Apparently it’s not a cold that’s got me under the weather, but something in the damn air is triggering allergies I didn’t know I had. Not only that, but I also get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) when it’s this time of year, on top of my predisposition to depression and now PMS! I just can’t get a fucking break it seems. But I didn’t want to just bitch and moan in this post (well, a little maybe, lol), but I wanted to talk about dreams . . .
I’m pretty sure everyone dreams, and I’ve been told some people dream in black and white but I’ve only ever dreamed in color. Lately, and I’m not sure why, but my dreams have been really intense, one of them waking me up last night from a relationship nightmare, it was kinda fucked. That one was I believe was based on that guy I was dating for a while, Bubby, and the fact of him wanting his brother’s old lady.
In the dream we drove to this really nice house of friends of this guy I was dating (no clue who he was). We were shown around and at first our hostess was really nice to me. But it was just a front, she really turned into a bitch. They had a carnival-type swing ride in their backyard (lol) and I got on it for a spin, but she turned up the speed and it made the swing hit their garage wall.
Her apology was just a front, she really meant to hurt me! And the guy I was with was like "oh it’s no big thing" but it really was. There was some shit going on between them behind my back and I could feel it. We left and then drove to an identical house of other friends of his and I felt his betrayal. I woke up from that one and really had to shake off the bad feelings it left me.
But that was only the first dream of the night, the second one was pretty cool and starred Halle Berry (damn that woman is so freakin’ hot!). We didn’t have sex, but the sensuality between us was there and we flirted with each other, making plans on a future hook up. This was somewhat of a "lucid" dream, as I seem to remember directing some the things that were happening, kind of like a half-asleep fantasy of sorts.
The next dream of the night (I wasn’t done yet) was really strange. It involved Al Pacino and Joe Pesci (and don’t ask me why!). This one was really a trip, cause Al Pacino was dead and stuffed underneath this rectangle island counter in my dream housee, and Joe Pesci along with someone else came to pick up the body. They both were going to be pall bearers at the funeral (I told you it was weird).
They didn’t ask me questions or anything, but I noticed Joe was taking along time looking under the counter at something. The body had already been taken away, and he was still looking under there, so I asked him what he was looking at. He pulled out a spiral notebook of mine that apparently I had been writing my blog entries in and said he was fascinated.
Flattered (and not even wondering why Al Pacino’s dead body was under my counter), we started talking. Joe told me he’d never met someone like me before (I’ll skip all the ego flattering dream crap) and really wanted to get to know me. He’d been looking for someone like me for a very long time and was now glad he found me. I like funny guys, maybe that’s why I dreamed of Joe Pesci.
On to the next dream, this one was really odd as well. I had moved into a studio apartment (with 3 young kids no less) in another town cause this couple I was close friends with (can’t remember how close or who they were) wanted me to move next door so I could be closer to them. But then as soon as I did (like the next day I think) they moved out and I was stuck there.
I only found out that they moved cause after taking my kids to the school bus stop, I noticed that someone else was now living in their old apartment next door! Well, they got high too, so I had some guy friend over (not sure who it was in my dream) and we were all started partying. Other stuff happened and I can’t remember how that dream ended though, I guess I should start writing this shit down as soon as I wake up.
But do you see what I mean? I’ve been having a lot of weird, very realistic dreams that are more like stories, with plots and everything lately. Is it a manifestation of my depression making sleep more pleasurable (or interesting to say the least) than my waking life? Is it the allergy meds I’m taking or maybe cause I fall asleep watching South Park or Futurama or Red Dwarf on my laptop (I don’t watch TV)?
I don’t have a clue, do you have weird dreams like that sometimes too?
1 comment:
hi, nice pix :D
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