he said he’d be there in 15 minutes, but she said that was like 3 hours ago and I was REALLY pissed off. The only idea where he might be was in a subdivision behind the old K-Mart with maybe some whore named Tammy and supposedly he’d gotten ripped off for his 1500$ disability payment.
We formulated a plan: 1) go to the grocery store and buy groceries 2) get dinner started and the ham in the oven and 3) go and try to find his sorry ass. I couldn’t wait to get to that number 3, I was furious. If I’d known he’d pull some bullshit like this I wouldn’t have wasted my time letting the kids stay with him.
Throwing together the food took little time, then we were off to go hunt the bastard down. We looked in all the apartment complex parking lots up and down the streets. His vehicle wouldn’t be hard to find, we were looking for a flatbed dual-tire commercial truck colored primer red.
Turning the last corner of the subdivision (of course) we saw the truck parked ambiguously near a group of apartments. We jump out and I start knocking on doors asking if Ed was there and the second door I knocked on this chick answered that knew my ex-husband.
Bingo! He wasn’t there, but she told us where this Tammy chick’s apartment was. Me and Randa start walking over there and Randa sees this shaved headed guy walking towards the back of the building where we’re headed towards and says she’s gonna follow him while I go to the front.
I knock on the first door yelling Ed’s name and the bald guy goes “Who are you looking for” and I told him that I was Ed’s ex, blah blah blah, where the fuck is he? He told us that Ed drove off with some guy and another chick a while ago, but we know he’s in there.
So now I’m REALLY REALLY pissed and I start yelling his name and calling him a pussy motherfucker, but in the end, we drove off without him. I’m mad as hell now and emotionally wiped out, so I take a nap while dinner’s cooking and the kids get are all getting a sugar rush from their Easter baskets.
The dinner turned out fine considering the bullshit we went through and I ate waaay too much. Stuffed to the gills, I laid back down on the little bench type loveseat I took over, and gathered some blankets for a post feast nap. I curled up like a contented kitten, closed my eyes and snuggled in for a snooze before the long 2 hour drive home.
It felt like I had just barely fallen asleep, when my cell phone rings . . .
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