After a few days of getting the cold shoulder, I finally called her husband on his cell phone when I knew he would be working and we talked about it. I was shocked when he told me that she had developed “feelings” for me, and wanted exclusivity to be part of our friendship. He was surprised himself, he confessed at first he thought HE would be the one to get attached to me, not HER.
I was amazed, even before we had ever met, she had read my 360 profile. In it I specifically state that I think romance sux ass. I had thought I made it perfectly clear in my posts and in our discussions that I was not looking for ANY kind of deep relationship, just friendship. I was hurt, because I have so few close female friends, and she had became the closest, in and out of bed (she was the first woman that I had been with in a loooong time).
We had several chat conversations to work things out, and I told her she was being selfish and self-pitying, and that I had done nothing wrong. I told her I valued our friendship and I’m sorry she was hurt, but I am entitled to live my life the way I want. We talked about it and after that, things were better. I told her she should check out the swing group I was in because I was making friends, but she said she wasn’t into that.
I asked her "Why not? I thought you liked perving cams?" To which she replied "Just because I like to watch a few cams doesn't mean I want to see a bunch of people fucking." Which I thought was a dumb thing to say, cause I mean for real, its all voyeurism. I tried explaining to her that the group wasn't just about fucking, there was more to it than that, but she insisted she wasn't into "that kind of thing".
But the next thing I knew, she had joined the yahoo swingers group under a different yahoo ID I had never seen her use. Which made me wonder about her motives, cause that sounded awfully close to cyber-stalking to find out what I was up to (like I don’t tell the whole world my life anyways, lol). Well, I figured maybe she got curious and changed her mind about the whole "lifestyle" I thought that was the end of the problems we were having and things were back to normal, but I was wrong.
Early last week I had made that “play date” with Red, but on Thursday my friend messaged that me she could “possibly” spend the night on Saturday while her husband went hunting if the weather held out. I was excited and wanted her to come over for a slumber party (We invited another female friend we had been chatting with), but I didn’t tell her about my play date, thought I did contemplate canceling for about a second, but then realized that would be stupid.
I was still unsure of what her reaction would be if I told her about it, and honestly, it really wasn't any of her business. I know that sounds bitchy, but it’s my life to live the way I see fit, and that right should be respected. Well, when Saturday came, it was overcast and wet, spitting rain off and on all day. It didn’t look like she was going to be able to come over without her hubby getting “whiney” as she puts it.
She told me she was feeling crampy anyways and probably would be any fun in that department, but I told her I didn’t want her to come over just for sex, I had a good time with her in and out of bed. We could still have fun in my chatroom The Pussy CafĂ© like we did before, just chatting with the roomies and messing around on cam, but she cancelled on me anyways. It was OK though, I understood.
After that I was bored jumped online to our group’s message bored to see what was going on and read about some of the members plans for the long Labor Day weekend. One couple posted they wanted to camp at the “ Land Between the Lakes” (a national recreational area here in Kentucky) at someplace where they could be naked 90% of the time.
Me (being the smartass that I am) replied to their message “Well, you can camp at the Land Between my Legs and be naked 100% of the time . . . oh wait, you said LAKES . . . nevermind, lol” and wished everyone a happy Labor Day weekend. I thought it was funny anyways, but apparently my “friend” did not.
I guess she took it seriously because she sent me an offline IM saying: <*****>: I'm sure you wont have any problems finding someone to camp between your legs At first I thought maybe it was a joke or something, was she being for real? Apparently she was, because 5 min after that she had sent another offline message: <*****>: Techy you and I are going to have a heart to heart talk.......thanks for finding OTHER things to do so fast.
I could not fucking believe this crap! I thought we had this shit settled and c'mon, it was a fucking JOKE! But even if it wasn't, the drama was getting to be a bit too much. I have enough things going on in my life as it is without having to deal with negativity and judgmental people. What did we “have a heart to heart talk” about? I hadn’t done anything that would warrant that kind of conversation as far as I could tell.
I was pissed off, the last thing I needed was to get depressed over the long holiday weekend. I wanted to spend it having a good time with my kids, fishing and cooking out, and now here I got a "friend" tripping out on me. I needed some stress relief badly, so I went looking for JD to see if he had some “smoke”. He was working up the hill with the chickens, so on the pretense of gathering firewood for the cookout, I drove up there and waved him down.
I had been kind of distant to JD lately, mainly due to the fact that my “physical” needs were being met elsewhere. That was the only reason I had anything to do with him sexually in the first place, lol. I mean c’mon, he told me he was a “happily” married man (whatever that means, lol). I see him all the time now that the kids are back in school, and have kept turning him down his advances even though we stay friendly.
One day a couple weeks ago while we were getting stoned in my living room, I asked him what the deal was if he was so “happily married” and we had a discussion on the topict. I told him he needed to “train that bitch up” to give some good head, lol, which apparently she doesn’t do (I can’t help it if I give good head, hehehe). Then he confessed that it was the thrill of it all, the cheating and possibility of getting caught that was the biggest turn on for him (other than yours truly, lol).
Ahhh, that I could understand . . . at least to a degree. I don’t get off on that kind of “thrill”, but I know plenty of people who do. While we were talking, and even though I already turned him down, he grabbed his cock through his pants and said “See what you do to me though?” I thought, “well DUH, I’m fucking sitting here naked and we’re talking about sex . . .” but explained I just wasn’t in the mood right then.
Then he asked if I could watch him jack off, and thought “why the hell not?” I told him “go for it dude!” and got him a paper towel from the kitchen, sat back down on the couch and started watching. Man JD’s got a nice big dick for such a skinny guy, lol. I started talking dirty to him, teasing him, saying “mmmm, I bet you would love for me to wrap my lips around that wouldn’t you?” and gave him a verbal blow job.
He only lasted a couple of minutes before he started cumming all over his hand and belly, and it was a lot too! It was the last time I had anything sexual to do with him. That was until my pissed off mood brought me up the hill to get some wood (lol) and I asked him if he could get me any smoke. He couldn’t, but offered to get me high instead, which I gladly accepted.
We sat in his truck and smoked a few bowls while I bitched and moaned about my friendship problems, and pretty soon I was flying high and didn't care as much anymore. We talked and he grabbed his dick thru his pants and said "See how fucking horny you get me?" I get hornier when I'm buzzed so I told him to let me see it. He was more than happy to grant my request, lol.
He pulled out his cock and damned it there wasn't precum dripping from the head! "Damn dude, look at that precum" I pointed out, and of course I had to taste it. Opening my mouth wide, I took it all in, well, most of it anyways, lol. I sucked and nibbled for a few minutes, all the while my pussy was pulsing. "Are you wet yet?" he asked, and I took my mouth off his dick to reply "Why don't you check?" I pulled the drawstring and lowered my pants a little and leaned back in the seat.
At first he stroked my pussy lips a little commenting "Hmmm, just a little damp". Then he stuck his fingers in and then felt and heard the juices soaking into my gray velour pants as he stroked my g-spot. "Damn girl you got a wet pussy!" He asked me if I wanted to go out into the woods on the "Gator" (a farm 4-wheeter) and have a little fun, and his timing was right so I said sure.
He drove back to the barn to get it, and I went down to the trailer to fix me a Long Island Tea. I was now hot for some reason, and my problems seemed very far away . . . More to cum
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