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OK, there is this married guy, "John Deere" (JD for short) who works maintenance near the property where I live. He's always around, so we've struck up a friendship of sorts, and I see him at "4:20 " frequently. Since I live in the country, I walk around the house naked all the time and sunbathe with very little on. I've discussed my webcam and chat activities with him before, as well as other sexploits, and he's told me few of his.
A few weeks ago during one of our talks, he confessed that I give him a hard on whenever I'm around. I was flattered, and thanked him. But told him I have this thing about sleeping with married men. "Out here" I said " that kind of shit can get you killed." We both laughed it off. Then started talking about sex and porn, and I mentioned to him I had a video of me and my ex, Darkshard, having sex. He wanted to see it, so I lent it to him.
He gave it back to me a few days later, and told me he thought it was pretty hot, but he better give it back before his wife found it. Well, over the last couple weeks, our talks have been getting bolder and more personal. Last week I flashed him a couple times and even showed him how to cam on Anywebcam. He told me about his chatting days when he still had a PC, so he was no newbie. But as I started showing him thumbnails of the cams, I couldn't help but notice his bulging hardon! It seemed big for such a thin guy, but I tried not to stare. Not that he noticed, his eyes were transfixed on the screen anyways.
Later on that week he caught me outside sunbathing in a thong. He grabbed his dick through his pants and said "See what you do to me? Sure you wouldn't want a quick one?" I was thinking "damnit, here I am, horny as fuck, and this guy is married . . ." I told him if he was single, I'd jump his bones in a heartbeat ". . . and believe it or not, I do have some morals" I said "they're just well hidden." He said he could respect that, but it sure would be fun. He didn't try to pressure me or anything, but he did let me know that I had an open invitation.
Damn, while writing this, and remembering what happens next, I had to stop, take out my toys and pop one off real quick! It didn't take me too long to cum though, sometimes you feel like a nut . . . lol! On with the story . . . Well this morning JD stopped by and I asked him if he could check out the lawnmower he sold me and to ask for some compost for the garden. After smoking one with him, he told me he'd come back later to take care of it.
I was feeling kinda tired this morning and had a lot of running around to do today, so I took a stimulant to help keep me motivated. The only thing though is stimulants "stimulate" me in more ways than one. They make me hornier than a bitch in heat in a kennel full of dogs. So when I got home, I found he had already stopped by, but I knew he'd be back. My pussy was feeling the heat, so I decided "Fuck my morals, I'm horny damnit!" I rolled one up, changed into a loose jumper type dress, took off my panties, and went to go look for him.
I caught him as he was going down the driveway to leave. I flagged him down and innocently asked if he wanted to burn one. "Well hell yea!" was his answer and I started getting in his truck. I hiked up my dress to get in (since my legs are so short and the step was a big one) and made sure he caught sight of my bare hip. We drove back down the drive to smoke it and I left my dress hiked up. He asked me with a grin, "What you got down there?" I pulled up the hem of my dress and said "Nothin, look . . ." He cocked his head and stared at my bush "Hmmm, let me see that, pull it apart . . ." I obliged by spreading my pussy lips and exposing my hard clit.
He told me "God damn girl, you make my dick hard!" and grabbed it through his jeans. "Oh really?" I asked "Let me see then!" He asked me if I was serious and I said yea, lol. He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his stiff cock. My pussy got immediately wet, he had a nice big fat hard on, for sure! "You sure you don't want some of this?" He asked. I said "Yes, damnit! You just had to show me that hard dick, didn't you? I didn't think you were gonna do it." (this was my attempt at acting like I was playing hard to get and didn't have this all planned, lol). I told him to drive down the road towards the barn.
We pulled in to where the tractors and other farm machinery is kept and got out. Other people were still working (and my boys were outside, down at the lake) so we had to watch out. The last thing either of us needed was to get caught. He asked me how I wanted to do it and I just grinned. Looking around, we found a relatively clean equipment trailer we could lean against. "Do you want me to bend you over get you from behind?" JD asked. I just smiled, I had something else in mind. . .
We heard sounds of another worker on an ATV somewhere nearby, and he started looking for the guy. I pushed him up against the trailer and grabbed his belt and unbuckled it. As soon as he showed me his cock, I knew I wanted to feel it deep in my mouth. It was thick and at least 8" long. "Oh me, oh my. . ." he said as I pulled out his cock and I opened my mouth wide. I slipped his cock in my mouth greedily, savoring every inch. OMFG, I could only get it halfway in my mouth from the angle I was sucking it. Thankfully he is tall so I didn't have to bend over too far to suck it.
It was so hot, finally getting a decent sized cock to suck on! I was still horny as fuck and my pussy was dripping wet, but I wanted to savor this blow job. I licked, and teased with my tongue, not once taking my mouth off his cock. I was starting to moan with pleasure on his pulsing hardon, as I felt how aroused the blow job was making him. I started stoking his skin with my nails as I licked and sucked, but quickly stopped. I remembered in time I couldn't leave any marks on this one, lol. JD kept moaning about how good it was feeling, while I tried taking him deeper and deeper down my throat.
I started taking my time, manipulating his cock with my mouth, tasting his precum, just to see how much I could draw it out. Then I shoved my head down and started fucking his dick fast with my mouth. Oh it felt so good to finally pleasure someone so orally. He started tensing his body and I knew he was close to cumming. I lowered my mouth on JD's cock as far as I could. I was sucking on him hard while the full length of my tongue massaged his rock hard cock from the inside my mouth. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum. . ." he moaned as I felt the pulses of ecstasy race up the shaft of his dick. My mouth filled with his cum while I sucked him dry, swallowing every drop.
I grinned as I got up and straightened my clothes. OK, I had a big shit-eatin’ grin (BSEG) on my face, I will admit it. I just love being naughty sometimes. Who am I kidding, I love being naughty ALL the time, lol. He thanked me for the hot blow job, and I told him it was my pleasure! I had him drop me off at the bottom of the hill, and he said he's see me tomorrow and drop off the compost and lawnmower part. We didn't have sex, technically (just ask Bill Clinton), but I have a feeling I'm playing with fire. I keep imagining how much his hot throbbing cock would stretch out my tight, wet pussy and the thought sends shivers all the way down to my clit. . .
and BTW - Hunter hasn't tried to message or e-mail me in a couple days now, I guess I really blew that one. . . you live and learn . .
I wrote Hunter some poetry specifically to be translated via Babel Fish (, just to see if it translated well. He hasn’t told me if he’s read it or not yet. I’m kinda afraid to ask because I chatted with him yesterday while I was tired and drinking (ok, I was more than half drunk) and I got kinda emotional. I have been enjoying his company way WAY too much for an online relationship. My head should (and does) know better, but tell that to my stupid heart. I was just in a down mood, problems with kids, no job, etc. and was feeling sorry for myself. I got over it though, I logged on to AWC and took my webcam in the bathroom while I bathed, lol. Hunter left before I finished my bath, so never got to ask him if he saw it or understood it. This is the first poem I wrote. I didn’t try to make it rhyme on purpose (though it was hard to come up with words that way), and it’s Greek translation:
From the very first moment I saw you,
you have remained in my mind, constantly.
So close at times I feel like I can touch you,
yet so far away, you might as well be on the moon.
The excitement that you cause this body,
makes me shiver deliciously, all the way to my toes.
It happens every time I see your smiling, handsome face,
you light up my day like lightning in the night.
These feelings I'm having are just crazy!
Is it all an illusion, or just flights of fantasy?
I'm so afraid of being disappointed again,
but there's nothing about you that is typical.
So forgive me, I don't mean to offend.
The last thing I want to do is make you mad.
But to me you seem to be too good to be true,
and if this is a dream, please don't wake me.
Από την πρώτη -πρώτη στιγμή που σας εβλέίδα,
έχετε παραμείνει στο μυαλό μου, συνεχώς.
Τόσο κοντά κατά περιόδους αισθάνομαι ότι όπως μπορώ να σας αγγίξω,
όμως τόσο μακρυά,
επίσης να είστε στο φεγγάρι.
Ο ενθουσιασμός ότι προκαλείτε αυτό το σώμα,
με κάνει να τρέμω υπέροχα, όλος ο τρόπος στα toe μου.
Συμβαίνει κάθε φορά που βλέπω το χαμόγελό σας,
το όμορφο πρόσωπο,
εσείς ανάβει επάνω την ημέρα μου όπως την αστραπή στη νύχτα.
Αυτά τα συναισθήματα που έχω είναι ακριβώς τρελλά!
Είναι αυτό όλο μια παραίσθηση,
ή ακριβώς οι πτήσεις της φαντασίας;
Είμαι τόσο φοβισμένος της απογοήτευσης πάλι,
αλλά εκεί τίποτα για σε που είστε χαρακτηριστικός.
Έτσι με συγχωρήστε, δεν σημαίνω να προσβάλω.
Το τελευταίο πράγμα που θέλω να κάνω είναι σας καθιστά τρελλούς.
Αλλά σε με φαίνεστε να είστε πάρα πολύ καλοί να είστε αληθινοί,
και εάν αυτό είναι ένα όνειρο, παρακαλώ δεν με ξυπνάτε.
The second poem I wrote is straight from the heart. Though it was kinda hard to write with all the interruptions from Yahoo messenger. Strange, because my online message had the “I AM BUSY” icon, and my message said I was busy. Although I did leave my cam up for all to view. Friends, please, if it seems I’m ignoring you after several attempts, it probably means I’m kinda busy, OK? Thanks, I was in creative mode and needed to write, lol. Anyways, I like this second effort alot better. I hope he can understand it after I translate it for him:
Hunting for a new reality
I saw your webcam and it opened my wondering eyes,
to a view that is so beautiful to me.
Now that you've got my attention in more ways than one,
I can't get enough of you, see?
Sometimes I countdown the hours until I see that special face,
even though I don't know when that might be.
But I can hardly wait so please don't hesitate,
to show me that smile that is meant just for me.
You would be a dream come true, if you were only for real.
And yes I know all of this is pure fantasy.
But you inflame my senses so completely and in every way;
You make me want to hunt for a new reality.
The kind of pleasure you bring when our passions meet head on,
floods my body with feelings I dare not name.
This may not be for real, just something made up in my head,
but to my heart it feels like it just the same.
So please let me down gently; will you promise to break it to me slow,
when the time comes to end this sensual game?
I must remember there are no winners or losers, in the end it's a draw,
and all the players should be glad that they came.
Over the weekend (Saturday) I was weak. I finally gave in to my horniness and brought Bubby over. I really wanted some dick, damnit! He gave me 20$ for gas (shit, it’s nearly 3$ a gallon again!) to pick him up and drop him off, and 15$ to give to my son to cut my grass (which he never did finish, lol) so it wasn’t a total waste of time, lol. We were drinkin’ and smokin’ and I started showing him stuff on my iBook. I tried showing him what I “do on my laptop all day” too (cam-chatting on Anywebcam, lol) but he really didn’t seem too interested. So I left my cam up but shut the screen. It looked like the cam was off, but it really wasn’t, lol. I told him later that we did it on cam, he thought it was funny. Sex was OK, nothing to write home about really, just plain vanilla sex. But just like first time I had sex with him, I was about to start my period again (that usually makes me hornier, ROFLMFAO) which put a small damper on things, but not much. It was kinda funny though, I didn’t really “feel” anything towards him. I’ve kinda blocked myself emotionally I guess, because I know it would be a waste of my time. Actually, I’ve come to the conclusion that continuing a “physical” relationship isn’t going to work with Bubby and me.
I had a job interview on Monday (a helpdesk position, I think it went well!) and stopped by Bubby’s house since I was passing through. His brother was bitchin and told me he was still passed out and badly hung over. Bubby had been drinking whiskey AND vodka (the dumbass) the night before, so they didn’t end up going to work. I got him out of bed, and we all smoked one in the living room. We were all giving him hell, because his head was throbbing and he had no one to blame but himself. He started talking about how his night went, and how he drove this girl home who was way beyond drunk and got sick too. And I was like, “how did you drive her?” Then his brother was like, “You weren’t driving my truck were you? You know you can borrow it anytime, but you better not be drinking!” Then I thought “Oh really? That’s funny he’s always telling me you won’t let him borrow it”. But out loud I said, “Oh you can drive some drunk chick home, but not come see me huh?” and tried to turn it into a joke.
He started explaining he drove her in her car, walked home from there, blah blah blah, hurt his back, etc., but I wasn’t really listening. But it did make me stop and think. He’s really just keeping me on a string. For him, the sex is mind blowing, for me, it’s just mediocre. There isn’t much between us anymore, he doesn’t call to talk for more than 5 min, and rarely calls when he says he will or do what he says he’ll do. I’m tired of being convenient pussy for them and not getting much more than a Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma’am. He doesn’t want to be convenient dick for me (convenient being whenever I want it, which is all the time, lol), so why should I for him? So I’m now determined to quit sleeping with him and say, FUCKIT! I can find better dick elsewhere, and he’s just not worthy of me!
Ahhh, my Greek God Hunter is another story altogether now (big shit eatin’ grin). Since he was on vacation I didn’t chat with him until Monday afternoon. I can’t believe how I restrained my self from messaging him until he messaged me first. Because he didn’t message me for 4 days, I kinda put him in the category of one-night-cam. I do most my camming on AWC, but occasionally, I do go c2c (cam to cam) and drop out of public and into private chat. Usually it’s with women who have their cams on private. But on occasion when the chatting/camming has been “interesting” I will have a one-night-cam with a guy, like with Hunter, but never private chat again.
When he got back from his trip and saw I was online, he messaged me enthusiastically and we opened our cams. I saw his gorgeous smiling face again, and started grinning from ear to ear. He seemed excited to see me. I started in teasing and flashing him right away, I love the way he smiles when I do. I also like the way it makes his dick really hard! And he has a dick worth a 7’1” frame. I haven’t asked him how big his dick is. . .yet. I know ALL men measure their dicks though, lol. Well, when we started chatting it was midnight there and he had to get up for work at 6am. We ended up playing with each other on cam and it was so hot! I squirted so much while cumming it formed a puddle under me on the chair and I showed him. I kept trying to get him to get offline and go to sleep, but he was still horny. I kept thinking “His first day back from vacation and he’ll be working with so little sleep” and I tried to be good. But I’m telling you, my Hunter (he calls me HIS techy, lol) has stamina to spare! That dick stayed hard for 3 hours and he came twice! I swear, he cums twice every day we chat, ain’t that awesome? Poor baby only got 3 hrs sleep that night .
I had given Hunter my phone number before he went on vacation, but we still couldn’t figure out the country code thing. I finally googled it and found the correct ones to use from Greece, and he called me. We had already been playing on cam (oh, BTW - I go invisible a lot and don’t really feel like chatting, but if my cam is on, I usually have it set for anyone can view, so no need to ask, just view cam) and I was wet as hell. He ordered me (LOL) to get offline and immediately called me on the phone. I was so glad to finally hear his voice. He sounded so hot and sooo masculine and Greek, lol. Accents always make me horny . . . like I need any more reasons to be horny, lol. His English was pretty good, though at first he sounded nervous, until we started talking dirty. I got my acrylic toy Ruffles (ruffles have ridges, lol) and took the phone in the living room and lay down on the couch.
Very quickly we continued verbally what we started electronically, and started having phone sex. He was fucking me with his words and I was soon having orgasms, back to back to back. Now people have told me after watching me cum on cam they wish I had sound, because I look like make a lot of noise, and I do, lol. And here I am, cumming again and again in his ear while his dick gets harder and harder. He finally explodes for me after I describe how I want him to fuck me from behind and finger my ass. Ooops, did I say that out loud? We got off the phone (I wonder how expensive that call was, .99 cents a min, lol?) and quickly jumped back online and kept on chatting. Of course the chatting turned into cybersexing and next thing I know I’m making puddles in my chair again. He is so hot!! He’s got to have at least an 8” cock, I know. His hands look to be pretty big, I mean he is 7 ft tall, and he’s got a whole lot of cock poking out above his stroking fist!
We’ve been chatting every day now, and I’m trying to learn Greek. I will be the first one to admit it, I’m totally infatuated with this guy. I see his face everyday and seeing him smile that special smile as soon as he sees me. . . it’s just like sunshine after a thunderstorm. The clouds part, and my heart sings, and the sun’s rays feel like an intangible caress. I love the way I can make him laugh and how he cracks me up all the time too. My face hurts after we chat because I’ve got perma-grin (you know that grin that just won’t come off your face?) on the whole time we chat, lol. I’ve been having all these wonderful flights of fantasy about winning the lottery and sailing away for Greece, but deep down I know it won’t happen. But in the mean time, I’m going to enjoy my Greek god and waste my time with someone who at least excites me as much as I excite him, and makes me feel special and wanted every day. You can’t ask for much more than that. . .
The weather has been beautiful for all week. OK, except for today when t-storms knocked out my power for 3 hrs and now my phone is out too (it wasn’t out, I plugged the cord in the wrong hole, lol) and I’ve been working on acquiring a tan (see tan lines above). Since I’m unemployed I use the poor-man’s tanning bed, Mr. Sun and my deck. Recently though I’ve noticed something kinda funny. There is this big, loud wood bee (large, fat, yellow fuzz on head, shiny black butt) that patrols my deck and I’ve never seen it land. It’s really odd, it flies around buzzing off any other flying insect that comes near, and even other bees. The thing is, it also patrols my body while I’m laying out.
It will hover over my body chasing off any other bugs, I’ve even seen it fly at birds that have flown too close to the deck. The weird thing is when it hovers at me eye level and seems to look at me in it’s many eyes (I wasn’t THAT high) like it’s trying to say something. My son even named the stupid fucker “Honey” and I’ll admit, I’ve even talked to it, “OK Honey WTF is your problem B? What do you want from me??” Honey buzzes in a pretty loud way that gets irritating too and It does it to me every time I lay out, the entire time. It’s really starting to bug me . . .
Well, slowly but surely I’ve put distance between Bubby and me. I dropped off an Easter Basket (hope y’all had a Happy Easter) at his house when he wasn’t there. He called a few times, but a few times he said he’d call and never did. He said he “had something for me” and was going to borrow his brother’s car and try to come over, but never did. I finally drove out there yesterday to get this “something”, it was lets say, the same thing that I put in the golden plastic egg in his basket. No big surprise there, though I was hoping for a new vibrator ( I’m so hard on my toys, my ideal job would be a stress tester in a vibrator factory).
Anyways. . . we chatted for a bit, smoked one outside and joked around about my wet pussy (when he called I had my baby kitten in the sink and was putting water on him, training him to take a bath). I amazed myself by restraining my natural lust for sex, and didn’t grab him, snuggle, touch or do anything physical. But I knew I was so horny you could probably smell me if you stood close enough, lol. He said that maybe we could take care of my wet pussy situation this weekend, if he could get a car, and I was like “Sure, whatever. Just give me a call, if I’m not online.” The funny thing is, when he kissed me good bye, it wasn’t much more than a peck on the lips, I didn’t feel anything really. I really don’t care if he calls or not, (other than I could use come convenient dick) because I’ve learned I can’t really believe he’ll follow through with anything he says.
He had made a comment earlier about trying to call me the night before but I was online pretty late. I said “Yea, were you drunk or something? You don’t call me for a while then all of a sudden you call 3 times in one day.” Then I told him about I was busy chatting on Anywebcam with this 7’1” tall guy from Greece that had these really pretty eyes and I could see the flash of jealousy. He says something like “Oh checking out this guy’s dick on cam,huh?” and tried to kinda joke about it. I explained to him that after the first thousand or so dick cams you view, they all start to look the same, I want to see mens’ FACES! You can always show me your dick later. . .
That first night I chatted with my Greek God (his name is “Hunter”) we were both totally clothed, rare for me, I know (well, ok, my shorts were unzipped for a quick flash, lol). Being on slow dialup, I can only perv one cam at a time on Anywebcam (I’m lifetime Gold on there) so I don’t perv men’s cams much (but I do perv all the fem cams, lol). But then I spotted Hunter, “WOW,” I thought “He’s gorgeous!” Tall, dark, green eyes, sexy hairy chest, well groomed, yummy! We started chatting and I found he had a great personality too (ok, so he told me he thought I was real pretty, and so what if I was in need of an ego stroke, lol?) I decided to check out his profile and was sooo let down. He lives in Athens, Greece. That figures. I can’t even find anyone I like within the same country.
We had an interesting conversation (laced with compliments and blatant flirting), I didn’t believe he was 7’1”. That would make him over 2ft taller than me! He said he really was that tall, so I made him stand up. Yep, he was, them legs went on forever. Then I thought, hmmmm, he would be my tallest man. I told him then, I wanted to add him to my “collection”(that sounds so bad), lol, so he could be my tallest man. The previous record was this guy I dated 17 years ago that was 6’7”, and he would be almost 6 inches taller! I started visualizing the different positions where his height (and my lack of) would be, lets say “advantageous”, but then I had to go eat dinner with the kids. I hated to run and told him to add me to his yahoo, I’d like to chat with him later. When I was done, I went back on AWC, but he wasn’t there. I wasn’t surprised, when we were talking earlier I think it was like 4am in Greece or something.
On to last night, I just bought some new sheets and now that spring is here, my depression is lifting and I wanted to finally put away my room. So I spent the day doing laundry, and decided to make my new bed on cam. For some strange reason, some people seem to like to watch you perform domestic house chores naked or nearly so, lol. Anyways, I notice Hunter is online and looking sexy as ever. We dropped over to Yahoo for a little one-on-one time, and had a really good time. . . twice even! Mmmm, you gotta love a man with stamina, did I mention he’s like 10 years younger than me? Well, I ended up giving him my phone number. I couldn’t tell him how to call me from there though. I’ve never called anyone international before. I hope he calls, I’ve never had international phone sex before. . .
Well, I got some goodbye sex this weekend (and spilled my guts out after quite a bit of tequila). I just wish I could remember if the sex was any good. I guess that means it wasn’t, lol. Deciding to try to end it isn’t the problem, trying to keep him as a friend is. Though now I’m not sure it’s worth the trouble. But for real, how can you break up with someone you were never really going with in the first place? Actually, I have done that before, with someone I dated off and on for about 4 years, though according to him we were never really “going together”. Coulda fooled me . . . these are two of the poems/songs I wrote about it 10 years ago:
Early Morning Ramblings
Lying here, thinking of you
Can't get you out of my mind.
Wondering where this thing is leading to,
Wondering what I'm gonna find. . .
Many sleepless nights thoughts of you
Keep me tossing and turning, alone in my bed.
Visions of making sweet love to you
Go swirling through my head. . .
I wonder what you really think of me.
Am I just another way of killing time?
And whether or not someday I'll be
The one that you call 'mine'. . .
Do you ever think that it's fated
That love becomes created
Just to save us from being alone?
Love can be so complicated,
And sometimes not appreciated
Till it's too late and then it's gone.
So in the morning I call just to hear your voice
Curious to see if you're doing fine.
But you'll call me back later, or so you say,
Like you've done so many other times. . .
You'll get busy and forget, it's happened before.
There just aren't enough hours in the day. . .
But I can't help thinking, maybe I'm bothering you
And you really wish I would just go away. . .
I really wish I could just read your mind,
And get rid of these doubts going through my head.
Cause then I might sleep better at night,
Instead of tossing and turning, alone in my bed. . .
Do you ever think that it's fated
That love becomes created
Just to save us from being alone?
Love can be so complicated,
And sometimes not appreciated
Till it's too late and then it's gone.
So another day goes by and I'm still in the dark.
No wiser for all my early morning reflections. . .
Maybe I'm better not knowing the truth,
At least I have hope keeping me from depression.
You've really got a hold on me, I don't know what is it.
But I can't get you out of my mind.
Not that I really want to any way,
Even though the future doesn't look kind.
So I'll just take my chances and hedge my bets
Hoping that one day you might see
That loving me wouldn't be so bad,
It might even set you free. . .
Do you ever think that it's fated
That love becomes created
Just to save us from being alone?
Love can be so complicated,
And sometimes not appreciated
Till it's too late and then it's gone.
Just how it goes
The Moon is high in the sky tonight
So why am I feeling so low?
The time is right
To say goodnight
But I don’t really want to go
The stars are shining bright in the sky
Their glow reflects in my eyes
As I’m watching you
I start feeling blue
Cause I know I’m not being wise
When I laid in your arms the other night
I didn’t dare move or roll
I was afraid you’d wake
And give me a shake
And tell me it’s time to go
I love you baby, with all of my might
But your love it just doesn’t show
I guess it’s because
It’s not me you love
So why do you hold me so?
My head is a mass of confusion . . .
I’m not sure which way to turn
What I would do
Ain’t what I should do
Either way I’m sure to get burned . . .
Why oh why isn’t love ever easy?
All I wanted was to call you mine . . .
To share your love
Just to love you my love
And with you spend all of my time
It’s the end of the same old story
Girl meets boy and falls in love
But it’s not returned
And in the end she’s burned
Someone must not like her up above
There’s no such thing as a happy ending
For a girl with stars in her eyes
It’s just not fated
For this love to be created
But it’s so hard to break the ties
I can’t lay down and just give you this body
And not give you my heart
So I guess this is it
And I must admit
It’s really tearing me apart
So I guess it’s time to finally say goodnight
And this story comes to a close
As we turn the page
The actors leave the stage
No one’s to blame, that’s just how it goes.
So now I have the task of getting him out of my system. I’ve made the first step, I put up another personal on Yahoo. I figured I’d give it one more try, they can’t all be jerks, ya know? Here’s my personal ad:
Thought I'd give this another try
I'm a sensual, intelligent, creative, honest and very loving person who is really tired of being alone. I'm cuddly, funny, and sexy, into computers and a pretty good cook too. I love to fish, camp, and do anything outdoors. I like listening to music, playing pool and partying when the mood is right. I'm a firm believer in instant chemistry and attraction between people, and without it a relationship is just not possible. And yes, I am looking for a relationship. I didn't think I was until a recent semi-relationship. I realized then that I shouldn't waste my time on someone that can't "be into me" as much as I am into them. I'm also a hopeless romantic that gives as good as she gets. I'm not sure at all what I'm looking for in a person, everyone is individual. They must have a good sense of humor and like to have fun though, and lots of stamina helps, lol. Oh, and honesty and trust is a must, I really hate liars. There's never any reason to lie to me anyways, I'm very non-judgmental. If this arouses your curiosity, let get to know each other and see what happens.
. . . and if you know anyone interested living near Owensboro, KY, tell them to message me, lol.
I swear, some weeks it just doesn't pay to be me. . .OK, after asking for opinions (and talking to friends) the consensus was - Dump his ass. So after him not calling me for 2 days and careful deliberation, I was working up to it. When he called Saturday night, I didn't jump at the offer to go see him. Well, he decides to call me at 3am and asks me to come get him (a 30-min drive) and he sounded kinda wasted and like something was wrong, so I picked him up and brought him back home (he also said he had something for me).
By this time I get back home, it's 4am and I realize one of my twins is missing. He's 16 and "problematic" so after looking around inside and outside, I figure he's out camping in the woods, like he's done before, no big deal. So Bubby and I wake up a little, catch a buzz and have some pretty hot sex, then go fishing outside. But between the sex and the fishing, we have a long talk. I told him I was this <-----> close to kicking him to the curb, and told him why and he said I got it all wrong, blah blah blah. Then we started having a deep conversation about what we wanted in a partner, a relationship, our qualities, and just kinda finding out about each other, it was really cool.
When we started fishing, I woke up my son's twin and told him to go find his brother in the woods. Well, after catching a nice size cat, and not seeing either of the twins, I go looking for myself. To make a long story short, the other twin found a note in the shed from his brother that meant:
a) he's r-u-n-n-o-f-t
b) he's gonna hurt himself
c) he's playing drama king
So while looking for him I take a one-foot jump up a 1ft embankment and somehow when I landed, I pulled my right calf muscle or ligament. All I know was that I felt something snap like a rubber band in my upper calf and it hurt like fuck! I could barely walk, and I'm still limping like a zombie from "The night of the living dead". So now I give up looking and ask my youngest son if he knows where his brother might be. He says maybe so I tell him to let his brother know that I'm not mad or anything, I just want him to come home. Bubby and me decide to go to Owensboro (30 min away) to find . . .well, er, something, lol, and hoping either my youngest son finds him, or he sees me leave and comes home to eat.
Well, we go to his (brother's) house and the sister-in-law that I think he's got a thing for is there. She leaves for work a few minutes later, and it's 4:20 in the living room. Well, I'm horny again by this time (ok, still) and I started molesting him in the living room. Well, I knew his brother was working, too so we weren’t likely to get caught, but I wouldn't let him up to check to see if the door was locked.
It's a well known fact (to most that know me) that I love to give head, am pretty damn good at it, I'll do it for a looooong time and last but not least, I like to swallow. It's the thing that all my ex's like most about me, roflmao. So as I deliciously suck on his cock (and from what I gather, his wife must not have given him head much) and my pussy's getting wetter and wetter, I tell him I want him to cum in my mouth. And that's when he lays it on me - He's never came in his partner's mouth before!
Now you can't tell me something like that and not expect me to want to collect that cherry! Well after sucking his cock for over 30 min (I was willing to keep going) and him not cumming (but oh so close!) he ended up being greedy and fucked the hell out of him there in the living room. It was kinda my get back at his sister-in-law to drip my pussy juices all over her couch as I came (like I can control how wet my pussy gets). And damned if the sex just doesn't keep getting better and more intese each time we fuck. I figure I'll collect that never-came-in-a mouth cherry later.
I call home and my son is there, much to my relief (the little shithead). Well, he drives us back to my place (I can't drive with my hurt calf) and calls his sister to come pick him up (remember, he had to sell his car to get out of jail) and she agrees to come about 6:30 - 7pm. Well it was after 5:15 so I figure if I'm gonna get some more I better start now, I really wanted to work on popping that cherry! You see I have this little trick I want share on how to give great head.
First off, you can't merely suck on a dick, lick it a few times and expect it to be great, you need to make love to that dick with your mouth! And no cheater's head either, you know where she wraps her hand/s (depending how big you are, lol) around your cock and just barely suck the head? Lazy bitches! But how to make any head better, just chew up a couple of Peppermint Altoids in your mouth and before it's completely crushed/dissolved, start putting his cock in your mouth, slowly, and let the candy dissolve on his dick. Then after a couple minutes, take it out of your mouth and breathe or blow on it. This is guaranteed to drive him wild!
Er, where was I? Oh yea, well, the Altoids went to work as usual, but this time I wanted the dick. So I fucked his brains out again, and it was even better than before, for both of us! But no sooner had we finished, literally 1 minute after, his sister drives up to get him, grrrrrrrrrrr. He called me later on that night, to say goodnight and check how we were doing, because we were having Tornado and Severe Thunderstorm warnings all over the place, and I live in a trailer.
Well, I don't hear from him the next day at all, then he finally calls me last night while I was taking a bath. He tells me he hasn't been home, because of some drama that happened. According to him (and he's 36 now), the 16 year old niece of his sister-in-law just broke up with her boyfriend, and was real upset, so he borrowed his brother's pickup and went to cheer her up (hmmm, but he couldn't drive it over here to see me?). Then the girl's grandmother went over there and accused him of "doing something" with her, which he staunchly denies. Yea. . .right. . .I was born at night, but not last night.
I asked him if he really did it, because I handle the truth much better than most people and can spot most lies a mile away, but he denied it again. I asked him why didn't he call me then and tell me (the night before) and he said he didn't go home. So I asked him where he stayed and he was kinda vague about it, then said just a friend's. Then I got a little pissed and said you couldn't even call me? He was calling me right then at a payphone near his house, said he nervous about how his brother was gonna act, and that it'll get straightened out.
I get off the phone and call this other guy I kinda made friends with, and see if he wants to burn one. Now there is a whole other drama about this new guy, Chris. He's like a male version of 50 first dates, but not that bad (more about him in my next post maybe). So anyways, I go over there and after the smoke clears, I ask him his opinion on my situation. He agrees with me that Bubby is lying, and that once that initial trust is blown, you can never get it all the way back.
Well, after visiting for a couple hours I come home and start to heat something to eat when Bubby calls. As soon as he started talking, I felt something odd in his voice. First off he joked that he was in his room naked, which is out of character for him, cause he's kinda shy. I asked how things went when he got home, and he told me everything was OK. Then asked him if his brother believed him about not doing anything with that girl, and I told him that I didn't. I also said I didn't really have a right to be pissed about it or anything, but I just didn't believe him. I told him if he was truly innocent, he would have went home that night and faced the music with no problem . . .if he didn't do it..
Then he started saying "Well I did go home . . ." blah blah blah, and I told him "Well, that's not what you told me the first time." He said he was really hurt, that my not believing him hurt him alot. But I told him I'm sorry I just couldn't believe his story. I kinda gave him the benefit of the doubt (the jury was still out) when he said he didn't sleep with his sister-in-law the night he rented a motel room w/two beds and partied with her. But this was too much. I said "Well look, I was in the middle of making me something to eat so I'm gonna go, OK?" and he started to say OK or something, but I just hung up the phone without saying goodbye.
There goes my steady source of sex. And I really liked this guy too.