A state agency put a (unjust) levy on my bank account, and they emptied it of all my funds, over 250$. I contacted the revenue cabinet to rescind the levy and all but 50$ was returned. Then I tried to get the amount I owe lowered to an acceptable level (I had no income at the time they say I owe over 2500$ for 5 months of child support, while my ex-husband only has to pay 60$ a week for our 3 kids).
The collecting agency agreed the amount was way too much, and tried to get it decreased for me, but the child support fucking cunt (can you tell I hate the bitch?) refused to consider it, and even lied to him. She told the man I shouldn't have missed my court date and that never happened, the lying whore.
So then it took the bank an extra day to post the money back into my account (which they charged me 50$, so now I was out 100 bucks), even though they still had the money, and it made me overdrawn, which cost me another 30$. I had to drive 25 miles to the main branch today because the branch near my home is run by idiots, and at least got them to remove the 30$ overdraft change.
To top it all off my paycheck arrived (almost) on time, but instead of the usual printed check, I got the non-negotiable payroll advice that comes when you have direct deposit, and I never signed up for direct deposit in the first fucking place! The company have fired the payroll company because of too many mistakes, so now it's going to be yet another week till I get paid.
I just can't get a motherfucking break these days (heavy sigh). On a more personal note, I hope this weekend gets better, I came across a yahoo swingers group in my area and they're having a meet and greet this Saturday night. I'm going by myself and though I don't have plans on getting laid, I would LOVE to see how much pussy I could lick in one night, lol.
Oh, and I guess I'm cyber-dating this guy from Switzerland named Laurent, at least that's what it kinda feels like, lol. He's tall, dark and very handsome, unmarried, no kids and has the sexiest French accent I've heard outside of the movies. I really like this guy a lot. He's planning a business trip to New York in January, and a pleasure trip to Kentucky on the side while he's in the US (his first time).
He first saw me on ANYwebcam months ago. A friend of his turned him onto AWC and he thought it was a lot of fun, then one day he saw my webcam and got a shock. Apparently I look a lot like his first true love, back when he was only 19 (he's 36 now). He told me he started perving my cam after that, but since he only chatted in the French and German chat rooms, our paths never crossed.
He finally purchased a webcam recently, and last week popped into my chatroom The Pussy Café, his first time in an English speaking one. I noticed him right away (I always perv face cams before dick cams) and was immediately attracted to him. Might have been the fact he was dressed, lol. Anyways, we've been chatting and camming together ever since. He even calls me from Switzerland, just to hear my voice he says, isn't that sweet?
We did have one minor stumbling block though. Now I know I have an butt that makes ass-men drool (my one vanity, lol) but I've been in a relationship where my partner was more interested in my ass than my pussy and THAT really pissed me off. And if you've ever read my AWC profile you would know that when I'm on cam I don't "show" I share. That means I play and do what I want, when I want and I pretty much ignore people who try to "direct" or tell me what to do.
Well, I noticed that when we first started camming, Laurent would tell me what to do, especially when it came to my ass. At first I let this slide, since (once again) there was a bit of a language barrier. But yesterday while we were camming and I had my ass in the air and up in the cam (it's not a very comfortable position for my fat ass), he typed "stick your finger in your ass" and I immediately replied "no". That pretty much ended his hardon right then and there so I got up enough nerve to talk to him about my "pet peeve".
I explained that I felt like he was "ordering" me what to do and that I didn't like it; it made me feel like an object. We got in a deep discussion and explained the reasons for my feelings. I then found out that in the short time he had been web-camming (mostly in the French chatroom) the women made camming into a game with him; making him show himself off (not a big turn on for me) for them and visa versa.
We got it all straightened out eventually, and had a really great talk. He makes me so horny every time we chat. I like to watch the effect I seem to have on him and love taking him over the edge again and again. The last time we played I came in about 30 seconds flat and flooded my hand with pussy juices, lol. These days he's been very busy and I find myself missing our daily talks. I can hardly wait until January and I get to taste him for real . . .
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