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Well I jumped on AWC and started chatting, trying to get Bubby interested in the naked chicks on cam and the chat rooms. But he’s got this thing against computers, no interest in em at all. I think it’s because hi wife had an online affair with this guy in Germany, which is what broke up his marriage (or so he says, I bet she says different). We played and teased, but he was shy and didn’t really want to be on cam. I told him “What the fuck do you care who’s watching you?” but he still wanted the lights down low. I consented, to a degree. I lit a couple of candles then turned down the lights.
We had gotten in a discussion earlier about oral sex, and of course how much he enjoyed me sucking his dick. I found out that the only time he gives it is when he’s wasted (which was kind of a turn off actually). So I made sure he was good and high before I started having my way with him. Now when I’m giving head, I love to play with a man’s ass. Lets face it guys, tickling that prostate feels helluv good and it DOES NOT MAKE YOU GAY! I feel if you want to play with my ass, then you should let me play with yours too!
Well, I started working on him slow, still trying to get him out of prude mode. I brought out the baby oil and we had mutual back rubs. I always give great sensual massages, it relaxes my partner and makes him more receptive to “play”. But Bubby’s back rub, except when he was massaging my firm round ass and slipping his hands between my cheeks, was just cursory and he didn’t seem all that into it. Strike one for him, I was really in the mood for someone to “be into me” for a change. It seems all the sex I’ve had lately has been all about them instead . . .
So now it’s his turn for a back rub, and I get him all slippery and oiled up, rubbing my wet pussy into his back as I massaged his tense shoulders. I slid my hands between his cheeks and felt him jump a little, then started caressing his balls. He responded by rolling over and asking me where my altoids were. He really REALLY liked my peppermint altoid blow jobs, so I chewed on a couple and started teasing his cock with my tongue, letting the melting mints in my mouth drip down his shaft. I had his whole cock in my mouth (I told you he wasn’t even average), massaging my tongue all over, then opening my mouth wide and blowing my breath on his cock. He was in ecstasy, the hot/coolness of the mint stimulated him further and made him harder!
I started playing with his ass, trying to slip a finger in and taking his cock deep, then blowing my breath on his cock again. I could feel him tense when I played with his asshole, so I backed off. Then he told me to turn the lights down even lower and turn off the cam. Then I got pissed, strike two. I wanted to share this on cam, and I liked seeing what I was doing, on and off camera. So I pointedly told him “Well, we don’t have to do anything you know.” I must confess something here, I am somewhat of a spoiled brat, lol. I stomp my little foot, stick out my lip and pout when I don’t get my way. So on this I wasn’t giving in. Then he was all “Oh, uh, well, I meant I didn’t want you fingering my ass while on cam that’s all.” “Yea, right.” I thought, so the lights stayed on low , and I faked turning off the cam, lol.
This girl really wanted some too by this time, so after switching off the monitor I said “My turn now!” He smiled and said he wanted to try one of the Altoids on my clit so I said “Go for it”. I had tried tutoring him earlier on how best to make me cum orally. During our many talks, I explained how it was difficult for me to orgasm while just getting licked, that I had to have a dildo, fingers or something in my pussy in order for me to cum on my clit. It may take a while for someone else to get me there, but I love being able to have 3 different types of orgasms: clitorally, vaginally and anally (and I’m a squirter too!). But in order for me to have anal sex (and ENJOY it), my pussy and clit have to cum first.
I even told him that because of my ex-husband (been married 4 times, but only 3 were legal, but that’s another story, lol) I have this complex about getting my pussy ate. Because I would take so long to cum sometimes, my ex would be like “(SIGH) Aren’t you done yet?” and of course, that kills it right then and there, and you have to start all over again. So I usually just accept the fact that my partner isn’t going to make me cum on my clit orally. I’m OK with it, and just enjoy what I get. I’ll give Bubby credit for one thing though, he did try, at first. But he wasn’t getting it right (or taking my hints) and it was frustrating him. Not to mention his whiskers were making me tender, not a good thing. Then I started feeling bad (again) cause it was taking too long.
I guided his hand, and put it on my ass, my intent clear, cause I knew he wanted to fuck my soft round butt. I thought maybe with some anal stimulation would take me over the edge, then he could fuck me silly anyway he wanted. At first it was working, my pussy got wetter and wetter. My clit so stiff and sticking out of it’s hood as he flicked his tongue faster and faster, all while fingering my ass while I fucked myself with Ruffles (my acrylic dildo, if you haven’t read my other blog entries). I could feel my body tensing, right on the edge of orgasm, and what does he go and do? He shoves ANOTHER finger up my ass and blows it completely. It fucking HURT!
Guys, guys, little word of advice here? If a girl is willing to give up her ass to you, don’t fucking get creative on her if she tells you what to do. Just do it the way she says, no matter how long it takes, have some fucking patience for a change. How would you feel if I was fucking your cock with my mouth, could taste the precum on my tongue, feel those balls tighten, then shove another finger hard, two knuckles deep up your ass? Oh wait, you’d probably like that., nevermind. . .
Well, I didn’t like it, it pissed me off, the fucker. At this point I knew I wasn’t going to cum so I gave up trying, and was gonna have to be satisfied with just a vaginal orgasm (but my clit wanted to cum so fucking bad!). I laid back and put my ankles on his shoulders and shoved his cock in me deep. It felt soooo good, then I grabbed my purple egg and held it to my throbbing clit. Hmmmm, I could feel the vibrations coursing through his dick as it fed my slick, soaking pussy. He was getting harder and more excited and I decided WTF (what the fuck), why not give him some ass?
I turned around stuck my ass up in the air and guided him in slowly, bit by bit. Bubby may be kinda small in the dick department, but my ass was already sore from his manhandling earlier. I held the egg to my clit and felt my pussy twitch and drip while he slipped into my ass, balls deep. He groaned and I guided his hands to my long flowing hair and twisted them in it, all the while pumping his cock with my ass, grinding it good. I looked into the camera he didn’t know was on and gave all the Anywebcam viewers a thumbs up!
Once he got started and I kept rubbing my clit, I forgot everything else. Forgot I was pissed, forgot how my ass had hurt, forgot how much I wanted to have a 3-way orgasm, nothing else mattered, but the pleasure running through my ass. “Spank me!” I gasped at him, and felt a sharp SMACK on my butt, then my pussy started squirting around the fingers I had shoved in it. He pumped and pumped but he couldn’t cum. It must have been the painkillers. We stopped for a breather cause he was tired, and he suggested I get on top. I had gotten my nut already, so I looked at him thought “He sure has balls! First makes me feel guilty for not cumming while eating my pussy, then hurts my ass, I let him fuck me in it anyways, and now that he’s tired, wants ME to get on top so he can fuck my ass some more? I don’t think so!”
I kinda laughed it off, it was getting daylight outside by now so I told him I was tired. “Maybe we can in a couple hours or so, I need some rest”. Well, I gave up some pussy when we woke up a few hours later and he finally came, but he didn’t get any more ass. He was sooo not worthy of if, and had I been a little more sober, he wouldn’t have gotten any. But you live and learn. My poor booty hurt for several days after that, but It’s better now, lol. I’ve even forgiven him for being a dick. And the moral of this story is: “If she’s willing to give up that ass, you had better be willing to kiss it and do whatever it takes to please her first, or it may be the last time you get the chance.”

Happy Monday y’all! My weekend was pretty, er, eventful, lol. People ask me ALL the time if I take it up the ass, and my stock response is “With an ass like this do I have a choice?” If pressed for details, I explain that usually in order for me to have anal sex I have to have 2 things. Either emotions are involved or I’m pretty wasted and horny, lol. And I have to orgasm clitorally and vaginally (which is required for my clit to cum anyways), so I’m relaxed enough to enjoy it.
With that all being said, Bubby called me Saturday morning and asked if he could come by, maybe fish or whatever. I hadn’t talked to him in a while, because I had been purposefully distancing myself from him. I didn’t want to dump him as a friend (never can have too many friends, except on 360, lol), so I told him yea, we could grill outside, and fish or whatever. When he got here, I laughingly told him I knew he was gonna be coming by, because I was on my period again. It seems everytime my period pops up, he calls me and we have sex. Luckily for me (and him I guess, didn’t really care) I was nearly finished and only spotting (ewwwww, I sure some of you are saying, lol).
Bubby arrived around noon but didn’t start the fire until about 4pm. My kids get along with him great, and he really enjoys their company. He misses his 13 yo daughter pretty bad since the breakup with his marriage (she’s turned against him). He thinks his ex is whispering poison in his daughter’s ear (I hate bitches like that). He said he was a grill master (aren’t all men, right?) so he stayed at the fire pit and smoked this 4lb pork roast, it came out awesome! My son made my secret recipe potato salad (I will post that recipe and more sometime this summer) and I made BBQ beans over the fire.
Of course while I was out there, we were both drinking and smokin’, lol. LMAO, it was funny, I almost fucked up the beans because I spaced out and dumped about 1 cup of brown sugar (what was left in the bag) in em instead of about ¼ cup. I managed to scoop most of it back out and salvage it, lol. So by the time dinner was done even though we “sampled” quite a bit of meat, we both had a really good buzz going on (did I mention the pain killers for my tooth?). Pink Floyd said it best, I had become “comfortably numb”, as well as pretty horny!
Me and Bubby had been flirting back and forth all day, so sex was pretty much well a gimme. He told me he had been trying to get a hold of me for a while, but my phone was always busy. The last time I talked to him was the weekend I went out with Silk and I had told him about it (well, not ALL about it, lol). He said he thought I didn’t want to talk to him (not true) or was avoiding him (well, kinda) and didn’t want to be his friend anymore. I explained that I had been trying to distance myself from him, but no matter what, I would always be his friend.
I’d been rebuilding my laptop hard drive all day, downloading drivers, patches fixes, etc.(dialup fucking sux!), and finally quit so I could log on to Anywebcam. In the mood I was in, I was ready to perv some pussy and get nasty, lol. I wanted to “turn him out” on the pervin cams thing, but he’s kinda a prude. Earlier I had bent over in front of him and he smacked my ass, and I was like “ouch” but just kidding. He said “I thought you liked that if I remember right?” I replied “Yea, if I got a hard cock in my wet pussy!” but he thought I said “big cock” and said “Well I can’t help ya with a big cock, but I got onefor ya” or something like that.
I asked him if he had a complex about his small dick size (I didn’t say it like that tho, lol) and he, “A little”, he said. Then I told him “Well, even though my ex (Darkshard) was average size he used to like to play with extension sleeves to “stretch me out” (what’s up with that anyways?) Bubby said he was just gonna “use what the good Lord gave me.” I asked about all those toys he had in his “toy box” then. Apparently his wife used to get them at parties but didn’t really use them, they were more of a tease. I thought that was pretty fucked up, what a bitch.
Well, small dick or no, I wanted some, so I jumped in my chat room to see what trouble I could start, lol. I was drunk a few weeks ago and decided to open a chat room and play with it for a while. I used to run a very popular chat room a few years ago, (BBW’s R Us) but stopped when they switched from IRC chat. I was trying to think up a catchy name when my kitten “Mr. Kitty” jumped up on my lap and demanded my attention (just like he’s doing right now, the little brat). And I though hmmm, how about “Want to see some pussy?” as a room name. This way when dumbasses (ok, not all of them are dumbasses) ask to see my pussy, I could hold up the kitten (lol, I told you I was drunk!). So as room names go, its pretty catchy, so I’ve kept it.
I have no rules in my chatroom, other than don’t be abusive. I just that I think most chat room rules are kinda stupid and ego-tripping (please don’t be offended, its just my opinion). Most people want to see more (no requesting/directing), or want to chat with someone (no blind PM’s), or type in all caps (mostly newbies and it means you’re yelling), and other dumb things. If someone says something I don’t like, I tell em to fuck off shit for brains! It’s much more fun to abuse them and make them run away then booting em out, lol. If they won’t shut up, I just iggy (ignore) them or if they really piss me off, ban them from my cam, but not the room. I believe in freedom of speech, even for idiots. I will never kick someone out just because they’re an idiot. Even if someone calls me fat, ugly or whatever, I don’t kick em out. I just laugh and tell them just because they need tweezers and a microscope to find their dick so the hooker they just paid for can jack them off, don’t project their inadequacies out on me! They usually leave after that, lmao.
Sorry, got off on a tangent there, now where was I? Oh yea, getting some dick, lol. Well, this is gonna be a long post and I need to do some stuff right now, so I will jump off and post part two later on.

I sit in front of the camera topless for the moment, and stand up, looking at my huge nipples on the screen. I wet both thumbs and started rubbing them in a circular motion, around and around and watched the areola crinkle up and get hard. I imagine you are watching me, on the other end of the internet and suddenly your dick got harder. I imagine me, suddenly transported under your desk, grabbing that hard cock. I can almost feel it twitch, like a live wire in my hands. Now my panties are wet in addition to the stiff nipples.
I turn around and present my bubble-butt to the cam. Slowly I lower my red-plaid flannel boxers inch by in down my ass, caressing that soft round mound with my hands . . . mmmm, your hands would be better. . . I bend over and caress my ass, every phat round curve, imagining your hands massaging my cheeks. My pussy gets wetter and wetter cause I know you're watching. I spread my cheeks apart and you feel your mouth water and tongue get hard.
This was Thursday, then my kids came home from school and I had to quit, grrrrr. Well, in lieu of writing some new stuff, I found one of the first pieces of erotica I ever wrote about a dozen years ago. I’m not gonna edit it, so ignore any mistakes or outdated references, lol.
The Dungeon
It was a cold dark and stormy night. The shackles hanging from the wall in the dungeon clattered as Dominitrix entered the room. "Well," she said "have you come to your senses yet, Hmmmm?" He looked up from his position chained to the wall and floor of the dark and dank room with angry red eyes and said nothing. "Still refuse to submit to me? Well I'll just have to PERSUADE you some more." With that cryptic comment she left the room, only to return a few minutes later carrying a leather lash with metal studs on the tips. "You WILL do as I say slave!" she told him in a voice colder than January. With that she stepped up to him and stood in his face wearing only hip length black leather boots that looked so striking next to her soft, blond pubic hair. She stood there with her legs spread in front of him "Lick my cunt you lowlife, good-for-nothing-else scum!" she said with a wicked grin "and you better do it right or you KNOW what will happen" The poor defenseless man looked up at her and refused to say a word. "Not speaking are we! Well in that case we'll just see if you can yell..." With that she look her whip and snapped it across his ass. It left 3 red welts on each cheek. He jumped but still didn't say anything. "You WILL call me Mistress before I'm done with you" she stated as she brought the whip down again, this time dangerously close to his balls. "Okay, okay mistress...I'll do whatever you say I promise! Please don't whip me again!" "That's much better. Now that you have your tongue back let's see how well you can use it." With that she came closer to him and spread her pussy lips apart and showed him her throbbing moist clit. She didn't let it show how much that little lashing had excited her. "When I tell you to lick, you lick, and when I tell you to suck, you'd better suck it good! If you please me I might decide to give you a little pleasure of my own..." He darted his tongue out to taste her hard little clit she slapped him hard across the face. "Did I tell you to do anything yet?" "No but I thought that's what you wanted..." She slapped his face again "Call me mistress when you speak to me slave, and I'll tell you what I want when I want it!" "Yes mistress." He replied meekly. "Good. Now I want you to lick my clit back and forth REAL slow....Hmmmm yes that's better. Stick your tounge in my pussy...fuck me with your tongue....Ohh yesss...." While he was doing this much to his surprise he got a raging hard on. He was ashamed of his weakness and she saw how her instructions were affecting him. This pleased her to no end, realizing in his agony and humiliation, he was still just as attracted to her as he was before he realized the petit blond with the soft blue eyes was really a devil in disguise. " Ohh put you finger deep inside my pussy...suck on my clit... harder..HARDER....OHHH YESSS...AHHHHHHHHH" She screamed as her body shook with a violent orgasm. This had excited him so much he came without ever being touched. She looked down at him with those eyes the same color as blue ice. It wasn't a pleasant smile that crossed her face. "Did you hear me give you permission to cum slave?" she said as she brought the lash down once again, this time breaking the skin. "Well I'll just have to keep you here a little longer until you learn..... " With that she kissed him softly on the lips and walked back up the stairs, leaving him all alone and despairing in the dungeon......
Like my "just-woke-up" look? lol, this is what people see after watching my ass sleep on cam all night on Anywebcam. Nothing much exciting has went on so far this week. I’ve had a kid stuck at home with a stomach virus for 3 days, but thank god I didn’t catch it. I got painkillers from the Dr. so my tooth is no longer screaming and that is SUCH a relief! Only 2 more days till my dentist appointment, and I’ve never been so happy to go to the dentist in my life! Yahoo personals hasn’t found me Mr. Right yet, or even Mr. Right-for-this-moment, lol. I don’t’ know why guys just don’t give their messenger ID when replying to my AD, since I don’t subscribe and can’t really reply to their messages (sigh).
In lieu of any “action” going on, I need a little feedback on the issue of teen boys and porn. As you all know I have 3 teen boys (16, 16, 14.5), one of them (possibly two) is fond of stealing my porn. I got a subscription invite in the mail a few weeks ago from Rockstar magazine and decided to check it out. I got the first issue yesterday, and it’s kinda a wannabe playboy or something with some interesting articles and all the chicks look pretty plastic (and most ARE plastic, IYKWIM). Nothing hardcore, just a few nudes, no penetration. I think the ads show more, lol. Anyways, I am debating leaving the mag in my bathroom (the kids have their own bathroom, but use mine anyway) in the hopes of keeping them out of my stuff. And before someone says "lock your bedroom door" believe me, I've even put a padlock on my door at one point after they learned how to jimmy the lock, and they STILL got in!
I really don’t have any experience with teenage boys, even when I was a teenager I was dating guys in their 20’s, lol. I don't know what goes on in a teen boy’s head, much less the hormone issues and I’m sure plenty of you out there do. Is this a good or bad idea? It's bad enough having a sexy Mom (I think anyways), though I try to be discreet around them. I'm trying to direct them towards healthy sexual attitudes, and am pretty open and honest with them (to a point!). I could use any feedback, comments or advice you may have, thanks!!
Should I leave the magazine where my sons can easily find it?
NO - are you out of your fucking mind?
YES - boys will be boys will be boy-oy-oy-oys (what song is that from?)
OTHER - please leave me a comment, OK?
Footnote: The consensus was that it's normal adolescent male behavior and that leaving the mag where they could find it isn't a bad idea after all (as long as they don't get it sticky, lol) and I should talk to them about it, which I did.
Every year for Mother’s Day I ask for the same thing – a clean house. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten it, lol. But this year, my boys really surprised me. I didn’t get a clean house, but after dinner they came into my room with a Mother’s Day cake blazing with candles, saying “Happy 26th Mother’s Day!” (yes, I’ve been a mother for 26 years, pretty good for someone 29, lol) Earlier in the week, one of my twins (the one in the striped shirt in the picture) had to make a cake for his Foods class in school. When I got home Friday, he told me he was still working on it, but in fact had hid it in my other refrigerator. I had no clue and was really surprised, isn’t that cool?
As I mentioned back in April, I took out a personals ad in Yahoo, but haven't had much luck. While looking at the personals main page I clicked on the "lucky spin" link to randomly pull up photo profiles. Much to my surprise, there was a profile of this guy I chatted with almost 4 years ago from the first time I too out a personal. I messaged "Silk" (I had never taken him on my yahoo buddy list for some unknown reason) and we chatted a few times and talked once on the phone over the last few weeks. Well he messaged me and we started having an intimate chat, which ended with me planning to go to Bowling Green to go see some live music (they're friends of his) and probably spend the night. Sex (of course) was an option, but mainly I just didn't want to drink and drive.
The 60-mile drive seemed to take forever, and I contemplated the things I knew about Silk. During our chat we had played truth or dare (without the dare, lol) and both of us said some revealing things about ourselves. He's also got a blog on MySpace, so I had read about things that had been going on in his life. He accepted an invite to my blog, but I wasn't sure if he had read any of my exploits. I would have been more comfortable if he had though. Since Silk was going to be the designated driver, his friend Bratcher (a local radio DJ) was there too and we were all going to go together. I was kinda glad someone else was there, cause you never know how people really are until you meet them. I didn't have to worry though, Silk was a gentleman.
I'd seen his picture before so I knew he was attractive, but now that I saw him close up, I noticed he had real pretty eyes and a nice smile too. The color of his eyes is hard to describe. To me they seemed to change with his mood. He's a single dad, around 6ft (I think), half Polish and Cherokee, with a nice build and kinda stocky (nice butt too!). He's got a shaved head (like alot of guys who lose their hair, but on him it looks good), and wears 2 silver hoops, and diamond studs. He hugged me when we first met, and my nipples got hard pressing up against his chest. He kissed me a little bit later when I told him it was good to finally meet him, it was sweet.
He went to take a shower while I smoked a little and watched some TV. After I heard the shower quit running, I went into the bedroom to finish blow-drying my hair (Ion hair dryers are great for making straight hair shiny). The bathroom door in his bedroom it was open partway and I kinda peeked at him (I know, I'm a fucking perv, lol) as I dried my hair. He had just finished shaving and his head (and er other parts) was smooth as silk. And since he was shaved, I got a real good look. He had a nice thick cock, and was sporting a semi too, lol.
I asked him if he could put some lotion on my back, and pulled off my top. He had put on some microfiber briefs (love how those make a hardon look!) but I noticed his stiffy got stiffer after rubbing the lotion into my back tattoo. I thanked him and went into the bathroom to rub lotion into the parts I could reach. He followed me in and kissed me properly this time. Mmmm, he kissed nice too! So while he watched I squirted lotion all over my tits and smoothed it on. I figured I'd better quit, or we were never going to get out, lol.
We went to a small college-type club named Tidballs, where we saw a group called Young Billy Walker. They played rock and blues cover songs, and some original music too. The lone female of the group, Andrea, really kicked ass on the blues harp (harmonica). I just loved her attitude! There was this one lady there, Renee, who was dancing solo the whole time. She was fun to watch, just twirling around there on the dance floor, not caring who was watching, just totally into the music. I loved that. I was drinking Smirnoff Ice and shots of Jose' Cuervo, about 4 of each I think, lol. I was having such a good time I kinda lost track. Silk is really heavy into the local music scene, which I thought was helluv cool, I'm into music too. We danced and I drank and got well, pretty fucked up since I knew I didn't have to drive. About the middle of the second set we decided to go. Good thing too, I wanted Silk to fuck me silly out before I passed out, lol.
The sex was hot, that much I remember, though the details are pretty sketchy from all that Tequila. Now mind you 8 drinks might not seem like a lot to you, but all 8 of those drinks were on an empty stomach. I also live in a dry county (no alcohol sales, period) and I don't drink much these days except for my home made wine. So Techy was really shitfaced! I had brought with me a little backpack, and packed a couple toys, a sexy outfit, and a mini tin of peppermint altoids (bseg, remember from my previous post about the mind-blowing head?) I started pulling things out of the backpack as soon as we got there.
I put on the dress, laid out the toys and candy, sat down and got high. After that, the rest gets a little fuzzy. I remember I wanted to suck his hard, thick cock for a long time, but really realy REALLY wanted to feel him deep in my pussy. The dress got thrown off really quick, lol, as I reached for my purple egg and climbed on top. It had been so long since I'd had a dick that, well (this is kinda blunt), stretched me out. It was awesome and as soon as I hit that clit with the egg, I started cumming, which really surprised him I think. He was grinning ear to ear as I rocked on his cock and my juices flowed down to his smooth balls. I think I got really loud too, but I'm not sure. The better the sex, the louder I get, so my guess is yea, lol.
During a brief pause I remember him asking if I had cum that quickly on anyone else before. Now why do you guys out there do shit like that, especially the first time you're having sex with someone? Don''t make us evade the question or tell a white lie. Because I don't care who you are, sex is never the best the first time around. How can it be? You don't even know the other person's body yet. Sure, you'll probably get lucky and hit it on the button a few times. But when you finally learn how to push those buttons on your lover, when and in what order, then throw in a little love . . .mmmmmm, there's nothing like it. (Heavy Sigh)
But I digress, lol.
I've been sick all week with a bad tooth and now a sore throat. I haven't even felt like playing with myself (I know, that is SO not me!), and never got to finish this the way I wanted to, but I'll sum it up. I was so fucking hung over the next day I almost got sick. We had some really good sex that morning though, and I felt pleasurably sore the next day, hehehe. I had a really good time and hopefully he'll give me a booty call sometime, lol. I'd like a chance to get a little freaky with him when I'm not so drunk. One thing though, he's on MySpace and even though I don't care for MySpace (too sloppy looking) we added each other as friends. In his comment to me, he wrote "From a young prince to an old goddess. . ." OLD GODDESS??? I got a little offended, I mean he is 30 and wouldn't exactly call that YOUNG . . . but old? I'm never going to be old, even when I'm 100 (and yes, I will see my 100th birthday at least, it's been prophesized, lol). Old is a state of mind, and that is all. And since I'm constantly changing my mind . . .just kidding. I just refuse to stagnate and follow the norm of society, so I will never be old . . .
Footnote: I hadn't seen JD all week really, except for Monday, when he said he was horny and I asked him "Isn't that what your wife is for?" lol. I told him I had gotten laid over the weekend and I wasn’t needing any at the moment. I had gotten a couple of 1-day contracts servicing routers in banks this week, so I was away. He stopped by this morning (Saturday) while I was cam-chatting on Anywebcam, and I went to my window to talk to him, half naked of course. We talked for a sec, him grabbing his dick while I flashed him, lol. I logged off and went outside to burn one with him. We talked for a few and he was saying how he had been busy this week, but stopped by a couple times and I was gone. "But I'm ready for some more." he laughed and flashed me his hard cock. It looked good enough to eat, if I didn't have this sore throat. He said he was thinking about stopping by later this evening, hint hint. I'm feeling a little better, which means I'm feeling horny again and that cock sure looked good! I found a quote off of Archerly's 360 page "Not everything must be meaningful. It's ok if some are just FUN." and I thought "Hmmmmm, now that is profound . . ." So now I am re-thinking my edict on not fucking married men . . .
Footnote II: After all this happened today, my son mentioned that he tried calling for several hours yesterday afternoon (while I was out on a job) and got a busy signal. He needed something or other signed so he called home from school. No one was here during that time, and I KNOW I logged off the internet because the dialer window was on the screen when I left, and it was still there when I came back. So I decided to do some checking in my logs (I really am a tech you know, lol). Much to my surprise, someone dialed out at 1:38 in the afternoon and disconnected at 3:42, about 30 min before my sons are due home from school. I checked in all the normal places but I couldn't see in my history where anyone had been browsing. Even though it is possible to cover your tracks if you know what you are doing. I started thinking and remembered JD saying he had been by and I was gone, and I realized he had keys to the property, or did at one time anyways. JD ended up coming by at about 10:15, right when I was getting ready to chat. I went outside to burn one and told him I wasn't feeling well, and felt funny with the boys home. I told him to stop by on Monday and he said he would, but I really just want to see his face when I ask him about it. Talk about a fuckin buzz kill!
Hi y'all. I went out this weekend and had a really good time! I started writing about it, but this fucking tooth of mine hurts so damn much I haven't been able to finish it. I lost a HUGE filling in one of my top molars in Feb and haven't had the money to have it fixed. Hopefully my medical card will go through this week and I can get it taken care of.
Well my Greek God turned into a Greek fraud this week. After ignoring me for several days, he finally messaged me. He told me he loved the CD I sent him (I didn't tell him it was coming, I wanted it to be a surprise) and how I was his "special woman" and he wasn't mad at me for getting emotional the other night. He also showed me his raging hard on, as proof of how excited my videos made him. I had sent him a CD with 4 videos, 3 of me and my ex Darkshard having sex and one threesome (bseg). We chatted and played for a minute or two, then all of a sudden he said his company came back and he logged off like the keyboard was on fire. Afterwards I did a little checking and wrote him this letter:
You know, when I first met you, I though you were going to be different than all the other men I have met. For about five minutes, you were. I fell head over heels for you, as the saying goes. Now I see you are just like all the rest of them, a player. You don't really want friendship or companionship (at least not from me), you just wanted to lead me on and make me think you cared so you could get what you wanted. You ignored me for several days, until the CD with my videos on it arrived today. You tell me you weren't ignoring me. You just couldn't go online, you said, because your great-grandmother has been visiting for the last few days. The thing is, I know you are lying to me. You've been on line with your webcam on AWC since then. What pisses me off is that you couldn't take one minute of your time to message me a hello. goodbye or fuck off Techy, I can't talk for a few days, considering we'd been talking every day. This isn't how people who actually care for one another behave. This tells me that you really don't give a shit about me; That I was just a game to you. I have had enough people like that in my life, I don't need any more. So do us both a favor and just forget the pleasure we shared, forget the poetry I wrote, forget the tears I cried, and most importantly, forget that I loved you, because for one second there, I did. Forgeting me shouldn't be too hard to do, I'm sure you've had plenty of practice with your past conquests. And I'm sure another fool will be along shortly to take my place.
But I sit here, still trying to get him out of my system. I meet and cam-chat with all different kinds of people from all over this planet. Sure, physical beauty attracts everyone's attention, but doesn't always keep it. It's someone's personality that holds me, especially if they make me laugh and have a great smile. And there was just something about him . . . first time we chatted, we were both wearing clothes, which is extremely rare for me, lol (he probably didn't have pants on now that I think about it). So it didn't start out like a sex thing. I think it was his smile and his laugh, in addition to being gorgeous (I'm such a sucker for dark hair and green eyes), or maybe because he was my first Greek or he just made me feel special (yea, right). I don't know but chemistry is chemistry. I usually don't question it. OK, enough rambling, on to the good stuff (bseg). . . You're gonna like this!
OMFG, yesterday when JD dropped by in the morning to give me the gardening stuff I was still asleep. I heard the back hoe outside and sat up (naked of course) and saw him out the window (there isn't much of a curtain, you can see right in). I threw on my robe and stumbled outside and told him where to put it. He stared at me while I yawned on the deck. My kimono was half-open and asked me with a grin "You want something to help wake you up?" meaning of course another blow job and toy session. "Nah dude, I was up cam-chatting half the night, I'm going back to sleep." "Well when are you getting up?" he asked me, and I told him I wasn't sure, probably not for a couple of hours at least, and he went back to work.
Little warning bells started to jingle in my head as thought "if JD thinks he's gonna get a fucking blow job everyday, he better think again!" Then I remembered how good it felt to have someone else driving my toys for a change and thought "hmmm . . . was the trade off equal?" For the moment, I supposed it was. I got up a few hours later and decided it was a good time to "wake and bake". So rolled up a small one because I was almost out (and if you don't get this reference nevermind, lol) and fired it up. After a couple tokes, JD pulls up in a John Deere Gator (it's kinda like a an ATV but for farmers). I walked outside and told him he came just in time and passed it to him and sat down in the passenger seat of the Gator, which I noticed was padded and quite comfy. We smoked it down to nothing while chatting. We started talking about sex (of course) and the difference between some one who will give head and some one who really likes to (mainly ME) "You know what I really want to see though?" he said and I asked him what. "I want to see my cum on your lips, that would be awesome." I replied "That could probably be arranged." lol.
"So are you ready yet?" he asked grinning while pressing down on his lap. I could tell he was horny, his dick was practically poking out the top of his pants. Now smoking usually makes me horny and today was no exception, so I already felt my juices starting to build. "Hmmm, I don't know, let me check." I replied, opening my robe and rubbing my clit and pussy lips." I licked the taste off of my fingers "I would say probably . . . yea." I told him I wanted to do it right there outside in the Gator but didn't have my dildo. "Let me go run in and get my toys first, you pull the Gator around back." I went inside and brought my clear purple acrylic dildo this time and my purple egg. The dildo is not a dick shape at all, but smooth and curves up towards the g-spot and has a couple ridges there (I just love those ridges, lol). I also brought out my sleeping bag (just in case, lol).
I sat back down in the Gator with my robe wide open and my legs spread apart. I handed him the dildo while I grabbed for the egg. He looked at me and told me how horny playing with me had made him the day before, and said "Damn girl, you get hella wet, don't you?" "Yea, I'm a squirter." I confessed. He replied "I thought I had seen you squirt, but I wasn't sure. It was fucking hot." as he inserted the smooth purple dildo into my wet pussy. As I turned on my egg and let it do it's work on my clit, he started getting the rhythm down right. I could hear the sounds of how soaked my pussy really was, as . It didn't take long before my head was thrown back and I was starting to cum.
Pussy juices were running from my toy down on to his hand as I kept cumming again and again.. When his arm got tired, he just switched hands, kept right on fucking my pussy, and got the other hand splashed as well. JD was giving it to me good, grinning like a maniac, as I moved the vibrating egg back and forth across my clit. My hands were gripping the seat as the orgasms gripped my body. I watched my face in his blue-mirrored sunglasses as my moans of ecstasy filled the back yard. I love living in the country! I can scream with pleasure as loud as I want (and did). I was making so much noise my dogs started barking, lol. But the louder I got, the more my pussy came, and the bigger JD's grin got.
I was panting, shaking and out of breath when he finally stopped. He looked at me apologetically and told me his arm got tired. I just grinned, didn't say a word and jerked him over and unzipped his pants. I saw the pre-cum on his dick and I knew I was ready for that rock like cock. I opened my mouth wide inserted his cock, and put my fingers in my pussy deep, thrusting. Moaning deeply around the head of his cock, I felt my pussy flood my hand with wetness. The skin on his dick was stretched so tight I thought it would tear. I sucked and licked and teased his cock with my tongue, and took my wet hand and started playing with his balls. It was his turn to moan this time as I pulled him deeper into my mouth. I gripped his ass with both hands and pulled him in my mouth as far as I could, gagging as he hit the back of my throat with his dick.
I could feel the tautness of his muscles tensing, as I let him fuck my mouth faster and faster. "Don't stop, don't stop. . ." he gasped as his thrusts got quicker. I couldn't help it, I had to piull back and give some "cheaters head" (you know, where they just suck on the head and stroke the shaft?), he was choking me! Did I mention he's got a pretty thick dick? I was stroking and sucking till I felt his balls tighten and I knew he was ready. "I'm gonna cummm. . ." he moaned as I looked up from his cock into his face. As soon as I tasted that first drop, still looking up at him, I left the cum spill out, all over my lips. I gripped his balls with one hand while the other stoked the cum out of him. I flicked my tongue back and forth, across that little patch of nerves at the base of the head. I let it squirt all onto my face and drip down to my tits, never taking my eyes off his face the whole time he was cumming. I rubbed his still dripping cock between my tits and felt more cum drip off my chest and belly to puddle on the seat I was leaning over. JD had blown quite a load! I was impressed!
I just sat there, looking at the big puddle of cum (I'm not kidding, I wish I coulda took a picture) on the seat next to me, cum all over my face, still dripping off me, pussy still soaking wet and throbbing, and these big grins on both our faces. We were both a mess and had nothing at all to clean up me or the seat, but it was still soooo fucking cool. I can still see the look on his face (and on mine in his reflected glasses) as he watched me orgasm again and again and again. He had his tongue stuck way out between his teeth, like he was licking my clit hard, while staring as my pussy fountained, going "Yea, yea, you like that huh?" I told him there was napkins in my glove box, and he brought them to me. It took 4 napkins to clean it all up, lol. When he left, he was still grinning ear to ear. I wonder if anyone asked him what he was smiling about. . .
A footnote regarding Bubby . . . He finally got a hold of me yesterday, said he'd been calling for a couple of days, but I was always online, or the phone was busy. He said he even thought I might have blocked his number (I wouldn't). I told him I'd been busy, mostly chatting. He said he had "something" for me again, but I told him I was cool. Then he started telling me how bad things were with his situation, but I could tell from his voice that he was trying to play the sympathy card for some pussy. I didn't buy it, got off the phone kinda quick and didn't call him back like he wanted me too. I'm not that hard up for dick and I just don't want that kinda drama in my life anymore . . .
Footnote on JD - He stopped by as I was getting ready to lay out. Actually, I was naked and getting ready to water plants when he drove up in a tractor. I went inside to grab a robe, even though he's seen me naked, I just didn't want him to get too comfortable with my nudity. I was chatting with him while watering my plants and I noticed he took off his shoes and dirty coveralls while sitting on the porch. Once again he grabbed his dick thru his pants, highlighting the fact that I give him a hard on every time. We discussed the huge orgasm he had yesterday and i commented that I thought the huge puddle of cum was cool, lol.
I really didn't want to cum this morning (Hell, I came like 6 times yesterday!) because I had to pick my boys from school in a few hours so was planning on tanning. I changed into my bikini bottoms and sheer stretch top (I can tan right through it and it's print looks like I'm wearing something) and put my sleeping bag out on the deck, got my tanning oil started rubbing it on. I kept expecting him to smoke a bowl with me, but he said he didn't feel like getting high today. I was thinking WTF, does he think he's gonna come around here whenever he wants and get some free head? He better think again then.
So I laid there on my back, naked from the waist up (took off the shirt just to fuck with his head) and just bullshitted with him for a bit. After a couple minutes he left and went back to work. Now that the weekend is here, there's no chance he'll try asking for some since my kids will be home. But I wonder what he'll do on Monday . . .
Yesterday JD stopped by while I was camming on AWC in my bedroom. We chatted for about a minute or so while I sat on my bed in a short, purple silk kimono. He started telling me how good the blow job was, and grabbed his hardon thru his pants (he seems to do this alot, lol), "See what you do to me girl?" he grinned. I could see very well the outline of his cock thru his jeans and my pussy got immediately wet. Then he asked me if I had any toys and I went over to the dresser.
"Don't tell me you have a toy drawer, do you?" he laughed. "Hell yea." I replied back, taking out Ruffles (for the uninformed, Ruffles is my Acrylic dildo; it has big ridges and tapers from a large marble size, to a doorknob shape on the end) and my purple egg to show him. After telling JD about how acrylic feels like glass, has little friction, and relatively inexpensive, I put my toys back in the drawer. "Mmmmm, sure you don't want to do it again?" he said, referring to the blow job he had gotten last time. I could see clearly the outline of his cock in his pants, and I knew I wanted some, but still had the hangup about him being married. "OK, but what's in it for me?" I asked. "What do you want?" he replied back. I took Ruffles out of the drawer and laid it on the bed grinning. "I can't fuck you, " I explained "so this way, it's not really adultery. Just ask Bill Clinton" "I can deal with that." he agreed.
"Oh my . . ." he said with a smile as he dropped to his knees in front of me while unzipping his pants. His cock practically leaped out as I freed it from it's prison (lol, I had to throw at least one cliche' in here, but it really did jump). As I lowered my mouth to his extremely stiff cock, I lowered his hand to my dildo. My meaning was very explicit as I guided his hand while sucking on the head of his dick. As soon as he slipped Ruffles in my pussy, I felt my juices start to flow. I was soon moaning around his cock in my mouth as he worked my toy in and out. At first he was tentative, then got bolder the wetter I became. It felt so fucking good to have someone else driving for a change, lol!
The more excited I became, the louder I got (ask anyone who has heard me cum, they'll tell ya, lol). He started thrusting the dildo quick and fast, listening to the wetness with this huge grin on his face. Pretty soon I was feeling so fuckin hot I had to spit his dick out and stroke it instead. My head was thrown back moaning as I squirted and came all over my toy and his hand. I started sucking his cock again and my orgasms vibrated from my mouth to his cock with my moans. His dick expanded as my pussy contracted on Ruffles and I started cumming all over again. I felt the cum race up his cock and fill my mouth while my dildo got wetter and wetter and my pussy pulsed tightly.
He quickly stood up (to avoid falling down, lol) and zipped up his pants, thanking me. "That was fuckin hot!" he said and suggested that we have a rematch later. I said sure, but I thought, "jeez, this guy is getting greedy!" He told me would be working in the evening and stop by. Before leaving my bedroom, he paused and turned around "You know this is just for fun, right? We can't tell anybody." and I thought damn dude, like I want a married man, but I told him I thoroughly agreed. I'm a little wary though . . .
One of my favorite quotes is this: (spoken in a badly imitated voice of Forrest Gump) "My Mama always said that to men, good head feels like love everytime!" In my years of experience, I have found this to be quite true; guys will fall in love with good head, lol. Of course the girl attached to the mouth has to come along for the ride . . .but hey, no sacrifice is too great for true love, roflmao. But in either case, I'm sending my head an early warning message; no matter how horny I get, if JD even starts acting needy, demanding, or (heaven forbid) obsessed, I am going to stick my foot up his ass and beat him with his own dick, lol!
Just a little footnote: I had to cum after writing this and took the picture right after . . .