Well, out of boredom, I pull up the program on my laptop and picked a Celtic Cross Tableau and the prevailing question in my mind was about the swing party tomorrow night. The first card position (current influences) was the 3 of swords: betrayal (my son calling Children’s Services on me)
Card 2 (immediate obstacles) was the Lovers – Attraction, Desire, Love, A choice between a higher union and a lower one (!!!), Conflicting desires, bonds of mutual benefit or affection. Well, a whole lot of shit can be read into all those being obstacles, lol.
The third card is goals, objectives or the best that can be accomplished by me at this time. This card was unsurprisingly the queen of pentacles. This is “My” card, one that best represents me in readings, a sensual and motherly woman. So this means, just be who I am (easy to do, lol).
The Fourth position card is about your past that made you who you are, for me the 8 of wands. Which indicates a tendency to act impulsively (oh how true!). Card five is recent past events that have been influencing your life, I got the Strength card in this case. It stands for strength, passion, strong drives and emotions, also true.
Future influences are the 6th card, Ace of Cups (shit, this is getting spooky). It represents new feelings, flood of strong emotions, a lifting of depression (the meds are helping), the beginning of a new love affair or renewal of an existing one (hmmm). The seventh card shows me in my present state, and is the Justice card, it shows dealings with the legal system (real spooky now) and a positive outcome.
Card 8, represents my influence on things around me. This card is the ten of swords (oh shit!). It can mean defeat, an irrevocable loss that must be accepted or loss of a goal, job or relationship. I hope it doesn’t mean the current disintegrating relationship I have with my twin sons. The ninth card position is for inner emotions, my hopes or fears.
I drew the seven of pentacles for this one, meaning the end results may take time, but keep doing what is needed and I will eventually be rewarded (karma). And lastly the tenth card position is the end result of the reading , the culmination of all the influences of the reading.
I pulled the Magician for this position, meaning if I I stay on course and use my power wisely, I have the ability to achieve what I desired. But I must use my will intelligently, in order for my intentions to succeed, instead of my impulsive emotions. Well, I’m gonna look at the reading this way,
I haven’t dabbled with the Tarot in months, but every time I have done a reading the signs are there that I have some small talent for it. True, none of these cards were reversed, and I’m not sure if the program I used even uses the reversal of cards in it’s interpretations, but I thought it kind of an odd that seemed to touch on all the bases that are going on in my life right now.
Well wish me luck at the swingers party tomorrow, from the sounds of my reading, exciting things are sure to happen,
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