And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Well except for this damn mouse
I’ve kept my cats out
From under this trailer
So this mouse made his home
I’m afraid to tell ya
From under this trailer
So this mouse made his home
I’m afraid to tell ya
In between the walls
Of my bathroom and bed
A cute little field mouse
Decided to rest his sweet head
Of my bathroom and bed
A cute little field mouse
Decided to rest his sweet head
And chew a hole into my room
It took a couple of nights
Sounds of his nocturnal scratching
Always gave me a fright
It took a couple of nights
Sounds of his nocturnal scratching
Always gave me a fright
So I called all my cats
To help with the problem
I figured at least one of them
Could easily catch him
To help with the problem
I figured at least one of them
Could easily catch him
Here Pudgey, here Tubby Guts
Come Furball and Crazy,
I’ve got some treats for you
Donnie, Noddles and Mr, Kitty
Come Furball and Crazy,
I’ve got some treats for you
Donnie, Noddles and Mr, Kitty
Though try as I might
To get them to catch that rodent
Pawing at my kitty-hypno blanket
Was how their time was spent
To get them to catch that rodent
Pawing at my kitty-hypno blanket
Was how their time was spent
Then I tried my two dogs
The great outdoor rodent chasers
They’ve dug up mole tunnels
In numerous places
The great outdoor rodent chasers
They’ve dug up mole tunnels
In numerous places
I let Strongbad and Sox
Come visit my small room
With them being so hyper
I knew I was asking for doom
Come visit my small room
With them being so hyper
I knew I was asking for doom
But it turned out ok
Sox caught mouse scent soon after
And ran all around the room
Managing to avoid disaster
Sox caught mouse scent soon after
And ran all around the room
Managing to avoid disaster
From wall to wall she sniffed
Nose trailing the floor
She finally stopped and pawed
At my closed closet door
Nose trailing the floor
She finally stopped and pawed
At my closed closet door
Too much junk in there
To let her search and destroy
So I let the dogs out
And thought up another ploy
To let her search and destroy
So I let the dogs out
And thought up another ploy
Poison was out
Since I have not a few cats
And I said no like wise
For your standard mouse traps
Since I have not a few cats
And I said no like wise
For your standard mouse traps
Then I thought "Glue traps,"
"Glue’s just the thing!"
So I ran down to Wal-Mart
And bought them first thing
"Glue’s just the thing!"
So I ran down to Wal-Mart
And bought them first thing
I set one out last night
Rested it up against the hole
Hoping that by morning
I’d finally catch my sleep-robbing foe
Rested it up against the hole
Hoping that by morning
I’d finally catch my sleep-robbing foe
And come daylight
What to my wondering eyes did I see?
The glue trap had moved
And held a fat little mousie!
What to my wondering eyes did I see?
The glue trap had moved
And held a fat little mousie!
I held the trap up
And looked in his eyes
They were beady and brown
And much to my surprise . . .
And looked in his eyes
They were beady and brown
And much to my surprise . . .
He wasn’t dead at all
And now to add to my dilemma
I don’t know what to do
With this cute little fella
And now to add to my dilemma
I don’t know what to do
With this cute little fella
When my boys get home from school
I’ll let them take care of it’s plight
But this eve I’ll rest easy
And finally have a good night
I’ll let them take care of it’s plight
But this eve I’ll rest easy
And finally have a good night
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