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To pick up where I left off . . . The entire week and a half I stayed there was filled with drama daily. To use a cliché “If it wasn’t one thing, it was another”. I didn’t have many problems with the kids, it was friends of my ex’s coming over, borrowing things, offering me free drugs, going to bars, getting high. Basically all the things I moved to the country to get away from.
I went to visit my ex in jail that Saturday I was there, and it was “video visitation” of all things. They use Logitech cams of all things, roflmao. So I felt pretty comfortable and amused during our 20-minute visit, which consisted of him telling me if I didn’t help get him a lawyer, he was going to go away for a while.
I don’t wish that on anyone, but my funds were limited since it was costing me money buying everything for the household and having to spend a lot in gas since I had a couple jobs in my territory I had to drive to. He asked me about his SSI check and I gave him an accounting of all his funds.
One of the dramas I went through was that this friend of his who sometimes stayed there, Terry, had Ed’s SSI check and cashed it. First he gave me only 400 for the rent, and I went upstairs to ask him why, the rent was 495$ and he gave me another 100$ with some excuse about maybe Bruce wanted to hold back on some of the money.
I knew the rent had to be paid before anything else, because he also had a late fee due for not paying on time the previous month. So I knew that was bullshit, and went back up to see what about the rest of the money, and got another 20 bucks out of him, but that was it. So he ended up keeping around 100$ of Ed’s check.
After I explained this, I also told him Randa paid me 40$ that she owed him, and I could kick in 60 bucks, but that was all the money I had. He gave me a number of a friend of his he had helped out of jail once before that knew of an attorney that would take payments. He also knew the guy would kick in 100$ towards the lawyer fee too, so I gave him a call.
We had it set up on Monday and I paid the lawyer the money and apparently this guy does good work cause he got all the charges knocked down to first offense DUI when we went to court on Tuesday. He was released later that afternoon and I picked him up and we spent the day fucking, lol.
During our visitation conversation I had told Ed I would take care of the electric bill if something happened (i.e. him going to jail) cause obviously I would have to stay in Louisville with the kids. But what he heard was that I was going to pay the electric bill.
I told him I might be able to help him some, but I had my own expenses too, and I was trying to save money to get a place. He kept asking me what happened to all the money from the SSI check I get for one of my sons, which is none of his fucking business in the first place. I pointed out to him that it cost me a lot more money staying there instead of being back home in Hartford.
But being the narcissistic beast that he is, he thinks that nothing else matters unless it concerns him. I left the next day having had my fill of “The ‘ville” for a while. Two days later I get a call from Ed saying that if I didn’t come down there with a 100$ pet deposit, they were going to get evicted.
Round trip mileage is over 250 miles there and back. Before I left the last time I had spoken to the apartment manager about the dog situation. I explained that I didn’t have the cash right then but I would be back in a week and a half to visit the kids and pay the pet deposit, but she got a phone call and we never did finish the conversation, so I left to go back home.
Then the call came and I had to go right back and pay it, isn’t that fucked? But I love my dogs, they are my 4-legged children and not just dumb animals. So I turn around and come back home the next day. Of course we had hot sex, I didn’t want the trip to be a total waste of time and money, lol.
But this past Saturday I drove down there to see him and the kids with only $7.00 and what gas I had in my tank. OK, ok, I was half drunk and totally horny since I just got off my period and wanted some guaranteed dick and not have to hunt some “strange” down in a bar, lol.
I got there and he was pretty buzzed too, and we both got a little higher to kick up the mood. You see, with Ed he equates “substance” use with good sex, and it often is (quite often), but sex with he while he’s straight is pretty, well, not boring but definitely vanilla.
I didn’t care how I was going to get the gas money to make it back tomorrow, I wanted to fuck NOW! These days I never travel without my toy bag, and Saturday was no exception. I was in the mood for some hot, sweaty, nasty sex. I was not disappointed, lol.
I didn’t arrive until really late, around 2am, but that was no problem, his dick was pointing at high noon, hehehe. First things first, he started fingering me and licking my clit, soaking the sheets beneath us with my cum. He gets off on the fact that I’m a squirter and he laps it right up.
Ed’s had a hand injury and I could tell it was bothering him so I brought out my toys. Ruffles as usual did the trick and it wasn’t before long my pussy acted like a water fountain and squirted him in the face. He loved every drop and fucked me harder with Ruffles while fingering my ass.
I brought out the vibe that my buddy I8 (thanks sweety!) sent me and started out playing with my clit, but decided to use it on him instead. Ed was the first guy (25 years ago) that introduced me to the art of anal play, and have loved fingering men’s asses ever since.
I wish the uptight people of the world would just realize that just because a guy gets his ass played with, it doesn’t make him gay. So anyways, I start teasing his cock and balls with the vibrator while sucking his cock “69” style. It was driving him crazy, so I gently moved down to his ass.
At first I just played on the outside of his ass (rimmed it, lol) while his dick started swelling more in my mouth. Then I got bolder and inserted the tip. This vibe is an angled g-spot/prostate type and quite a blast to play with. I started fucking his ass while he fucked my mouth and pussy, I was coming so hard and choking on his cock.
He raised off me then and we put the toys away for the main event. On my back, he pulled my ankles up to his shoulders and slipped that stiff dick deep inside me. I was flooding in an instant, while he talked dirty to me, just the way he knew I liked it. Mmmm!
We fucked hard, fast and furious with my pussy squirting on him the whole time. He finally came, gasping and shaking and jumped right off his dick was so sensitive. As usual with him, it’s 1) Sex, 2) Food and 3) Sleep. As predicted, 1 and 2 occurred, but as I kissed him goodnight, I tongue fucked his mouth and we went on to Round 2.
Round 2 was more passionate than the first time, but it was all good and by the time we were all finished, it was already about 7am. Kenny came over then to borrow some tools of Ed’s and gave me a big shit-eatin’ grin when he saw us in bed. Before I finally left to go back home, I agreed to get a place together with Ed.
I’m still wondering if that’s a good idea or not . . .
Editor’s note (lol):
I originally wrote this back on June 4th when I went through a shitload of drama with my ex-husband in Louisville (“the ‘ville” as locals call it, or pronouce it “Louavul” but NEVER like “Lewisville”, you will be corrected, lol). Anyways, better late than never so here it is.
I went to go visit my children this week and take my dog to do his doggie jail time and live with the kids. At first things went well, I left late so I could sneak Strongbad in without the apartment managers seeing him. From that point, things went straight to hell.
Ed, I found out, had landed himself in jail. Again. The charges are reckless driving, no seatbelt, driving on a suspended license, no insurance, no registration, improper plates, defective equipment, and another DUI. The car wasn’t his and I found out later that the plates were reported stolen.
He’s been in prison for a felony DUI (I think it’s 3 or 4 offences within 5 years) and I believe he still has “time on the shelf” for that conviction. So I’m thrust in the middle of all this drama from the moment I arrived, but it was too late to do anything about it, so several friends were over his house and we all ended up partying all night (blame it on the full moon).
At one point some crazy bitch came over and started ranting and raving about how this other friend, Peter, (who happened to be at the apartment) had killed her brother who died of an overdose. It was redneck drama at it’s finest with screaming and cursing and threats of bodily harm.
I told the bitch she needed to calm her ass down cause there were kids in the house, and she was so pissed off at Peter spit was flying as she spoke. Of course that was after she chugged some more of her beer, lol. I managed to defuse the situation and got those people out of the house. I found out later that Peter had slipped into the living room while she was ranting and hid in one of the closets, lol.
When it was time to crash, we had bodies sleeping all over the living room floor and couch. One of the friends that stayed over was Kenny, and he is a fine motherfucker too. I’ve known him since he was 17 (15 years ago), and thought he was hot then, and is still just as hot now. Dressed in only my purple silk Kimono robe, I finally went to sleep in the morning.
Kenny came into the bedroom where I was sleeping in the afternoon wanting to get high and woke me up a few hours later. I realized right then that my robe had fallen open and one tit was fully exposed. I said “Ooops, it peeked out” and he told me “Hell girl, that was no peek, that was in full view!”
I sat up and we all sat in the bedroom catching a buzz, but when everyone else left the room, Kenny stayed. I was a little surprised, but definitely pleased when he started sucking on my re-exposed tit, and I started moaning in pleasure.
I told him I even brought my toys with me if he felt like playing with them, and he told me to take them out. Kenny was hot and took to my toys right away and started licking my clit while slipping my dildo in deep. I showed him how to angle it just right to hit my g-spot, but he was more into going deep, lol.
I was hot and wet, but Kenny was having some “Mr. Ed” problems due to the all night partying, but I didn’t let that bother me, I know I can pretty much suck any dick problems away. In the mean time he wanted to see what other toys I had and I brought out my purple acrylic dildo.
He tried slipping both dildos into my pussy at the same time, but they pinched my pussy lips so that was out. Instead he started using the purple on my ass while I tried relaxing and letting it go in. I reached over into my goodie bag and took out a couple of peppermint Altoids and quickly chewing them up and started working on his cock.
He punished my pussy and ass with both dildos at the same time as I licked and sucked the life back into his dick. Ahhh, the heat and coolness of breath on the peppermint Altoids coating his shaft did its’ work again and pretty soon I was properly choking on his cock.
I was squirting all over the place by then, moaning around the cock in my mouth when I felt his orgasm begin to pulse up from his balls. I grabbed that vibrating dick tight in my hand and jerked it hard as he arched his back and stopped fucking me with my toys and grabbed the sides of the bed.
I stroked him faster and watched his face as the cum shot at me in mine (I almost got it in the eye!). I reached out with my tongue and tickled his “sweet spot” and got it in the mouth this time. I shoved my head all the way down on his throbbing dick and swallowed every last drop as he lay there and trembled.
End of chapter one . . .
(Sigh) Where do I pick back up? I had a pretty good post written for over a week now, but haven’t finished it yet. It was a trying and dramatic week and a half that I had to spend at my ex’s place in Louisville and it took a lot out of me, kinda like writer’s shock instead of writers block. I knew the words, but couldn’t get myself to type them, not to mention no Internet.
Anyways, I’m back and look for the next installment soon . . .
I’m now living in the city of Hartford, once the site of Fort Hartford. I’m not sure what the bronze historical landmark sign says because I’m always driving by it too fast (lol), but my guess is that it’s Civil War related. Anyways, until the other day I didn’t know there was an actual wooden fort in here in Hartford kind of depicting the original one I guess.
I went to this downsized fort today to have some pictures taken of me by a new friend. His name is CW and he’s a “little person”. I don’t like using the word “midget” cause it has so many negative connotations, and for real they are no different than you or me, just smaller in stature.
CW’s second profession is a photographer and is a good friend of my roommate Mandy. Actually I had met CW while he was doing his first job as an inspector and have nodded hello to him when I’ve seen him in our local Wal-Mart. So when my friend said she was trying to find a date for this friend of hers, I said sure.
Yesterday I had gotten a little buzz going on after drinking a couple of bitch beers (Smirnoff Ice) and decided to text message him on my friend’s cell phone. After a few messages I told him to call me and we had a nice chat and made a date to take pictures at this fort in the afternoon.
I gathered a couple outfits to change into for different shots, but nothing too provocative since this wooden fort was a public place. I also tucked in my toy bag with my acrylic dildos and vibrator because I haven’t gotten off due to lack of privacy when I’m in the mood, which hasn’t been often lately
But now I’m starting to feel this pent up horniness and . . . well . . . I’ve never been with a little person before and in all honesty I was curious. I met CW at the door with a big hello and a kiss on the lips, which surprised him a lot. He told me he’s never met someone with a kiss, but I reminded him we had met before.
I was pretty buzzed at the time because I wanted to completely lower all my inhibitions and get some good pictures taken. Also, it would make me braver in my seduction plan. I had a plan, yes, I will admit. I could already tell I excited him when we kissed several times while I was getting ready.
We got in his truck and headed off the beaten path where this fort was right out in the open. I had lived in the area for nearly a year and a half and never knew it existed. It was cool looking, all rough lumber held together with some kind of mud or concrete.
There were a couple kids walking around when we arrived, but we scared em off when we went into the main, 2-story building. We took a couple of pics downstairs then went up the steep steps to the second floor that had a single beam running up to the roof right in the middle of it.
We took a few more pics then I looked through the chinks in the walls and saw the two boys were off in another direction, so I unzipped my black velveteen mini sleeveless jumper and stood there in my turquoise lace bra and hipster panty set.
I thought CW was going to drop his camera but he snapped back and quickly took several poses of me with his cock standing stiff out in his pants. I checked for prying eyes and pulled on my dress, zipped it up, and went back downstairs.
CW kissed me again and I felt his hard cock pressed against my leg and I could feel him trembling. I dug through my little backpack and went to the convenient ladies room at one corner of the fort. I removed my dress and bra and put on the dress I’m wearing in my profile pic with my titties hanging out, lol.
As I walked into the main building again CW’s eyes widened in surprise and I knew we’d get some good cleavage shots, lol. He posed me in several doorways, corners and windows, then I had an idea. I sat in one windowsill and spread my skirt and moved my panties aside for a different view.
Sweat seemed to break out on his forehead (it was hot outside) and once again I noticed his hard dick poking straight out in his pants. We only took one real naughty pic, just in case the developers turned into censors and we come out with black negatives.
I sat on the wooden picnic bench in there, facing him across from me and gave him another beaver shot and he dove right in with his Gene Simmons-like tongue, I shit you not! His tongue is the longest I’ve ever seen in person! It was helluv cool, hehehe.
I didn’t let him lick me long, cause I heard voices nearby and sat up, straightening my clothes. He pulled first one, then the other tit out and started sucking them, completely blocking the view from outside., it was hot. With only a few shots left, I changed into a long mauve/pink multicolored velvet shift with no panties on this time.
We climbed back up to the upper level and I only let him take a shot or two before taking off my shift dress and standing there completely nude, and grabbing the rail with my arms I had him take pics of my back side and tattoo. But this time his desire was so strong I could smell it in the humid air.
I threw the dress back on and we walked out of the main building and climbed into one of the little corner forts with ladders to a loft. He left his camera equipment at the bottom, but I took my bag up with me. I laid on the long shift and pulled the side slit over, exposing my bush while I reached into my bag for my dildo.
I was already soaked and the clear toy slid in my pussy wetly. I fucked myself quickly into an orgasm and tried to keep the noise down just in case anyone wandered by. I came again and again in my excitement at possibly getting caught while CW stood there with his dick out,
There was no possible way we could have a “proper” fuck, so I opted for masturbation and a blowjob. I told him to come over and stick his cock in my face and he apologized for his small dick size. I said “Who cares? Come here!” and swallowed his dick whole.
His hands were on my head as I fucked myself silly and moaned around the cock in my mouth as I came again, squirting wetly as he watched. I could feel his legs trembling as his dick swelled and I tasted precum. I swallowed his cock completely and massaged it with my tongue, base to head and he was off like a rocket.
I came hard then as I swallowed the pulsing cum filling my mouth, it seemed to go on for a long time before stopping. He kissed me after putting all his clothes back in place, and I thanked him for the good time. We climbed back down from the loft and tried to compose our sweaty selves, lol.
Hopefully the pics come out good . . .