Well I watched episode #1007 again last night, "TSST". It was about Cartman being out of control, and they parody those Nanny reality TV shows and the "Dog Whisperer" too. It was pretty funny, but it got me to thinking . . . In the cartoon they aren’t acknowledging Cartman’s bad behavior at all and it reminded me of my son’s "silent treatment" of me a couple days ago. We’ve been fighting because I’m having serious issues with him not finishing the dishes and I’m not backing down.
He started saying some shit when we were argueing about how I never do anything around the house (he said it in pig latin though, his balls aren’t that big, lol) just because I’ve got the household chores divided up between the 3 of them. After all, they are the ones making most of the messes. I clean up after myself. So today I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen that my problem child never finished. He was threatened with it and has now earned himself the chore of doing dishes until next year as punishment.
I also cleaned the living room mess that my dogs made when youngest son didn’t put the dogs in their bathroom for the night. They got a hold of the only present underneath the Christmas tree and chewed it open (2 years ago they opened a PS2 controller and half ate it). It was for me from my problem child, a box of chocolate cordial cherries, a candy I happen to detest, yuk! They’ve never seen me eat one!
When he first put the present under the tree, he goes "I get a brownie point for first one to get Mom a gift!" I told him "If you got me something just to earn brownie points, then you can just take it back." Well he came in my room first this morning and showed me the ripped box saying "Look at what the dogs did to the present I got you". I looked at him in the eye and said "Good thing I don’t like chocolate covered cherries" and he tossed them in my trash.
Yes, I was being a bitch, I knew he didn’t finish the kitchen again and damnit I was pissed off! So today I decided to take the South Park approach and just not acknowledge him at all, the silent treatment back in his face. I cleaned the kitchen to my satisfaction, and was still working on it when they came home from school. He didn't thank me or say a word about my finishing his job, the little jerk.
I’m kind of ignoring all three of them now, unless it’s to give them direction. I’m sick and tired of them fucking off their responsibilities. They have absolutely no clue how lucky they are to have me as a Mom. As open, understanding, caring and loving as I am to these boys they just don’t know how closed minded and strict other parents can be.
Though I do try to remind them they’re helluv lucky I didn’t turn out to be a psycho bitch like their Grandmother, and at least they have the courtesy to say AMEN to that. Ain’t it a bitch though that during this Christmas when can afford to do a few nice things for them (for a change), it seems like they go out of their way just to piss me off. I just wish I could try and capture another one of those happy moments we used to share when they were little and so easy to please, even if Santa did get all the credit.
I’m so tired and frustrated
This weight feeling like boulders
Carried alone on injured shoulders
Tasks never seem to get fully done
Their only interests are having fun
Duties unfinished so it seems
Giving precedence to their own things
My three pre-man sons
Jealous of their freedom?
I became a mother at their age
Now hoping they just pass this phase
And finally gain some common sense
Least common of all the senses
An oxymoron to the Nth degree
Though I do try to remind them they’re helluv lucky I didn’t turn out to be a psycho bitch like their Grandmother, and at least they have the courtesy to say AMEN to that. Ain’t it a bitch though that during this Christmas when can afford to do a few nice things for them (for a change), it seems like they go out of their way just to piss me off. I just wish I could try and capture another one of those happy moments we used to share when they were little and so easy to please, even if Santa did get all the credit.
I’m so tired and frustrated
This weight feeling like boulders
Carried alone on injured shoulders
Tasks never seem to get fully done
Their only interests are having fun
Duties unfinished so it seems
Giving precedence to their own things
My three pre-man sons
Jealous of their freedom?
I became a mother at their age
Now hoping they just pass this phase
And finally gain some common sense
Least common of all the senses
An oxymoron to the Nth degree
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