But first, I’m on a good combination of meds now, thank (insert your favorite deity here). The Cymbalta had sexual side effects I couldn’t tolerate, and the Klonopin did nothing but make me sleepy. So now I’m taking Remeron for depression, Xanax for anxiety, Geodon for my bi-polar disorder and just now Halcion for sleep.
I know, I can hear y’all now “(whistle sound) Dayum! I didn’t know she was THAT fucked up in the head!” but the situation with my semi-adult childern pushed me to it. My moods are improving, and so far no side effects sexually (inorgasmia) with all the meds. My libido is still good, and last night I used a fresh battery and had a good, hard orgasm watching chicks masturbate on AWC,lol.
Actually I was watching several women at once, imagining “Ruffles” was being driven by a body. Mmmm, sliding that dildo in time with the pussies on cam. There was this one chick with this jelly dildo that was fucking herself silly, but then again so was I, lol. But then this chick with HUGE tits and a corset started playing with herself and that was it for me, I was squirting all over the place, lol.
My only regret was that there wasn’t someone else driving my acrylic dildo for me. Because then, they could take me over the edge again and again, instead of stopping just after the first couple of orgasms like I do. I can’t help it, orgasming alone it doesn’t seem worth putting forth the extra effort if I’m just by myself, roflmao!
OK, on to the next thing . . . my son that was in the “Behavioral Health Facility” has been back home since early this week. Things have been a little better. He has now learned that there are a lot worse places than home to be in. Though he still thinks he hit me in “self defense” when I smacked his face with my left hand.
We have a therepy session soon and I’m going to make SURE he knows that no matter what the reason, it was not acceptable in any way, shape or form. His father is/was and abuser, my mother was and for real, I’ve tried to hard to break the cycle. He just doesn’t realize that there have been times when I wanted to be the holy fucking shit out of him and could have, but there’s this thing called restraint and he needs to learn it.
Oh, and he was diagnosed with ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) and Narcissistic disorder and Parent/Child conflict. I wasn’t too surprised at the diagnosis. I plan on sending him to Job Corps, but it’s proving to be bit more difficult than calling them and saying “Hey, I want him enrolled.” If he behaves and goes to family therapy, I might let him stay. I haven’t sent him back to school yet, he’s been helping me a little on switching bedrooms.
I’VE GOT THE BIG BEDROOM NOW!!!!!!!!!! When we first moved here, I warned em that if the room didn’t stay clean, they would lose it. Now they know I meant what I said and they’re not liking it too much, but I’m ecstatic! I have 2 windows that look out over the lake (covered with about 4 inches of snow right now), 2 big closets, a big dresser and my own bathroom with Jacuzzi (not working though).
The bathroom needs work, but that’s my next goal, other than finding a damn job first. I had a job scheduled to do today, ($25.00 and hour too!), 2 ½ hours away, but Mother Nature in all her wisdom decides to dump a bunch of snow and ruin my plans. Like last month, that was the only job I had scheduled for the month, and that screws me completely.
I had to borrow $200 bucks from my Mom this past week to pay my electric and phone (it got cut off), and she’s also sending me a Tracfone prepaid card so my cell doesn’t get cut off. I could have gotten an agency to pay the electric at one point, but the Landlady (it’s in her name) paid it early, so they couldn’t pay me to pay her back, since the bill was paid, if that makes sense, lol.
Anyways, if you got any spare change, I’ll be taking PayPal donations for the “Keep Techy Online and Warm” fund. I don’t have the money to pay my Internet Service Provider and the landlord STILL hasn’t fixed my furnace and so I’m using Kerosene to heat with.
The price of it always seems to go up when the temp goes down. And I got 10$ left in the bank. You may donate your change to the Keep Techy Warm and Online fund using the email address thesexy_tech@anywebcam.com in the To: field on the right.
I told ya I had a sucky week, didn’t I? But there were some good times too, like the swingers’ party, but I’ll save that for part II . . .
you know whats funny i was probley masterbating to the same girls lol wish i could help you with money but i'm low on cash too lucky i'm able to live with my parents and dont have to worry about food and rent and stuff but i just found out this morning i'm getting job only for one day thou but its means cash in my pocket.
Thank you for sharing your thought's and your life i'm a totall profile junkie and i ran across your blog on a friends 360 page. (foxxi) a.k.a whorehouse princess
You write really well it made for an interesting read in fact it made me late for work!
anyway thank you again and awsome back peice i just got my first three tatt's this past year and made an appointment for my fourth next week.
Peace JB
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