Talking to a very good friend of mine is who is obsessed with crocheting (she omits it, lol) made me decide to tackle the project again. So I unraveled my unfinished work and started from scratch on a new granny square afghan. I’ve been crocheting for so long (since I was about 6) that I don’t have to watch my work constantly anymore, it becomes automatic, kind of by touch.
This leaves my eyes and mind free to watch movies, and tonight’s video was one of my all-time favorites. I played “Wild Things” (1998), a thriller starring Denise Richards, Neve Campbell, Matt Dillon, and Kevin Bacon. If you’ve never seen it, go rent it this weekend. The sexuality and innuendo in most of the scenes in the movie is well worth it.
I stay hot throughout this entire film, lol. I get wet just watching Denise Richards’ nipples through wet t-shirts and bathing suits (mmmm, they just look so tasty). And she’s got those kind of pouty, puffy lips that would look awesome sucking my clit (or a cock too for that matter, lol)! Neve Campbell’s character has that sexy young goth chick thing going on, and she pulls it off well. She makes me want to bury my face in between her thighs!
Matt Dillon has always been a pretty hunky actor, tall, handsome and sexy, a great combo. But tonight I noticed something new this time about Kevin Bacon that never caught my eye before. There’s this one shower scene in the movie, where you get a real good, long look at Kevin Bacon’s bare ass (a nice one for a white boy, lol).
Then he turns around to grab a towel and you get full frontal nudity, which earns big points in my book any day of the week. But I guess it was because I was watching the DVD on my laptop (MUCH better resolution than TV) that I noticed it: Kevin Bacon has a half-hard dick in that shower scene! His “semi” was getting close to half-mast and it looked like it was on its way up there to me, before he hid it with the towel damnit, lol.
Let’s just say the whole freakin’ movie makes my lower lips twitch and drool (wink). Damnit, I’m horny again! Good thing I’m going to another party in Bowling Green this weekend. Maybe then I’ll find some pussy to satisfy my growing appetite. I don’t know what’s been up with me lately, but I’m walking around with a hard clit and damp lips all the time these days.
Maybe it’s because (hopefully) Steve will be here soon and the anticipation is keeping me sexually on edge. I have a feeling he won’t be able to make it here by Thanksgiving though (sigh). His little stint in jail made him lose his job, but he’s working again. Though now it’s pushed back his plans a couple weeks, he doesn’t want to arrive here broke.
At least this way it will give him a chance to get used to my sexploits with bi-women. I sooo love making women cum, there’s just nothing like it! Women are never more beautiful than when they orgasm, it’s such a turn on to me. They don’t even have to touch me, just let me please them the best I can. I enjoy feeding off their orgasms and then reliving the experience over and over again, closing my eyes and tasting the memory of them on my lips and tongue, yum!
I’ve told him a few of my stories about other women and me, and he seems to enjoy listening to me recount my naughty tales. But the other day he definitely didn’t like hearing me talk about the men that have been in my life since we last parted, especially anything to do with my ex’s. I got a little pissed off myself and said he was being plain stupid, to be jealous of something in my past, but you know how men and their egos can be (no flames please, lol).
I apologized for calling him stupid, and discussed the issue with him rationally. I explained that everything we experience in our lives makes us who we are. To be getting upset at something that has already become a part of me just doesn’t make sense, it’s only history. After a spending few minutes thinking about it, he agreed that it was kind of dumb, lol. I told him he doesn’t have anything to worry about, because now he’s the only man I really want to be with.
For I’ve come to the conclusion that if love isn’t involved, then sex with men (I’m talking penile penetration, i.e. intercourse) is just empty pleasure. I want to feel the emotion as my man’s cock explodes deep inside me and I drown us both in a liquid flow of my love. Then we can share that moment together that’s just a little like death. Without love, it’s “just sex” and that’s not what I’m looking for right now, and this time I don’t plan on settling for anything less.
1 comment:
If you Only KNew who i was then maybe we would have a connection it would be better for you to talk to me and know my feelings towards you and how much i care and have falling in love with you over the years i have been watching you
Ciao 4 Now
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