My husband was living with me again (don’t ask, I still need a divorce, lol) and he preferred my pussy clean-shaven. So when I went under the knife, I naked and hairless as a peeled grape. In the recovery room as I was coming out of the anesthesia, a nurse came in said something about checking my incision and lifted up the sheet and looked DOWN towards my legs, not up towards my chest.
“Oh silly me” she said and put the sheet back down, “that’s not where you had surgery” and left the room. I was still groggy, but I was like “WTF was that all about?” It wasn’t until I got back home later that it dawned on me, the bitch was perving my bald pussy! “OMG, “ I told my husband, “the nurses must have passed it around that I was shaved and she wanted a peek!”
Believe it or not, it really bothered me, ME of all people! I don’t mind people perving me with my permission, but it made me feel violated that they did it in my semi-conscious state, I felt it was akin to visual rape. I almost called the hospital and made an issue out of it, but in the less than 24 hours the world changed forever, and my privacy concerns seemed so trivial in comparrison.
There I was at home in bed the next morning, drugged up on painkillers with my lazy-ass husband sound asleep next to me, watching old reruns of ER. Suddenly the scene switched to a damaged skyscraper with smoke billowing out of it. I looked around for the remote, cause I figured I must have rolled over on it or something and changed the channel. I mean, there was no announcement, no segue, no nothing, the TV had just switched over to the World Trade Center in flames.
At first I though “A fire?” Then a reporter started talking and it dawned on me, what I was watching was LIVE, happening right now! In shock and horror, I shook my husband awake. I can’t remember now what I said, but I was scared shitless. The news was just starting to sink in that a plane had just crashed into the world trade center, when the second plane hit.
The reports were confusing, but it didn’t matter. Very soon on the heels of that image, a wave of unreality swept over me like a tsunami, as I watched the buildings fall in what seemed like slow motion to the ground. People running and screaming everywhere, clouds of dust and ash obscured everything, turning the world a chalky gray. Tears were coursing down my face and I remember saying “All those people, all those people” knowing there were probably very few survivors.
It’s been 5 years now and luckily the lump wasn’t cancer. The scar on my right breast is nearly invisible, but the scars this country suffered will never disappear. A European friend asked me recently if George Bush had planned the attacks and I was dumbfounded. Apparently this is a common rumor in other countries, that we did this to ourselves.
I may disapprove of the way our government is being run at the moment, but I hate to think that other nations believe we are pure evil, because that’s what it would amount to. We as a nation would never even consider or condone such actions, the idea in itself is ludicrous. Our President may be politically self-serving, but he’s not a monster, just an idiot.
Let us all take a moment to remember the innocent bystanders who went to work that fateful day, as well as the heroes and heroines who fell while trying to save them. They deserve our thoughts and prayers today, as well as the families they left behind. Amen.
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