The main reason is that the meds that work best for my depression (Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) make me inorgasmic, and that sux ass. I mean one of the few things I can do to help alleviate my depression (even if it is temporary) is masturbation and the drugs make it near impossible to cum. Or make it so difficult that I’m so frustrated when I finally do cum, I’m more depressed than when I started.
Sorry I haven’t felt like writing much, cause I know y’all would love to hear the wet, juicy details of my threesome with Carla and her boyfriend. But the creative energy just isn’t there this week to put fingertips to keyboard. I will write it someday, cause it was pretty hot. Some of my lucky readers got to watch us live on Anywebcam that night, hehehe.
They’re supposed to come out and visit next weekend and go to a swinger club with me, but we’ll see. I’m going to a party tomorrow too though so hopefully I will be out of this funk and back to my normal pervy self. I know there’s one lady that’s going to be at the party and has promised to sport the "no panties" look for my inspection, so I know that this one will be fun.
This is a great blog post by Leon from my Friends list. It’s a topic I’ve been dying to get a man’s point of view on and he did a fantastic job on it: The Dick (#2, a.k.a. "BBC" WORLD NEWS) by Leon!, a.k.a. "Arevilo"
The article was really informative and here was my comment:
I do not really "prefer" big dicks for the simple reason that "average" hits me right in the g-spot while I'm fucking and it gets me wetter than a slip n' slide. Toss a nice little upward curve to that and you've got my perfect dick.
I've had my share of big ones before, and actually my very first fuck and then my first love were both big, but until I had them again some 10-15yrs later it didn't register. Then I thought, "Damn, my tight 13 year old pussy used to take that all the time?" lol.
Being a white girl with a "ghetto booty" (yea, I know it's stereotypical, I'm not even a white girl, I'm hispanic, lol) it gets alot of attention from black guys. But it's like you said about the black porn stars that have style, it's the BBC attitude they have that turns me off, not that they're black. ANY man that acts like he's something just because he's got a big cock doesn't score points with me.
One of my yahoo pet peeves is guys who involve their dick size or color when they come up with their yahoo ID, like bbc4u2fuk or 9inches4urhole, shit like that just bugs me. There is more to a man than just his dick, I just wish guys would hurry up and learn that (maybe I should go on a lecture circuit, lol).
And yes, men are WAAAAY more hung up on dick size than women are. Hands (and tongues and toys) can work just as well as dicks and sometimes even better, faster and longer! Perceived dick inferiority can also lead to performance issues that guys really packin’ it in their pants don’t suffer from. Check out this song from "Da Vinci’s Notebook" titled "Enormous Penis" , that kind of says it all, lol.
I was lucky enough to see your 3some with carla, it was hot.
Hope you feel better real soon, missing your pretty face on awc
Amen to the winter blahs, and the lack of creativity of some guys. And hooray for another Da Vinci's Notebook fan!
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