I think part of it’s because I saw Mo yesterday and we had coffee, then lunch at the park where he took some nice pix of me (thanks for the great pix Mo). We talked of deeply personal things and how we still plan on remaining friends, strictly platonic this time.
Then he said he had been rereading my blogs and said that I seem to fall into a pattern of “flavor of the month” with the guys in my life. I totally disagree with him, I don’t just use a man then kick him to the curb when I’m done, though it might have feel like it to the guy at the time. Things just don’t work out.
By the end of our nice platonic lengthy afternoon together, I Mo told me he loved me as we were parting. I had already kinda guessed he felt that way, but I already knew I loved him. I love a lot of people just for who they are, but he meant it more complexly, and I just left it at that.
Which got me to thinking of this new quasi-relationship I’ve gotten myself into. My dream guy, right? Triple “H” - hot, horny and handsome and can fuck for days. But for the last few days I’ve wanted to teach him how to eat my pussy and he’s avoided the instruction. He only licked me once since he’s been here, during our first night together.
I know from (being told) that I have a nice tasting pussy, from those connoisseurs who love licking the lily. But I’ve done everything but shove his face in my crotch to get him to eat me, and it’s always something else, like getting fucked first and passing out, or some other reason. But I did talk to him openly about it today.
I bluntly asked him if he just didn’t like eating pussy, and he admitted that after he tried it on nasty pussy, it’s been a turn off for him. Then I explained that most guys only eat pussy to get their dick sucked and that’s it. I told him of the time my ex had become complacent and quit making me cum orally even though I sucked his dick at least 3 times a day.
I explained I thought this was rather rude behavior and I quit giving my ex head altogether until he got the hint and stepped up to the plate again. Bluntly, I looked up at him and said “You know what I’m saying don’t you?” and he said he got it.
I’m still not too happy at the moment though, since I also feel like I’m being neglected for a damn PC video game! I’ve been ignored for a video game before with my ex and it ended up in a big fight, so to avoid this I informed him that I’ve been through this before and didn’t like it. He agreed not to, but yesterday spent more time playing this stupid computer game with my kids (who like him a lot) than he did with me.
Well, I slept on that and have been doing a lot of thinking. This man/boy is my lover, nothing more. I’ve felt no more of that initial “oneness” since the first few days. I’d rather be his friend and mentor (lol) than the love of his young life.
I asked him today how has he been enjoying his weeklong vacation from his normal reality, and he pondered the “why” of it all. Why did I stop for him when no one else would? Why did things turn out to be more than just a ride?
He wanted to know what the rhyme and reason was for this, and I told him “Maybe someone up above just decided you needed a break.” This boy has been living in the streets, working from gig to gig for a while now, according to him. But what I haven’t mentioned yet is that TJ is a pathological embellisher, lol.
I’ve met people like this before, who (for some reason or other) need to make up or “embellish” stories of their life. I think people who have some deep, dark secret they want to hide from themselves have this type of behavior. Like fictionalizing their life will make the ugliness of truth disappear.
My last husband (Ron Arterburn I need a divorce!) had me believing in a whole other life he had that was nothing but a lie, and I busted him on it. That time I talked to my sister-in-law and asked her all these questions, and she was like “He said what?” You should have heard me let him have it, but I digress . . .
Anyways, so I’ve decided to put TJ into the category of “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it” and chalk it up to experience. His band mates should be coming to pick him up any day now (according to him), but I’ll have no regrets.
I’m sure I won’t be forgetting him for a quite a while after he’s gone . . .