Best Friend
Civilian hellos exchanged
Over fresh laundry twisting
On the line like feathers in the breeze Coffee shared with a good dose of gossip To sweeten it up
And a touch of humor to make it light
Good time bar hoppin'
Clones separated at birth
The scheming men gather around Your sable ringlets
And Bauch and Lomb green eyes
Claws sheathed momentarily
They want to taste the artichoke heart
But forget about the prickly thistle
Dear Abby advice was always
Given the right of way
And heeded as much as the stop sign
At the end of the street
You were my favorite charity I gave until I bled
You casually wounded emotions
Regardless of the cursed victims
Arranged attractively in the aisles
Not content with a man of your own,
You tried seducing mine
Only because you thought you could
Little did you know that was the line I tattooed under my skin
Nearly sorry to see you gone
I won't know what do
Without a vampiric leach upon my neck
Sucking out it's minimum daily requirement
Of love and friendship
That you said you needed so much, like air
Well I'm breathing easier now
My wallet's fatter, house is cleaner
And my life is uncluttered
Maybe a little lonelier
But now I'm safe,
Like a snowman under a glass globe
Untouchable to friendship
For who knows how long
Mass transfusions of trust will be necessary
Before the title best friend Is offered to a willing candidate again
Slowly the apple wine starts unwinding
That tight spring I've felt for days
Wondering about the reasons and the ways
Coldness emanating from your direction
Speculation and determination
What is really the situation?
Conversation commences, and questions boldly asked
Evasions, and equations that have no answers
Selfishness and self-pity, angry lovers entwined
The other self, realization, left far behind
Love is such a funny thing, as is her sister affection
Misinterpretation often occurs with these twins
So dramatic the leaving, as punishment I suppose
The question of friendship, after wishes of care
Left unanswered, and things go, once again unrepaired
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